Contenu du sommaire : L'argumentation en dialogue, sous la direction de Claudine Garcia-Debanc

Revue Langue française Mir@bel
Numéro no 112, décembre 1996
Titre du numéro L'argumentation en dialogue, sous la direction de Claudine Garcia-Debanc
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Présentation - Claudine Garcia-Debanc p. 3-8
  • Le trilogue argumentatif. Présentation de modèle, analyse de cas - Christian Plantin p. 9-30 avec résumé en anglais
    Argumentation as trilogue Argumentative situation is seen as a three-roles interaction : Proponent, holding a discourse ; Opponent, holding a counter-discourse ; Third party, in charge of the question generated by the confrontation discourse vs counter- discourse. To show that the concepts and method of argumentation analysis can be fruitfully applied to long-range interactions, this general framework is applied to the analysis of the arguments put forward during a fifty-minutes session of an arbitration committee owners / tenants.
  • L'argumentation dans le dialogue - Jean-Michel Adam p. 31-49 avec résumé en anglais
    Within the frame of textlinguistics and of a theory of the levels of discourse organization, this article provides a study of the forms of the insertion of argumentation in written dialogues (drama, fiction, newspaper interviews). Argumentation is first dealt with as a microlinguistic phenomenon (connected clauses and sentences) and is then examined as a macrolinguistic phenomenon (expanded argumentative sequences).
  • Quand des élèves de CM1 argumentent - Claudine Garcia-Debanc p. 50-66 avec résumé en anglais
    This article sets out a comparative analysis of two oral argumentative discourse samples produced by ten years old pupils. They argue at the beginning of a scientific process (heuristic argumentation), then they have a discussion about books they like (rhetorical argumentation). The textual sequences and the construction of meaning through interaction are analysed. Both heuristic and rhetorical aspects are present in the two recordings.
  • Activités argumentatives et élaboration de connaissances nouvelles : le dialogue comme espace d'exploration - Elisabeth Nonnon p. 67-87 avec résumé en anglais
    It is restrictive to introduce the arguing activity as a set of rhetorical techniques meant to convince others of a pre-established proposition in such a way that the speakers come up against one another. Whether it concerns theoretical discussions or ordinary dialogues, this activity often has the exploratory and constructive dimension of a joint investigation. A conjoined logico-discursive action on the topics of speech and on the points of view is therefore fundamental. According to this outlook, a discussion in a school environment, in a position of shared action aimed at building knowledge is analysed by pointing the indicators which enable to determine this dynamics : the referential shifts in the meaning of terms, the changes of semiotics modes and relevance levels, the modalisations, the emergence of a problematical dimension to speech.
  • Compétence argumentative et production écrite en langue étrangère et maternelle - Robert Bouchard p. 88-105 avec résumé en anglais
    This paper is about the analysis of the written production of argumentative discourse. Thanks to the technique of collective writing it is possible to observe the process of discourse production. Declarative, strategic and procedural abilities of two non native adults are successively analyzed and compared periodically to those of two young native speakers. This study focuses on only two levels : global and interphrasal organisation of discourse. The organisation of debates in class so as to bring students to build argumentative concepts and help them in their approach of texts (reading and writing) shows the limits of a didactic scheme which relies on oral language practice for the elaboration of written texts.
  • Quelle fonction donner au travail oral dans l'élaboration d'un écrit argumentatif ? - Isabelle Delcambre p. 106-123 avec résumé en anglais
    Quelle fonction donner au travail oral dans l'élaboration d'un écrit argumentatif ? The organisation of debates in class so as to bring students to build argumentative concepts and help them in their approach of texts (reading and writing) shows the Limits of a didactic scheme which relies on oral language practice for the elaboration of written texts. An alternative consists in using oral language as a means of solving the problems of argumentative writing, starting then from such situations to bring the students to an awareness of metalanguage by considering oral language as an object of knowledge in itself.
  • Abstracts - p. 125-126