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Revue | Journal of Anthropological Research |
Numéro | vol. 72, n° 1, 2016 |
XLI JAR Distinguished Lecture
- Hard Times in Dry Lands: Making Meaning of Violence in the Ancient Southwest - Debra L. Martin p. 1-23
- Not Only Flint: Levallois on Quartzite and Limestone at Abrigo de la Quebrada (Valencia, Spain): Implications for Neandertal Behavior - Aleix Eixea, Valentin Villaverde, João Zilhão p. 24-57
- A “High-Intimacy” Language in the Atlantic: Radio and Purism in the Faroe Islands - Stephen Pax Leonard p. 58-76
- From Cave to Village: Social Structure and the Development of an Architectural Landscape - Nabil Ali p. 77-101
Book Reviews
- Ronda L. Brulotte and Michael A. Di Giovine (Eds.). Edible Identities: Food as Cultural Heritage, 2014 - Lucy M. Long p. 102-103
- E.N. Anderson. Food and Environment in Early and Medieval China, 2014 - Kaori O'Connor p. 104-105
- Lila Ellen Gray. Fado Resounding: Affective Politics and Urban Life, 2013 - Kathryn Metz p. 105-107
- Jocelyne Guilbault and Roy Cape. Roy Cape: A Life on the Calypso and Soca Bandstand, 2014 - Donna P. Hope p. 107-109
- Young-a Park. Unexpected Alliances: Independent Filmmakers, the State and the Film Industry in Postauthoritarian South Korea, 2014 - Kyu Hyun Kim p. 109-111
- Roman Sieler. Lethal Spots, Vital Secrets: Medicine and Martial Arts in South India, 2015 - Mark Singleton p. 111-113
- Kenneth C. Hill and Dorothy K. Washburn. Hopi Katsina Songs, 2015 - Scott G. Ortman p. 113-115
- Izumi Shimada and James L.Fitzsimmons. Living with the Dead in the Andes, 2015 - Corina M. Kellner p. 115-117
- Elisabetta Viggiani. Talking Stones: The Politics of Memorialization in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland, 2014 - Kelli Ann Malone p. 117-118
- Nancy N. Chen and Lesley A. Sharp (Eds.). Bioinsecurity and Vulnerability, 2014 - Lyle A. Fearnley p. 118-120
- Karen Bassie-Sweet (Ed.). The Ch'ol Maya of Chiapas, 2015 - Walter E. Little p. 120-122
- Antony K. Webster. Intimate Grammars: An Ethnography of Navajo Poetry, 2015 - Kristina Jacobsen p. 122-123
- Mark W. Allen and Terry L. Jones (Eds.). Violence and Warfare among Hunter-Gatherers, 2014 - Luke Glowacki p. 124-125
- Danny Zborover and Peter C. Kroefges (Eds.). Bridging the Gaps: Integrating Archaeology and History in Oaxaca, Mexico, 2015 - Stacie M. King p. 126-127