Contenu du sommaire : Les crises économiques du 20e siècle
Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 52, octobre-décembre 1996 |
Titre du numéro | Les crises économiques du 20e siècle |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- PRÉSENTATION - Jacques Marseille p. 4-6
- CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE ET RETOURNEMENTS DE TENDANCE AU 20e SIÈCLE : UNE MISE EN PERSPECTIVE DE LA «CRISE» ACTUELLE - Jean-Charles Asselain p. 7-30 Economic growth and trend reversais in the 20th c : a look at the present "crisis", Jean-Charles Asselain. The first thing necessary to do in the present crisis is to define the very notion of crisis. But even more it is necessary to compare it with the past dysfunctions. One immediately sees the atypical character of a crisis that today couples poor records (such as unemployment levels) with healthy economic results (increase of foreign trade, increases in productivity). It's a curious disjunction, especially since prior to 1973, all the indicators were on green. The crisis, therefore, results first and foremost from the oil shocks whose effect must not be minimized. By lowering the profitability of investment, by forcing entrepreneurs to increase productivity at the expense of employment, this brutal shock — that at the beginning barely weighed on salaries — did not, however, resuit in the reduction of international trade that the Third World, because of its debts, continues to support. But the financial (the Third World's getting out of debt) as well as the mental (the salaried workers' resistance to the loss of purchasing power is diminishing) adjustments explain the continuation of a crisis that the austerity policies set up by some authorities are making worse. The strong French franc policy, for example, limits the entrepreneurs' recourse to capital markets, characterized by, it is true, high interest rates.
- LES LUMIÈRES DE LA CRISE. LES ENTREPRISES FRANÇAISES DANS LA DÉPRESSION DES ANNÉES 1930 - Daniel Lefeuvre p. 31-40 The stars of the crisis. French companies in the 1930s' depression, Daniel Lefeuvre. The study of companies' financial results in the 1930s mitigates the overly black image of the French economy during the depression: The assets of most big firms grew ; for 92 % of these firms, profitability was also up. This period was also rich in promising changes: on the horizon were the consumption habits of the "Trente Glorieuses" and the growth of a gribusiness. At the same time, the modernization of distribution and new thinking on management ans sales methods were occurring, and technological choices were being made for the future.
- LA SPÉCIFICITÉ FRANÇAISE DU CHÔMAGE STRUCTUREL DE MASSE, DES ANNÉES 1930 AUX ANNÉES 1990 - Nicolas Baverez p. 41-65 The specifîty of French structural mass unemployment, 1930-1990, Nicolas Baverez. Structural unemployment seems to apply specifically to France in the 1930s as well as today. But production System archaisms can not be the only explanation of the persistance of this plague. Disastrous national policies - obstinate defense of the franc, high interest rates, pressure from the farmers' lobby, the savers' lobby or, concerning the present time, the retired people's lobby - explain the high rates recorded by this country.
- L'INDUSTRIE AUTOMOBILE FRANÇAISE D'UNE CRISE À L'AUTRE - Jean-Louis Loubet p. 66-78 French automobile industry from one crisis to another, Jean-Louis Loubet. The car industry has gone through the deepest changes in its history in the last 20 years. The crisis from the oil shock in 1973 brought about the concentration of this sector in one fell swoop. This transformation had begun during the 1930s crisis, but at that time only the disappearance of small manufacturers had been speeded up. While the collapse of the automobile industry can be explained by a series of reasons whose effects are interlaced with the end of growth, its most visible consequences can be seen in the reductions of the work force. The present crisis is no longer just limited to taking into account the economic necessities of the various social partners. It forces manufacturers, unlike what happened in the 1930s, to pay constant attention to a more and more irregular and unpredictable market. Nevertheless, regardless of the period, the crises point out that the car industry only finds success in its ability to adapt to new conditions.
- PSYCHANALYSE DES CHOCS BOURSIERS - Anthony Rowley p. 79-84 Psychoanalysis of market shocks, Anthony Rowley. From a reading of the analyses following the two stock market crashes of 1929 and 1987, it would seem that the literature produced on the shock shows the difficulty of analyzing them with the methodological apparatus available. Thus, one enters an area in which it is no longer a question of proving but of understanding why people believe what they believe.
- LES BANQUES FRANÇAISES DANS LES GRANDES CRISES DU 20e SIÈCLE - Alain Plessis p. 85-93 French banks in the major crises of the 20th century, Alain Plessis. In the 1930s as in the 1980s, French banks were seriously hit by the effects of the economic crisis. But the development of the monetary System during this half-century, in particular the increase of credit circulation, brought about changes in banking. Accused in the two periods of contri-buting to the beginning or the deepening of the crisis, they didn't suffer from the same effects. In the 1980s, there were no massive withdrawal demands whereas the increase of bad risks led to a reduction of banking establishments' resources. Necessitating considerable provisions, this increase reduced their profitability considerably. The adaptation of French banks to a competitive, hight risk market is even more delicate in that they are not totally free from State influence.
- LES «VINGT GLORIEUSES». LA CROISSANCE FRANÇAISE DES ANNÉES 1970 À NOS JOURS - Jacques Marseille p. 94-101 The "Vingt Glorieuses". The growth of the French economy from 1970 to today, Jacques Marseille. Since 1970, the French average annual GDP has been 2 % ; household consumption has grown more quickly than production in spite of the increase of prices ; the discrepancy in purchasing power between socio-professional categories has decreased; the rate of households purchasing appliances has leaped ; the French economy increased its trade with foreign countries from 17.5 % in 1973 to 22.8 % in 1994. Signs that, despite the virtual stagnation in investment volume, show these last 20 years as a period of exceptional economic dynamism and challenge the current reading of the crisis. Sectorial analyses indicate a deep change in the French economy, the emergence of the tertiary as the main producer of wealth contrasting with a relative decline of the secondary sector whose more detailed analysis illustrates its selective character. Growth, however, proves unable to deal with the increase of unemployment. The massive irruption of underemployment shows that the relationship of French society to work has changed at the same time as its consumption habits. Because officials talk about an imaginary crisis instead of grasping the change, they prevent themselves from understanding the basic causes of unemployment and solving it.
- LES GRANDES ENTREPRISES EUROPÉENNES AU 20e SIÈCLE - Youssef Cassis p. 102-113 Major European companies in the 20th century, Youssef Cassis. It is difficult to avoid the temptation of ranking the major companies when making a comparative analysis. While such an approach can be useful by pointing out the differences and simplifying the comparative work, it accentuates the divergences to the detriment of convergences observable over the long term, nationally as well as world wide. The example of the behavior of French, English and German companies facing 20th-century crises shows that global explanatory factors give different effects to the same causes. The comparative approach has thus to take into account divergences and convergences so as to deepen the analysis rather than simplify it by general categories and rankings.
- LES ÉCONOMISTES FACE AUX «CRISES» DE 1929 ET 1974 - Jacques Wolff p. 114-124 Economists and the "crises" of the 1929 and 1974, Jacques Wolff. In spite of different methodological presuppositions, the analysis of the "1929 crisis" by the British orthodox economist Lionel Robbins (The Great Depression, 1929-1934, 1934) often agrees with the synthetic approach of the French economist Bertrand Nogaro (La crise économique en France et dans le monde, 1936) : both reject the idea of a single cause interpretation of the recession and condemn any policy that questions market laws and claims to break with the market economy. Faced with the 1974 recession, Otto Eckstein (The Great Recession, 1978) proposes an analysis of the American crisis based on an econometric model using many simulations, which opposes, point by point, the Marxist Ernst Mandel's point of view (La crise, 1974-1978, 1978). Far from being a weakness, the difference between the approaches illustrates the richness of economic analysis. In this field, improvement of the representations can come only from the confrontation of models and ideas.
- PRÉSENTATION - Jacques Marseille p. 4-6
- FERNAND POUILLON, ARCHITECTE (1912-1986) - Gérard Monnier p. 128-130
- LES PETITS PARTIS - Bruno Villalba, Annie Laurent p. 130-131
- LES MILITAIRES ET LA CITÉ - Sébastien Laurent p. 131-132
- LA RÉSISTANCE HISTORISÉE - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 132-135
- L'AFFAIRE APRÈS L'AFFAIRE - Sébastien Laurent p. 135-136
- AUX ORIGINES DE L'AGENCE MAGNUM - Marianne Amar p. 137-139
- À PROPOS DES CD-Roms HISTORIQUES - Jean-Marc Dreyfus p. 140-141
- AUX ORIGINES DE L'AGENCE MAGNUM - Marianne Amar p. 137-139
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 144-147
- PASSELECQ Georges, SUCHECKY Bernard, L'Encyclique cachée de Pie XI : une occasion manquée de l'Église face à l'antisémitisme - Jean-Marie Mayeur p. 148-150
- MERLE Isabelle, Expériences coloniales : la Nouvelle-Calédonie (1853-1920) - Jacques Binoche-Guedra p. 150-151
- PASSELECQ Georges, SUCHECKY Bernard, L'Encyclique cachée de Pie XI : une occasion manquée de l'Église face à l'antisémitisme - Jean-Marie Mayeur p. 148-150
- MERLE Isabelle, Expériences coloniales : la Nouvelle-Calédonie (1853-1920) - Jacques Binoche-Guedra p. 150-151
- BAECHLER Christian, Gustave Stresemann (1878-1929). De l'impérialisme à la sécurité collective - Stanislas Jeannesson p. 151-152
- VAN REGEMORTER Jean-Louis, La Russie et le monde au XXe siècle. RADVANYI Jean, La nouvelle Russie après 1991 : un nouveau « temps des troubles » - Sabine Dullin p. 152-153
- BOZO Frédéric, Deux stratégies pour l'Europe. De Gaulle les États-Unis et l'Alliance atlantique 1938-1969 - Odile Rudelle p. 153
- MERLE Isabelle, Expériences coloniales : la Nouvelle-Calédonie (1853-1920) - Jacques Binoche-Guedra p. 150-151
- KERSHAW lan, L'opinion allemande sous le nazisme. Bavière 1933-1945 - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 154
- BRUNETEAUX Patrick, Maintenir l'ordre. Les transformations de la violence d'État en régime démocratique - Jean-Marc Berlière p. 155
- BERGES Michel, Le syndicalisme policier en France (1880-1940) - Jean-Marc Berlière p. 156
- COMPAGNON Béatrice, THÉVENIN Anne, L'École et la société française - Pierre Albertini p. 156-157
- CASSAN Patrick, Le pouvoir français et la question basque (1981-1993) - Juan Carlos Jimenez de Aberasturi p. 157-159
- POURCHER Yves, Les jours de guerre. La vie des Français au jour le jour entre 1914 et 1918 - Dominique Veillon p. 159
- KERSHAW lan, L'opinion allemande sous le nazisme. Bavière 1933-1945 - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 154
- POURCHER Yves, Les jours de guerre. La vie des Français au jour le jour entre 1914 et 1918 - Dominique Veillon p. 159
- DELIPLA François, Montoire. Les premiers jours de la collaboration - Claude Lévy p. 160
- LOISEAUX Gérard. La littérature de la défaite et de la collaboration d'après Phömix oder Asche? (Phénix ou cendres?) de Bernhard Payr - Gisèle Sapiro p. 160-162
- BOURDAIS Henri, La JOC sons l'Occupation allemande - Alain-René Michel p. 162-163
- DREYFUS François-Georges, Histoire de la Résistance - Olivier Wieviorka p. 163
- WIEVIORKA Annette, Le procès de Nuremberg. TAYLOR Telford, Procureur à Nuremberg - Jean-Pierre Besse p. 163-164
- POURCHER Yves, Les jours de guerre. La vie des Français au jour le jour entre 1914 et 1918 - Dominique Veillon p. 159
- COSANDEY Roland, ALBERA François (dir.), Cinéma sans frontières. Aspects de l'internationalité dans le cinéma mondial : représentations, marchés, influences et réception. 1896-1918. LAGNY Michèle, MARIE Michel, GILI Jean A., PINEL Vincent (dir.), ~~Le - Rémy Pithon p. 165-167
- FLEURY-ViLATTE Béatrice, Cinéma et culpabilité en Allemagne 1945-1990 - Rémy Pithon p. 167
- CAROL Anne, Histoire de l'eugénisme en France. Les médecins et la procréation XIXe -XXe siècle - Jacques Poirier p. 167-168
- DROUARD Alain, Alexis Carrel (1873-1944). De la mémoire à l'histoire - Rémi Baudouï p. 168-169
- MEYER Philippe, TRIADOU Patrick, Leçons d'histoire de la pensée médicale. Sciences humaines et sociales en médecine - Anne Carol p. 169-170
- CREMIEUX-BRILHAC Jean-Louis, PICARD Jean- François (dir.), Henri Laugier en son siècle - François Jacq p. 170
- BLOCH Jean-Richard, Destin du siècle - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 170
- DORIGNÉ Michel, Serge Prokofiev - Myriam Chimènes p. 171
- JEANNENEY Jean-Noël, Une Histoire des médias, des origines à nos jours - Christian Delporte p. 171-172
- GIRARD Augustin, RIOUX Jean-Pierre, NELLI Jean-François (dir.), Les affaires culturelles au temps de Jacques Duhamel (1971-1973). Actes des journées d'étude, 7 et 8 décembre 1993. - Philippe Poirrier p. 172-173
- TALIANO-DES GARETS Françoise, La vie culturelle à Bordeaux (1945-1975) - Philippe Poirrier p. 173
- COSANDEY Roland, ALBERA François (dir.), Cinéma sans frontières. Aspects de l'internationalité dans le cinéma mondial : représentations, marchés, influences et réception. 1896-1918. LAGNY Michèle, MARIE Michel, GILI Jean A., PINEL Vincent (dir.), ~~Le - Rémy Pithon p. 165-167
- PROST Antoine, Douze leçons sur l'histoire - Danièle Voldman p. 174-175
- Histoire et politique, Mélanges offerts à Edmond Monange - Jacqueline Sainclivier p. 175
- PROST Antoine, Douze leçons sur l'histoire - Danièle Voldman p. 174-175
- Livres reçus - p. 176-179
- ABSTRACTS - p. 180-182