Contenu du sommaire : Sémiotique du discours et tensions rhétoriques, sous la direction de Jean-François Bordron et Jacques Fontanille

Revue Langages Mir@bel
Numéro no 137, mars 2000
Titre du numéro Sémiotique du discours et tensions rhétoriques, sous la direction de Jean-François Bordron et Jacques Fontanille
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Introduction - Jean-François Bordron, Jacques Fontanille p. 3-15 accès libre
  • La métaphore perceptive. Eidétique et figurativité - Pierre Ouellet p. 16-28 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The processes underlying perceptive metaphors are embodied into the figurativity of discourse, which should not be reduced to rhetorical figures or tropes but also embraces the iconic dimension of syntax, i.e. words order, diathesis, aspect, point of view, etc., as they form the gestalt structure of language by the means of which we recognize the perceptual style of a given discourse. Those different levels of language give an access to the sensitive and categorial perception underlying the schematization of our experience. They are responsible of the very plasticity of meaning, deeply related to the structure of mental imagery or what phenomenology calls inner Gehalt and intuitive content. The main focus of the article is to seize how perceptive metaphor in poetry and in every day life relies on the process of perceptual and categorial construction of reality based on the phenomenological structure of imagination.
  • Enthymème et textualisation - Denis Bertrand p. 29-45 accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
    L'interrogation centrale de l'article concerne la jonction entre le concept rhétorique d'enthymème et le concept sémiotique de textualisation : celle-ci peut-elle être rapprochée de l'enthymème, et même considérée comme une redéfinition de ce phénomène discursif central dans la rhétorique aristotélicienne ? En quoi les propositions actuelles de la « rhétorique tensive » permettent-elles de suggérer une réponse ? Le statut de l'enthymème dans l'histoire de la rhétorique, entre l'approche argumentative du concept chez Aristote et celle de la logique de Port Royal, conduit à articuler le paramètre logique (la catégorisation implicite projetée) et le paramètre pragmatique qui livre l'implicite à l'énonciataire et sollicite sa participation interprétative. Le rapprochement peut alors s'établir avec les conditions de la textualisation sémiotique : sa définition, l'espace d'énonciation qu'elle libère, et ses limites comme opération discursive d'agencement et de prise en charge des données elliptiques et prévisibles du discours. On sera alors amené à envisager l'apport de la rhétorique tensive à l'approche sémiotique de la textualisation, en mettant l'accent notamment sur les modes de co-présence des significations et sur l'assomption du sens par le sujet interprétatif. Cette analyse invite à isoler la composante thymique qui se trouve au cœur de l'enthymème (l'еn-thymie), et à envisager le passage de l'enthymème restreint (structure cognitive d'argumentation) à l'enthymème étendu (intégrant de droit la composante thymique de l'assomption et la dimension passionnelle du discours). Son déploiement du côté des discours figuratifs permettra enfin de poser la notion « d'enthymème figuratif » , dont la problématique sera développée et exploitée à travers la théorie de la lecture de Proust, comprise comme un acte de textualisation et reposant sur une série de catégories mises en corrélation à partir du matériau-image : corrélation entre le perceptif et le discursif, entre le croire cognitif et l'incorporation du sensible dans l'émotion, entre la création textuelle et la lecture.
    Our purpose is to compare the theoretical status of the rhetorical concept of enthumema with the semiotical one of textualization. Can the latter be considered as a redefinition of the central discursive phenomenon in Aristotelian rhetoric? The historical approach of enthumema in rhetorical field leads us to articulate the logical parameter (the implied categorization) with the pragmatical one (calling for interpretative participation). On the other hand, textualization in semiotics is defined as the way discourse is conducted, considering its restricting linearity rules, when it leaves contents in the dark as far as other contents are brought in light, and thus offers the speaker strategic opportunities and the reader interpretation space. The new semiotic approach of tensive interrelations between different meaning levels allows us to establish a link between enthumema and textualization, focusing, in particular, the "thymic" root of the rhetorical concept. This extended viewpoint is developed and illustrated with a M. Proust's text about novel reading theory.
  • Réflexions à partir de renouvellements de locutions stéréotypées - Ursula Bähler p. 46-62 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Modifications of stereotypical locutions in literary texts are well known rhetorical procedures. Studies of this subject have largely focused upon the deconstructive function of such modifications. Adopting a constructive perspective, this contribution will examine such procedures not only as a way of denying a given form of aesthetics and/or a given system of values but also as a means of proposing a new form of aesthetics and a new system of values. Since modifications of stereotypical locutions articulate formal signs which explicitly invite the reader to construct dialogical relations between the known (a "source universe") and the unknown (a "target universe"), they can be considered a particularly obvious example of a type of enunciative operations which is productive for the interpretation of "poetic language" in general.
  • Entre rhétorique et dialectique : la constitution des figures d'argumentation - Pierre Boudon p. 63-86 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Recent theories of argumentation taught us that it was not possible to dissociate a theory of language from the principles of argumentation. The faculty of reasonning is at the core of the language in the same way as argumentation uses its resources and its implicit representations of the world to build procedures of validation for its arguments. We find here classical propositions of rhetorics, namely the notions of exemple (exemplum, paradeigma) and enthymem. Notwithstanding the fact that it will be taken care of by speakers, this dialectic at the core of language states the problem of its conceptualization outside of the classical limits of a linguistic. This is why we propose a new direction, taking place in a wider project, based on a module named templum (plur. templa). In particular, we find again Peirce's considerations about abduction, that wider the traditional field of logics in order to integrate new processes of discovery.
  • La rhétorique de la tension chez Léonardo Crémonini. Figure de l'attente et figure de l'aguet dans l'énoncé visuel - Françoise Parouty-David p. 87-101 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    In the philosophy of the french art movement called Nouvelle figuration, Cremonini starts from familiar, apparently harmless scenes and introduces into his pictures a number of tensive signs on each plane : figurative, expressive and enunciative. He builds a baroque space in the Wölfflin sense where wait and watch figures predominate in a narrative yet suspended program. Wait here is linked to promise and mainly to threat. A motif of wait, the watch figure is specific of volitive modalities of seeing and showing through various manipulations of things : mirrors, windows, glasses... The corpus generates a strong pathemisation and comes under a rhetoric strategy, a very tensive one with its predominantly persuasive dimension resulting from the coherent recurrences from one painting to another.
  • Esquisse d'une grammaire du sublime chez Longin - Claude Zilberberg p. 102-121 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The study has three objectives: (i) to reinforce the still fledgling hypothesis of the schematism of tension. This hypothesis proposes to accentuate the orientation of the interval which is considered to be more dynamic than opposition; the sublime according to Longinus' description is characterized by suddenness, hence speed, by which he forces the enunciatee to bridge the semantic gap; (ii) establish that the principal distinctions of rhetoric, in this case restricted if one relates it to the works of Aristotle, are already those that tensive semiotics is labouring to specify; (iii) finally, from the perspective of future generalization, the point of view adopted here is indirect as it is not presented as the ordinary relation of a commenting texte [D2] to a commented text [Dl], but as a commentary [D3] of a commentary [D2], such that the point of view has for its formula: [D3 - D2 - Dl]. The possibility of grammaticality, that is , the constraining recurrence of certain semantic categories , is related to the stabilization of the relation [D3 - D2].
  • Abstracts - p. 122-124 accès libre