Contenu du sommaire : Nuits et montagnes
Revue |
Revue de Géographie Alpine ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 106, no 1, 2018 |
Titre du numéro | Nuits et montagnes |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Nuits et montagnes. Premières explorations d'une double frontière - Luc Gwiazdzinski, Will Straw
- Nights and Mountains. Preliminary Explorations of a Double Frontier - Luc Gwiazdzinski, Will Straw
- « Vous connaissez les Pyrénées le jour, découvrez-les la nuit... ». Réflexions autour de l'artialisation in visu des paysages célestes nocturnes pyrénéens - Bruno Charlier « Paysages célestes nocturnes. Vous connaissez les Pyrénées le jour, découvrez-les la nuit... » est le titre d'une exposition de photographies créée en 2012 par le Pays de Lourdes et des Vallées des Gaves (Hautes-Pyrénées) pour sensibiliser aux enjeux du projet de la Réserve internationale de ciel étoilé (RICE) du Pic du Midi. Un examen attentif des clichés qui la composent montre que cette exposition ne propose pas une simple redécouverte des sites emblématiques des Hautes-Pyrénées vus de nuit sous les étoiles. Elle semble mettre en scène de nouveaux paysages montagnards qui ne sont pas uniquement des « paysages nocturnes » et qui ne relèvent pas non plus d'une banale « nocturnisation » des paysages diurnes. Cet article veut montrer que la dimension céleste qui les caractérise marque une réelle extension catégorielle et qu'elle doit être envisagée dans sa totalité comme porteuse d'un sens qui englobe l'idéalité et la matérialité de tout rapport au paysage. Comme dans de nombreux territoires où des projets similaires ont vu le jour (Amérique du Nord, Europe) ou sont en gestation (Parcs nationaux des Cévennes et du Mercantour par exemple), la création de la RICE du Pic du Midi aurait donc contribué à l'émergence d'un nouvel « objet paysager » (Besse, 2009). Le cas pyrénéen fournit donc ici le double exemple d'un processus d'artialisation in visu (Roger, 1998) et d'utilisation d'une catégorie spécifique de paysage comme outil d'une « action collective territorialisée » (Challéat, 2016)."Nocturnal skyscapes. You know the Pyrenees by day - come see them by night... ": thus the title of an exhibition of photographs set up in 2012 by the Pays de Lourdes et des Vallées des Gaves (Hautes-Pyrénées département) to help raise public awareness about the project for the Pic du Midi International Dark Sky Reserve (IDSR), mainly among the local population and stakeholders in the areas concerned.Although its evocative title might suggest otherwise, this is rather more than an exhibition on the iconic sites of the Pyrenees seen at night. What it seems to do is to bring out new landscapes that are not just "mountainscapes at night", or simply night-time versions of landscapes seen by day.The night skies that characterise these landscapes therefore represent an new category, they need to be considered in their entirety as conveying a meaning that encompasses all that is both construed and material in our relationships with landscape. As in many areas with similar projects either in place (North America, Europe) or emerging (the Cévennes and Mercantour national parks in France, for example), the creation of the Pic du Midi IDSR will have helped to bring a new kind of "landscape object" (Besse, 2009) into being in the Pyrenean region.
- "You Know the Pyrenees by Day - Come See Them by Night..." Reflections on in visu Artialisation of Nocturnal Skyscapes in the Pyrenees - Bruno Charlier "Nocturnal skyscapes. You know the Pyrenees by day - come see them by night... ": thus the title of an exhibition of photographs set up in 2012 by the Pays de Lourdes et des Vallées des Gaves (Hautes-Pyrénées département) to help raise public awareness about the project for the Pic du Midi International Dark Sky Reserve (IDSR), mainly among the local population and stakeholders in the areas concerned.Although its evocative title might suggest otherwise, this is rather more than an exhibition on the iconic sites of the Pyrenees seen at night. What it seems to do is to bring out new landscapes that are not just "mountainscapes at night", or simply night-time versions of landscapes seen by day.The night skies that characterise these landscapes therefore represent an new category, they need to be considered in their entirety as conveying a meaning that encompasses all that is both construed and material in our relationships with landscape. As in many areas with similar projects either in place (North America, Europe) or emerging (the Cévennes and Mercantour national parks in France, for example), the creation of the Pic du Midi IDSR will have helped to bring a new kind of "landscape object" (Besse, 2009) into being in the Pyrenean region.
- Rifugiarsi nella notte. Il ruolo dell'architettura nel processo di conoscenza dell'alta quota - Roberto Dini, Stefano Girodo
- Shelters in the Night. The Role of Architecture in the Process of Understanding High-Altitude Areas - Roberto Dini, Stefano Girodo The design and construction of huts in the Western Alps, which developed from the late eighteenth century and throughout the nineteenth, constitutes a key step in the process of discovery and cultural appropriation of the mountains. The installation of stable shelters offering overnight accommodation at high altitudes, superseding the precarious bivouac-style campsites, makes it possible to carry out wide-ranging scientific, alpine and geographic explorations there for the first time. Such shelters act as catalysts in the transformation of the alpine region from an ancestral space to an outpost of scientific knowledge, the “playground” of mountaineers, a place of symbolic and political conquest and, successively, a site of loisir for tourists.In just a few decades, mountain guides and mountaineering associations played a decisive role in this process, initiating the progressive physical alteration of high-altitude areas and paving the way for a widespread building and infrastructural colonisation that has been constantly evolving to this day.Structurally, mountain huts and bivouacs reflect the ways in which the space, landscape and time have been conceptualised and used over the ages, forming an interesting area of study: from the early structures, which were self-contained and impervious to the surrounding landscape, serving merely to provide protection from the outside, up to today's landmark structures.
- Co-création de valeurs partagées pour redynamiser une région de montagne à travers le tourisme nocturne : étude de cas en Suisse romande - Vincent Grèzes, Rafael Matos-Wasem, Sandra Grèzes Une vallée relativement périphérique des Alpes valaisannes, le Val d'Anniviers, a été au cœur d'un projet de recherche appliquée censé redynamiser son tourisme. En effet, la Haute École de Gestion et Tourisme, à Sierre, Valais (Suisse), via ses instituts de recherche en entrepreneuriat, management et tourisme, a développé une démarche de co-création réunissant un large spectre d'acteurs institutionnels, économiques, touristiques et de la société civile et permis de concevoir une offre touristique inédite pouvant intéresser une partie de la clientèle potentielle. Ce produit, à savoir la création d'un « Parc aux étoiles », prétend à un succès certain non seulement de par la localisation et la topographie favorables des lieux pour l'observation du ciel étoilé, mais aussi étant donné la présence, à St-Luc, village situé dans la vallée en question, d'un observatoire et d'un Sentier des planètes, qui reproduit le système solaire à l'échelle humaine. Par ailleurs, l'on constate une demande en hausse pour des offres originales impliquant la décélération, la réduction du stress et un certain retour à la nature. Ce sont des tendances que l'on retrouve dans l'offre de tourisme de ciel étoilé proposée, laquelle vise à faciliter l'observation des astres par le biais de la réduction de la pollution lumineuse. Cet article présente la méthodologie employée dans ce processus de co-création en l'insérant dans les contextes historique, économique, social et environnemental afin qu'elle puisse être reproduite ailleurs, en tenant compte des conditions locales.The Val d'Anniviers, a relatively peripheral valley in the Valais Alps has been at the heart of an applied research project seeking to reinvigorate its tourism. In fact, the School of Management and Tourism in Sierre via its Entrepreneurship, Management and Tourism Research Institutes, has set into motion a process of co-creation bringing together institutional, economic and tourism actors from the region enabling the conception of a novel tourism offer which could be of interest to part of the potential clientele. The product, the creation of the “Star Park”, is a likely candidate for success thanks not only to a location and a topography conducive to star gazing but also thanks to the presence of the village of St. Luc situated in the same valley, as well as an observatory and a trail of the planets which reproduces the solar system on a human scale. What is more, there is a clearly increasing demand at present for original products involving deceleration, stresslessness and going back to nature, all trends which are to be found in the proposed starry sky offer which aims to facilitate star gazing by reducing light pollution. This article presents the methodology used in this co-creation process within its historical, economic, social, and environmental contexts so that it may be reproduced elsewhere with regard for local conditions.
- Co-creation of Shared Values in the Aim of Reinvigorating a Mountain Region Through Night Tourism: Case Study in French-speaking Switzerland - Vincent Grèzes, Rafael Matos-Wasem, Sandra Grèzes The Val d'Anniviers, a relatively peripheral valley in the Valais Alps has been at the heart of an applied research project seeking to reinvigorate its tourism. In fact, the School of Management and Tourism in Sierre via its Entrepreneurship, Management and Tourism Research Institutes, has set into motion a process of co-creation bringing together institutional, economic and tourism actors from the region enabling the conception of a novel tourism offer which could be of interest to part of the potential clientele. The product, the creation of the “Star Park”, is a likely candidate for success thanks not only to a location and a topography conducive to star gazing but also thanks to the presence of the village of St. Luc situated in the same valley, as well as an observatory and a trail of the planets which reproduces the solar system on a human scale. What is more, there is a clearly increasing demand at present for original products involving deceleration, stresslessness and going back to nature, all trends which are to be found in the proposed starry sky offer which aims to facilitate star gazing by reducing light pollution. This article presents the methodology used in this co-creation process within its historical, economic, social, and environmental contexts so that it may be reproduced elsewhere with regard for local conditions.
- L'environnement nocturne dans les territoires de montagne français, ressource et opérateur de transition vers la durabilité - Samuel Challéat, Dany Lapostolle, Johan Milian Cet article expose le cheminement par lequel nous constituons l'environnement nocturne (EN) en objet de recherche interdisciplinaire. Cet objet, appréhendé dans quelques territoires de montagne français, est un révélateur de différentes trajectoires de développement que nous analysons par l'appariement des traditions de recherche en sciences sociales sur le territoire et les approches écosystémiques des sciences expérimentales. Nous montrons comment la ressource environnement nocturne (REN) se mue en opérateur de transition vers la durabilité. En établissant trois logiques de spécification de l'EN, ce travail pose les jalons d'une démarche transdisciplinaire.This article presents our approach to construct the night-time environment (NE) as an interdisciplinary research subject. Understood within the framework of various French mountain areas, we show that the NE is highly indicative of different development trajectories. We analyse them by combining traditional social science research into territory with the ecosystem approaches of the experimental sciences. We show how the NE resource (NER) is transformed into an operator that facilitates the transition towards sustainability. By highlighting three of the NE's specifications, this work lays the groundwork for a transdisciplinary approach.
- The Night-Time Environment in French Mountain Areas. A Resource and a Transition Operator Towards Sustainability - Samuel Challéat, Dany Lapostolle, Johan Milian This article presents our approach to construct the night-time environment (NE) as an interdisciplinary research subject. Understood within the framework of various French mountain areas, we show that the NE is highly indicative of different development trajectories. We analyse them by combining traditional social science research into territory with the ecosystem approaches of the experimental sciences. We show how the NE resource (NER) is transformed into an operator that facilitates the transition towards sustainability. By highlighting three of the NE's specifications, this work lays the groundwork for a transdisciplinary approach.
- La mise en scène nocturne de la montagne en Chine. Enquêtes sur le spectacle son et lumière Impressions de Liusanjie (Guilin, Province du Guangxi) - Wei Xiang, Philippe Bachimon Avec l'essor du tourisme au sens large, le tourisme nocturne joue un rôle complémentaire important dans le développement territorial non seulement d'une ville, mais aussi des espaces montagnards qui l'entourent. Après 12 ans de développement très rapide, les produits touristiques nocturnes dans les sites paysagers remarquables montagnards chinois sont proposés principalement sous forme de spectacle de plein air. À partir d'une étude de cas, celle du spectacle intitulé : Impressions de Liusanjie, qui fut en 2004 la première représentation en plein air en Chine, et qui fut précurseur des produits touristiques nocturnes dans les sites paysagers remarquables chinois, nous nous interrogerons sur les tenants et aboutissants de ce divertissement. Douze ans après, quelles en sont les retombées économiques, sociales, culturelles, environnementales pour la région ? Comment le spectacle nocturne participe-t-il (ou non) au développement local ? Et quel est le rapport entre l'image de Liusanjie et l'identité locale de Guilin ? C'est à ces questions que nous essaierons de répondre dans notre article.As the tourism sector grows as a whole, night-time tourism is playing a significant complementary role in the regional development not only of urban areas, but also of the mountainous areas that surround them. Following twelve years of very rapid development, night-time tourist products in China's mountainous Scenic Areas are offered primarily in the form of outdoor performances. Based on a case study of the show Impressions of Liu Sanjie, which in 2004 became China's first outdoor production and has paved the way for other night-time tourist products in China's mountainous Scenic Areas, we consider the nature and effects of this form of entertainment. Twelve years on, what have been the economic, social, cultural and environmental consequences for the region? How do night-time performances contribute (or not) to local development? And what is the relationship between the image of Liu Sanjie and the local identity of Guilin? This article attempts to provide answers to such questions.
- The Chinese Mountains as a Night-time Stage: a Study of the Sound and Light Show Impressions of Liu Sanjie (Guil - Wei Xiang, Philippe Bachimon As the tourism sector grows as a whole, night-time tourism is playing a significant complementary role in the regional development not only of urban areas, but also of the mountainous areas that surround them. Following twelve years of very rapid development, night-time tourist products in China's mountainous Scenic Areas are offered primarily in the form of outdoor performances. Based on a case study of the show Impressions of Liu Sanjie, which in 2004 became China's first outdoor production and has paved the way for other night-time tourist products in China's mountainous Scenic Areas, we consider the nature and effects of this form of entertainment. Twelve years on, what have been the economic, social, cultural and environmental consequences for the region? How do night-time performances contribute (or not) to local development? And what is the relationship between the image of Liu Sanjie and the local identity of Guilin? This article attempts to provide answers to such questions.
- Nuit javanaise. Réflexions sur le Merapi, la verticalité et le paganisme - Jean-Baptiste Bing En dépit de la modernisation contemporaine islamisante qui, à Java, se manifeste par de nouvelles approches du temps et de l'espace, la perpétuation des pratiques syncrétiques locales réactive les temporalités et les spatialités vernaculaires. Celles-ci apparaissent non seulement comme un cadre où se joue la lutte entre deux conceptions de l'islam javanais mais surtout comme des ressources et des enjeux pour ces acteurs. Cet article, fruit de deux séjours d'observations de terrain, examine le « cas extrême » que constitue la nuit sur le volcan Merapi. La première partie dégage les hauts-lieux et les denses-moments de la vie nocturne du volcan, dont les qualités montagnardes et nocturnes se répondent et se soutiennent ; la deuxième partie replace ces pratiques et représentations dans le cadre des conflits entre orthodoxie puritaine et pratiques locales, où nuit et montagne jouent un rôle analogue ; enfin la troisième partie conceptualise le lien spatio-temporel entre ce lieu et ce moment, et fait l'hypothèse que, au-delà, d'une simple concomitance, il passe par un rapport analogue à la verticalité, elle-même considérée comme fruit d'une trajection.Despite the contemporary Islamic modernisation that manifests itself in Java in the form of new approaches to time and space, the perpetuation of local syncretic practices is reviving vernacular temporalities and spatialities. In Java, the latter appear not only as a framework in which the struggle between two conceptions of Islam plays out but also as resources and challenges for the players involved. This article, the result of two field observation stays, examines an “extreme case”: night-time on the Merapi volcano. The first part highlights the high places and the dense-moments of the volcano's nightlife, whose mountain and night-time qualities meet and support each other; the second part reframes these practices and representations within the context of conflicts between puritan orthodoxy and local practices, where the night and the mountain play a similar role; finally, the third part conceptualises the space-time link between this place and this moment and hypothesises that, beyond a simple simultaneity, there is a similar relationship to verticality, which is itself regarded as the result of a trajection.
- Night-time in Java. Thoughts on Merapi, Verticality and Paganism - Jean-Baptiste Bing Despite the contemporary Islamic modernisation that manifests itself in Java in the form of new approaches to time and space, the perpetuation of local syncretic practices is reviving vernacular temporalities and spatialities. In Java, the latter appear not only as a framework in which the struggle between two conceptions of Islam plays out but also as resources and challenges for the players involved. This article, the result of two field observation stays, examines an “extreme case”: night-time on the Merapi volcano. The first part highlights the high places and the dense-moments of the volcano's nightlife, whose mountain and night-time qualities meet and support each other; the second part reframes these practices and representations within the context of conflicts between puritan orthodoxy and local practices, where the night and the mountain play a similar role; finally, the third part conceptualises the space-time link between this place and this moment and hypothesises that, beyond a simple simultaneity, there is a similar relationship to verticality, which is itself regarded as the result of a trajection.
- Les nuits contestataires des néo-charbonniers du Vercors : un chronotope forestier au service d'une hétérotopie - Christophe Baticle, Philippe Hanus Depuis une vingtaine d'années, les fêtes-charbonnières du massif du Vercors fédèrent, quelques semaines durant, un groupe d'individus – aux aspirations libertaires et/ou écologistes – pour produire, avec le soutien d'habitants du secteur, un chronotope inédit : l'édification puis la carbonisation d'une meule de bois en forêt, autour de laquelle vont se greffer le village des « néo-charbonniers » et les infrastructures festives, selon un rythme fourni par l'avancée de la combustion, à la manière d'une hétérotopie contestataire de la vie diurne dans la vallée. Au-delà de la dimension patrimoniale, cette expérience collective de la nuit dans une forêt de montagne, n'exclut pas des déclinaisons dans les registres de l'imaginaire, du symbolique, mais encore du politique. Derrière le prétexte du charbon de bois, leurs protagonistes se fédèrent à travers une pratique spatialisée (la clairière) et se réfèrent aux deux grandes figures tutélaires du territoire : l'ancêtre charbonnier et le maquisard en « clandestin de la nuit ». Le chronotope ainsi mis en place emprunte donc à l'hétérotopie et à l'hétérochronie dans la mesure où le dispositif forestier, diurne et surtout nocturne, constitue un « espace autre » dans une manière atypique de vivre les rythmes du quotidien en lien (plus ou moins fantasmé) avec l'Histoire du Vercors. Ces métonymies festives du temps et de l'espace sont alors des points d'arrimage spatio-temporels qui indiquent comment cette expérience se constitue, en situation, pour contester l'ordre dominant.For around two decades the charcoal burning festivals of the Vercors have been bringing together a group of individuals – with libertarian and/or ecologist aspirations – for the space of a few weeks to produce an unusual chronotope with the support of the local inhabitants: the erection then carbonisation of a charcoal pit in the forest, around which will be added the village of the “neo-wood colliers” and the festive infrastructures according to the rhythm furnished by the progress of the combustion, in the fashion of a heterotopiacontesting daytime life in the valley. Above and beyond the heritage aspect, this collective experience of the night in a mountain forest does not exclude variations in the realms of the imaginary, symbolic and political. Behind the pretext of charcoal, their protagonists unite through a spatial practice (the clearing) and refer to the two great guardian figures of the region: the wood collier ancestor and the resistance fighter as “clandestines of the night”. The chronotope thus set up therefore borrows from heterotopia and heterochrony insofar as the diurnal and especially nocturnal forest system constitutes “another space” in an atypical way of living the rhythms of daily life in connection (fantasised to a greater or lesser degree) with the History of the Vercors region. These festive metonyms of time and space are spatial and temporal anchor points which indicate how this experience is established in situ to challenge the dominant system.
- The Dissenting Nights of the Neo-Wood Colliers of the Vercors: A Forest Chronotope for a Heterotopia - Christophe Baticle, Philippe Hanus For around two decades the charcoal burning festivals of the Vercors have been bringing together a group of individuals – with libertarian and/or ecologist aspirations – for the space of a few weeks to produce an unusual chronotope with the support of the local inhabitants: the erection then carbonisation of a charcoal pit in the forest, around which will be added the village of the “neo-wood colliers” and the festive infrastructures according to the rhythm furnished by the progress of the combustion, in the fashion of a heterotopiacontesting daytime life in the valley. Above and beyond the heritage aspect, this collective experience of the night in a mountain forest does not exclude variations in the realms of the imaginary, symbolic and political. Behind the pretext of charcoal, their protagonists unite through a spatial practice (the clearing) and refer to the two great guardian figures of the region: the wood collier ancestor and the resistance fighter as “clandestines of the night”. The chronotope thus set up therefore borrows from heterotopia and heterochrony insofar as the diurnal and especially nocturnal forest system constitutes “another space” in an atypical way of living the rhythms of daily life in connection (fantasised to a greater or lesser degree) with the History of the Vercors region. These festive metonyms of time and space are spatial and temporal anchor points which indicate how this experience is established in situ to challenge the dominant system.