Contenu du sommaire : Développement durable et gestion des risques : quels enjeux pour quelles décisions ?

Revue Vie et sciences de l’entreprise Mir@bel
Titre à cette date : Vie & sciences économiques
Numéro no 179-180, 2008/2-3
Titre du numéro Développement durable et gestion des risques : quels enjeux pour quelles décisions ?
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • La Rédaction

  • Éditorial

    • Éditorial - Sophie Gaultier-Gaillard, Florent Pratlong p. 7-8 accès libre
  • Études

    • Quels indicateurs du développement durable en milieu industriel pour conforter la gestion du risque ? - Khéloufi Benabdeli, Djamila Harrache p. 9-21 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Implementing a sustainable industrial development strategy relies on a relevant indicators selection. The latter should allow the integration of this concept in the organization without changing the way it operates. The indicators selection must stem from the environmental policy amongst which the environmental audit constitutes a key standard. The indicators must allow indicating the possible issues and follow them up. The goal being to improve the industrial risk management.
    • Le développement de la gestion durable des ressources humaines : un éclairage par les outils de pilotage des performances - Hugues Poissonnier, Dominique Drillon p. 22-43 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Human resources management (HRM) is nowadays moving towards the sustainable development concept integration into the companies' practices. This contributes to the corporate social responsibility development. However what is the real meaning of human resources sustainable management (HRSM)? What are the practices which support the HRSM policies?How to implement those practices and for which goals?An analysis of the transition from the HRM concept to the HRSM one is being proposed. It is based on recent corporate governance changes and relies also on the performance concept.
    • Les obligations réglementaires en matière de communication extra financière des entreprises : la gestion des risques de contentieux par la transparence - Fabrice Mauléon p. 44-61 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility are becoming inescapable elements in Corporate Communication. This transparency effort about their social and environmental impacts is link with the legal pressure which is stronger and in favor to the stakeholders about non financial elements. This information exercise do not be consider as something light: it could become a juridical risk.
    • New dynamics in risk management: a case analysis of the emergence of nanotechnologies - Claire Auplat p. 62-75 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Cet article explore la nouvelle dynamique de la gestion des risques en se focalisant sur le développement des nanotechnologies. Il s'appuie sur une étude comparative de deux groupes d'initiatives publiques. Il montre que le développement co-industriel et l'émergence institutionnelle des nanotechnologies ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles formes de gestion des risques. Ces dernières se définissent comme l'agrégation des attentes des différentes parties prenantes.
    • Économie 3d et intégration des univers virtuels en entreprise : l'apport écologique des TIC - Bernard Quinio, Gilbert RÉVEILLON p. 76-93 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      At the heart of sustainable development, virtual universes offer real opportunities for enterprises and therefore for research in management dealing with immersive environment, interaction and co-creation of values (artefact, process). New capabilities and new tools are emerging. The observation work undertaken, allows the presentation of several application cases for enterprises as well as one classification. We then propose an approach that could help enterprises to launch activities inside these new environments of collaborative work with a responsible carbon footprint.The cross fertilising insights from research and management of organisations are enhanced in this occasion, within an ecosystem of mutual enrichment between the digital world and the molecular one. The 3D economy process is based on shorter cycles of decision making process and of realisation that we can apprehend through the « bridge model » allowing an enriched governance of allocation of the organisation resources. This « bridge model » integrates and goes beyond the added value chain in order to allow the emergence of the values constellation over new framework of realisations and managerial experiences. It contributes to this sustainable process of 3D urbanisation of knowledge.
    • Le développement durable : des enjeux renouvelés pour le management des ressources humaines - Marc Arbouche p. 94-110 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      This communication wants to be exploratory. The main aim is to consider the appropriation of some concepts resulting from the CSD and the SCR corpus by the management of human resources. These conceptual resources to adapt recut perennial concerns of management. Initially we will release the elements of an ethical-social analysis of the stakes of sustainable development and social responsibility for management, particularly of human resources. In the second time we will examine the contribution of the approach of the capacities to a management of human resources falling under the prospect for organizational durability. In the third time, one will show how sustainable development, through its social dimension dealt with by the significant practices of management of human resources, can be connected to the approach of capability and human development.
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