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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 48, octobre-décembre 1995 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- LES SUPPLÉTIFS ALGÉRIENS DANS L'ARMÉE FRANÇAISE PENDANT LA GUERRE D'ALGÉRIE - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 3-20 Algerian auxiliaries in the French army during the Algerian war, Charles-Robert Ageron. The opening of the archives of the French Land Army's Historical Service makes it possible to study in detail the various formations of Muslim civilian auxiliary forces (among which the "harkis") which contributed, with varying efficacy, to the "maintenance of order" alongside the French army during the Algerian war, from 1954 to 1962: to tally the number of enrolled soldiers, but also desertions; to ask finally the question of these auxiliaries'motivations and to give a preliminary explanation of the harkis' trauma in 1962.
- DES APPELÉS PAS COMME LES AUTRES ? LES CONSCRITS « FRANÇAIS DE SOUCHE NORD-AFRICAINE » PENDANT LA GUERRE D'ALGÉRIE - Stéphanie Chauvin p. 21-30 The "French of North African origin" draftees during the Algerian war, Stéphanie Chauvin. During the Algerian conflict, the French army had to corne to grips with a delicate problem, that of the drafting of Muslim natives, called up like all young French men, to take part in the operations of the national army. Some of the military considered the general drafting of this special population a military as much as a political error. Nevertheless, many Algerians were enrolled to fight against what the Republic saw as a rebellion. There was even a policy of increasing the numbers of "Frenchmen of North African origin" because of rising needs and so as to assi- milate them. Suspected by the rest of the army of lacking loyalty, the Muslim conscripts where also subjected to the pressure of the FLN which tried to use them to weaken the French army from inside. Very few, however, deserted once enrolled. Was that a sign of loyalty to France?
- « RADIO FREE EUROPE » ET « RADIO LIBERTY » (1950-1994) - Anne-Chantal Lepeuple p. 31-45 Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (1950-1994), Anne-Chantal Lepeuple. Set up in 1950 and 1953 because of the Cold War but carefully distinguished from the too official Voice of America, the two radio stations, which broadcast from Munich, waged for 40 years a clever battle against communism beyond the iron curtain (except Yugoslavia). They weakened the adversary without ever encouraging subversion openly, called for liberalization more than liberation, encouraged the centrifugal forces and, all things considered, demonstrated to oppressed East European public opinion a first exercise of the right to information.
- « LE POUVOIR EST DANS LA RUE ». 30 MAI 1968 LA « MANIFESTATION GAULLISTE » DES CHAMPS-ELYSÉES - Frank Georgi p. 46-60 "Power is in the streets". 30 May 1968: the "Gaullist demonstration" on the Champs-Elysées, Frank Georgi. On May 30, 1968, the Champs-Elysées demonstration was a such a success that the crowd gathered was compared to a "sea". It was not as unanimous in its Gaullist fervor as was then said, but it did weigh decisively in the battle for legitimacy which saved Gaullist power.
- LA RADICALISATION DES MOUVEMENTS FÉMININS FRANÇAIS DE 1960 À 1970 - Sylvie Chaperon p. 61-74 The radicalization of French women's movement, 1960-1970, Sylvie Chaperon. During the 1960s, France went through economic and social upheavals which affected the place of women in society and challenged the traditional division of roles and the images of masculinity and feminity. The feminist explosion of 1970, often presented by these movements' militants as a radical innovation, was actually nourished by the struggles and the thinking carried out by older groups born during the Third Republic or in the late 1960s. The May 1968 revolts were certainly essential in the emergence of the MLF, but it would be an error of historical analysis to omit the links with previous years. Far from rising out of the consequences of the 1968 movements, French feminism is the outgrowth of a slow radicalization of women's struggles.
- AU NOM DU NOM. LA FIN DU PARTI COMMUNISTE ITALIEN ET LA NAISSANCE DU PARTI DE LA REFONDATION COMMUNISTE - Jean-Yves Dormagen p. 75-90 In the name of the name, or the end of the Italian Communist Party and the birth of the Party of communist refounding, Jean-Yves Dormagen. On November 11, 1989, Achille Occhetto, the General Secretary of the PCI, announced publicly, without having warned the other leaders, that the largest West European communist party was going to change its name and symbols. The extraordinary emotion that this declaration caused in the party's sections showed that the term "communist" constituted for tens of thousand of militants a necessary and inviolable sign of recognition around which a coherent and unified identity was formed. The symbolic manipulations and the liturgic confrontation that the partisans and opponents of the PCFs transformation would resort to for nearly two years represents exceptional material from which to analyse how collective identities are created.
- MUTUALITÉ ET ORGANISATIONS POLITIQUES ET SOCIALES INTERNATIONALES (1889-1939) - Michel Dreyfus p. 92-102 For an European history of social protection, Michel Dreyfus. The second industrial revolution, the improvement of material conditions of existence and the progress of democracy gave, from the 1880s, a new relevance to the issue of prevention and brought about the birth of national mutualist institutions. The first International Congress of Mutuality, held in Paris in 1900, followed by the birth of the International Federation of Mutuality in 1906, were the first steps in the internationalization of the movement, parallel to that of the worker's movement; the debates where influenced by the German model and the role of the State in social protection. Although the results were limited in 1914, the movement conti-nued after World War I, in a context transformed by the birth of the League of Nations and of the International Labour Organisation. The international institutions then created were challenged by the depression and the war. They nevertheless opened the way for the International Association of Social Security (1947) and the International Association of Mutuality (1950).
- LE MIRAGE DE L'EUROPE SOCIALE. ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONALES DE POLITIQUE SOCIALE AU TOURNANT DU 20e SIÈCLE - Rainer Gregarek p. 103-118 The mirage of social Europe. International social policy associations at the beginning of the 20th century, Rainer Gregarek. At the end of the 19th century, at a time when the rise of nationalism was blocking diplomatic initiatives, it was in "private" international associations and meetings that the embryo of a social Europe was conceived. The Permanent International Committee of Work Accidents (1889), the International Association for the Legal Protection of Workers (1900-1901) and the International Association for the Fight against Unemployment (1910) were among the most important of these pioneering institutions. They tried to use their international character to get around the hesitations of businessmen and governments to set up policies of social protection and started to reflect about harmonization on the European scale. The lack of official status, the persistence of internal tensions among national groups and among social groups led to failure. They nevertheless represented an original network of meetings and exchanges which facilitated the dissemination and transfer of models among European experts.
- MUTUALITÉ/SÉCURITÉ SOCIALE : UN COUPLE SOUS TENSION - Bernard Gibaud p. 119-130 Mutuality and social security: a tense couple, Bernard Gibaud. It took several years for mutualist circles to rally to the social security regime instituted by the French ordinance of October 4, 1945. Their hostility to the principle of compulsory insurance, inherited from the 19th century, came partly from their fear of losing the preponderant place that the laws of 1928-1930 on social insurance had given them. The 1945 clash was strong also because the proponents and the opponents of the unified regime were convinced that it would rapidly lead to the decline of mutualism. Pragmatism won however over principles. As early as the 1940s, it was within the new regime that the modernization of mutualism was designed with the civil servants' mutuals providing the impetus. The resuit of difficult negotiations, the 1947 law on the social protection of civil servants opened the way to the progressive affirmation of the mutuality-social security link as one of the principal guarantees of the solidity of the French System of social protection.
- UN « NAZISME TROPICAL » AU RWANDA ? IMAGE OU LOGIQUE D'UN GÉNOCIDE - Jean-Pierre Chrétien p. 131-142 "Tropical nazism" in Rwanda? Image or logic of a genocide, Jean-Pierre Chrétien. The massacres in Rwanda between April and July 1994 were not synonymous with a spontaneous and uncontrollable "ethnie" outburst. On the contrary, prepared by previous ethnicist propaganda, organised by a corrupt political regime, the killing directed against — but not exclusively — the Tutsi minority had the features of a genuine genocide.
- OÙ VA L'HISTOIRE DE L'ART CONTEMPORAIN ? - Danièle Voldman p. 143-145
- SOCIABILITÉ ET CULTURE OUVRIÈRES - Alain Leménorel p. 146-148
- MARCHÉ DU TRAVAIL ET GENRE - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 148-149
- SOCIABILITÉ ET CULTURE OUVRIÈRES - Alain Leménorel p. 146-148
- OÙ VA L'HISTOIRE DE L'ART CONTEMPORAIN ? - Danièle Voldman p. 143-145
- LE MUSÉE IMAGINÉ DE JEAN CASSOU - Gisèle Sapiro p. 150-152
- SCHNEIDERVILLE AU MUSÉE D'ORSAY - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 154-155
- LE MUSÉE IMAGINÉ DE JEAN CASSOU - Gisèle Sapiro p. 150-152
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 156-158
- Un effet de domino mal récompensé - François Fejtö p. 159-161
- FURET François, Le passé d'une illusion, essai sur l'idée communiste au 20e siècle - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 161-164
- Un effet de domino mal récompensé - François Fejtö p. 159-161
- FURET François, Le passé d'une illusion, essai sur l'idée communiste au 20e siècle - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 161-164
- WERTH Nicolas, MOULLEC Gaël, Rapports secrets soviétiques, 1921-1991. La société russe dans les documents confidentiels - Natacha Laurent p. 164
- FREI Norbert, L'État hitlérien et la société allemande, 1933-1945 - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 165
- FURET François, Le passé d'une illusion, essai sur l'idée communiste au 20e siècle - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 161-164
- PESCHANSKI Denis avec la collaboration de Marie-Christine HUBERT et Emmanuel PHILIPPON, Les Tsiganes en France 1939-1946 - Henriette Asséo p. 166-167
- BURRIN Philippe, La France à l'heure allemande 1940-1944 - Olivier Wieviorka p. 167-168
- VEILLON Dominique, Vivre et survivre en France, 1939-1947 - Olivier Wieviorka p. 168-169
- DOUZOU Laurent, La désobéissance. Histoire du mouvement Libération-Sud - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 169
- CLÉMENT Jean-Louis, Monseigneur Saliège, archevêque de Toulouse (1929-1956) - Yvon Tranvouez p. 169-170
- LEENHARDT Pierre, Pascal Copeau (1908-1982). L'histoire préfère les vainqueurs - Laurent Douzou p. 170-171
- GOSSE Lucienne, René Gosse, 1883-1943. Bâtisseur de l'Université, Résistant des années noires - Dominique Veillon p. 171-172
- SIRINELLI Jean-François (dir.), Dictionnaire historique de la vie politique au 20e siècle - Paolo Pombeni p. 172-174
- PESCHANSKI Denis avec la collaboration de Marie-Christine HUBERT et Emmanuel PHILIPPON, Les Tsiganes en France 1939-1946 - Henriette Asséo p. 166-167
- SIRINELLI Jean-François (dir.), Dictionnaire historique de la vie politique au 20e siècle - Paolo Pombeni p. 172-174
- MERLE Gabriel, Émile Combes - Jean-François Chanet p. 174
- Les Carnets du cardinal Alfred Baudrillart, (1er août 1914-31 décembre 1918) texte présenté, établi et annoté par Paul Christophe - Annette Becker p. 174-175
- VIDAL DE LA BLACHE Paul, La France de l'Est (Lorraine-Alsace) 1917 - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 175-176
- BECKER Annette,La guerre et la foi, de la mort à la mémoire, 1914-1930 - Marie-Thérèse Cloître p. 176-177
- WEBER Eugen, La France des années 30. Tourments et perplexités - Nicolas Roussellier p. 177-178
- FRANK Robert, La hantise du déclin. Le rang de la France en Europe, 1920-1960 : finances, défense et identité nationale - Nicolas Roussellier p. 178
- BERCHADSKY Alexis, « La Question » d'Henri Alleg, un livre-événement dans la France en guerre d'Algérie - Alain Monchablon p. 178-179
- HEURGON Marc, Histoire du PSU,tome 1, La fondation et la guerre d'Algérie (1958-1962) - Alain-René Michel p. 179-180
- MARÈS Antoine, MILZA Pierre (dir.), Le Paris des étrangers depuis 1945 - Michel Trebitsch p. 180-181
- CORBIN Alain, GÉROME Noëlle, TARTAKOWSKY Danielle (dir.), Les usages politiques des fêtes aux 16e-20e siècles - Jean-Pierre A. Bernard p. 181-182
- SIRINELLI Jean-François (dir.), Dictionnaire historique de la vie politique au 20e siècle - Paolo Pombeni p. 172-174
- CORBIN Alain, GÉROME Noëlle, TARTAKOWSKY Danielle (dir.), Les usages politiques des fêtes aux 16e-20e siècles - Jean-Pierre A. Bernard p. 181-182
- GARNOT Benoît (dir.), Ordre moral et délinquance de l'antiquité au 20e siècle - Hélène L'Heuillet p. 182-183
- RUSCHE Georg, KIRCHHEIMER OttO, Peine et structure sociale - Hélène L'Heuillet p. 183-184
- ORY Pascal, Une nation pour mémoire. 1889, 1939, 1989 : trois jubilés révolutionnaires. DAVALLON Jean, DUJARDIN Philippe, SABATIER Gérard (dir.), Politique de la mémoire. Commémorer la Révolution. BOER Pim Den, FRIJHOFF Willem (dir.), ~~Lieux de m - Nicolas Roussellier p. 184-185
- GRÈZES-RUEFF François, La culture des députés français (1910-1958). Essai de typologie - Nicolas Roussellier p. 185-186
- CALLÈDE Jean-Paul, Histoire du sport en France : du stade bordelais au SBUC 1889-1939 - Alfred Wahl p. 186
- ARNAUD Pierre (dir.), Les origines du sport ouvrier en Europe - Alfred Wahl p. 187
- POULENC Francis, Correspondance 1910-1963 - François Lesure p. 187-188
- SIMONIN Anne, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1942-1955. Le devoir d'insoumission - Olivier Wieviorka p. 188-189
- VAÏSSE Maurice (dir.), Le pacifisme en Europe des années 1920 aux années 1950 - Rachel Mazuy p. 189-190
- GIRAULT René, BOSSUAT Gérard (dir.), Europe brisée, Europe retrouvée. Nouvelles réflexions sur l'unité européenne au 20e siècle - Nicolas Roussellier p. 190-191
- FALGA Bernard, WIHTOLD DE WENDEN Catherine, LEGGEWIED Claus (dir.), Au miroir de l'autre. De l'immigration à l'intégration en France et en Allemagne - Ralph Schor p. 191-192
- DOUBNOV Simon, Histoire moderne du peuple juif - Delphine Bechtel p. 192-193
- CORBIN Alain, GÉROME Noëlle, TARTAKOWSKY Danielle (dir.), Les usages politiques des fêtes aux 16e-20e siècles - Jean-Pierre A. Bernard p. 181-182
- DOUBNOV Simon, Histoire moderne du peuple juif - Delphine Bechtel p. 192-193
- JOURNÈS Claude,L'État britannique - Jacques Leruez p. 193-194
- SURET-CANALE Jean, Les groupes d'études communistes (GEC) en Afrique noire - Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch p. 194-195
- LINTEAU Paul-André, Histoire du Canada - Pierre Guillaume p. 195-196
- PORTES Jacques, Le Canada et le Québec au 20e siècle - Pierre Guillaume p. 196
- MÉLANDRI Pierre, La politique extérieure des États-Unis de 1945 à nos jours - Jacques Portes p. 196-197
- RUPNIK Jacques (dir.), le déchirement des nations - Catherine Durandin p. 197
- DOUBNOV Simon, Histoire moderne du peuple juif - Delphine Bechtel p. 192-193
- BOUTIER Jean, JULIA Dominique, Passés recomposés. Champs et chantiers de l'Histoire - Nicolas Roussellier p. 198
- Institut d'histoire du temps présent, Écrire l'histoire du temps présent - Patrick Garcia p. 198-199
- ROSENSTONE Robert (ed.), Revisioning history. Film and the construction of new past - Christian Delage p. 199-200
- BOUTIER Jean, JULIA Dominique, Passés recomposés. Champs et chantiers de l'Histoire - Nicolas Roussellier p. 198
- Livres reçus - p. 201-204
- ABSTRACTS - p. 205-208