Contenu du sommaire : Trajectoires de vulnérabilité des territoires de montagne face aux changements globaux
Revue |
Revue de Géographie Alpine ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 106, no 3, 2018 |
Titre du numéro | Trajectoires de vulnérabilité des territoires de montagne face aux changements globaux |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Trajectoires de vulnérabilité des territoires de montagne face aux changements globaux - Dominique Baud, Anouk Bonnemains
- Mountain Areas' Trajectories of Vulnerability Amidst Global Change - Dominique Baud, Anouk Bonnemains
- Construction interdisciplinaire d'une trajectoire socio-écologique de vulnérabilité à l'exemple du territoire des Quatre Montagnes (Isère, France) de 1950 à 2016 - Thomas Spiegelberger, Agnès Bergeret, Émilie Crouzat, Leita Tschanz, Delphine Piazza-Morel, Jean-Jacques Brun, Dominique Baud, Sandra Lavorel L'étude de socio-écosystèmes, de leur vulnérabilité, résilience et de leurs trajectoires passe souvent par la nécessité de collaborations entre sciences humaines et sociales et sciences naturelles. Cet article propose de tester cette notion de « socio-écosystème » et une méthodologie autour de la « frise chrono-systémique » comme outils intermédiaires de connaissances interdisciplinaires. Il rend compte d'une expérience interdisciplinaire, son contexte de recherche ainsi que son cadre conceptuel et méthodologique, à partir d'un territoire d'exemple, les Quatre Montagnes dans le Vercors. Il propose un protocole applicable pour le suivi des trajectoires de vulnérabilité d'un territoire et de ses ressources environnementales dans une optique interdisciplinaire. La démarche se compose de quatre étapes : I) une étape exploratoire socio-historique et écologique II) la détermination des dimensions à observer et de leurs indicateurs, III) la construction de la frise, et IV) l'analyse de la trajectoire de vulnérabilité du territoire. L'article montre les potentiels, les difficultés méthodologiques et les points de vigilance de cette analyse interdisciplinaire des trajectoires d'un territoire.The study of socio-ecosystems, their vulnerability, resilience and their trajectories often involves the need for collaboration between the human and social sciences and the natural sciences. This article proposes to test this notion of "socio-ecosystem" and a methodology around the “chronosystemic timeline" as intermediate tools of interdisciplinary knowledge. It reports on an interdisciplinary experience, its research context as well as its conceptual and methodological framework, illustrated with an example coming from the Quatre-Montagnes in the Vercors (French Alps). It proposes an applicable protocol for monitoring the vulnerability trajectories of a collective of municipalities and its environmental resources in an interdisciplinary perspective. The process consists of four stages : I) a socio-historical and ecological exploratory step II) the determination of the dimensions to be observed and their indicators, III) the construction of the timeline, and IV) the analysis of the vulnerability trajectory of a landscape including its actors. The article shows the potential, the methodological difficulties and the points of vigilance of this interdisciplinary analysis.
- Interdisciplinary Construction of a Socio-ecological Vulnerability Trajectory Based on the Quatre Montagnes (Isère, France) Area from 1950 to 2016 - Thomas Spiegelberger, Agnès Bergeret, Émilie Crouzat, Leita Tschanz, Delphine Piazza-Morel, Jean-Jacques Brun, Dominique Baud, Sandra Lavorel The study of socio-ecosystems, their vulnerability, resilience and trajectories often requires collaboration between the human and social sciences, and the natural sciences. This article proposes to test this notion of socio-ecosystem and a methodology around the chronosystemic timeline as intermediate tools of interdisciplinary knowledge. It reports on an interdisciplinary experience, its research context, as well as its conceptual and methodological framework, illustrated with the example of the Quatre Montagnes in the Vercors Mountains (French Alps). It proposes a protocol that can be applied to monitoring the vulnerability trajectories of an association of municipalities and its environmental resources in an interdisciplinary perspective. The process consists of four stages: I) a sociohistorical and ecological exploratory step, II) the determination of the dimensions to be observed and their indicators, III) the construction of the timeline, and IV) the analysis of the vulnerability trajectory of a landscape including its actors. This article presents the potential, the methodological difficulties, and the critical issues of this interdisciplinary analysis.
- Changements climatiques et vulnérabilité des territoires : regards de montagnards sur l'évolution des risques et l'adaptation dans deux vallées pyrénéennes - Christine Bouisset, Sylvie Clarimont, Isabelle Degrémont Cet article vise, à partir de la situation des Pyrénées occidentales, à apporter des éléments de compréhension de la façon dont les acteurs locaux, principalement des élus, mais aussi des habitants, appréhendent les changements – notamment climatiques – et la façon dont ceux-ci sont susceptibles, à plus ou moins long terme, de modifier la vulnérabilité aux risques des territoires de montagne. Cette vulnérabilité dépend non seulement de la nature, de l'ampleur et de l'intensité des changements auxquels un système territorial est exposé, mais aussi de sa sensibilité et de sa capacité d'adaptation (GIEC, 2001 et 2014). Elle est également accrue par les incertitudes scientifiques sur l'évolution du climat et des risques, particulièrement marquées au niveau local. Nous montrerons que la difficulté à appréhender les changements présents et à venir contribue à aggraver la vulnérabilité des territoires étudiés.Drawing on our findings in the Western Pyrenees, this article aims to bring a better understanding of attitudes among local players, mainly elected representatives but also residents, to change - especially climate change - and how these changes are likely to affect the vulnerability to risks of mountain areas in the shorter or longer term. Vulnerability depends not only on the nature, scale and intensity of the changes to which a territorial system is exposed, but also on its sensitivity and capacity for adaptation (IPCC, 2001 and 2014). It is also exacerbated by scientific uncertainties as to how the climate is evolving and over the risks that arise, which are particularly evident at the local level. We show that difficulties in grasping current and future changes add to the vulnerability of the areas investigated.
- Climate Change and Vulnerability in Local Areas: Attitudes to Evolving Risks and Adaptation in Two Pyrenean Valleys - Christine Bouisset, Sylvie Clarimont, Isabelle Degrémont Drawing on our findings in the Western Pyrenees, this article aims to bring a better understanding of attitudes among local players, mainly elected representatives but also residents, to change - especially climate change - and how these changes are likely to affect the vulnerability to risks of mountain areas in the shorter or longer term. Vulnerability depends not only on the nature, scale and intensity of the changes to which a territorial system is exposed, but also on its sensitivity and capacity for adaptation (IPCC, 2001 and 2014). It is also exacerbated by scientific uncertainties as to how the climate is evolving and over the risks that arise, which are particularly evident at the local level. We show that difficulties in grasping current and future changes add to the vulnerability of the areas investigated.
- Figuier de barbarie ou arganier ? Nouvelles mutations des systèmes agrosylvopastoraux dans une vallée de la montagne des Aït Baamrane (Maroc) - Majda Mourou, Antonin Adam, Cardon Clothilde, Mohamed Aderghal, Michel Vaillant, Lhassan Benalayat, Bruno Romagny Dans le pays Ait Baamrane (Anti-Atlas marocain), la vallée de Tazrout se caractérise par des conditions agro-écologiques peu favorables à l'agriculture (climat aride, relief accidenté, sols pauvres). Les populations ont pendant longtemps fait face à cette vulnérabilité en tirant parti de ce milieu par une gestion combinée et concertée des ressources agrosylvopastorales et par des mobilités spatiales diverses. Mais les perturbations du XXe siècle ont eu pour conséquence la transformation structurelle des systèmes agraires et une déstabilisation des fondements sociaux de l'organisation territoriale. La plantation massive de figuier de barbarie (cactus) semble avoir accompagné cette transformation. Selon les études effectuées dans la région, le cactus a favorisé le retour d'un relatif équilibre écologique, signe de résilience. Mais qu'en est-il de ses retombées socioéconomiques ? Son expansion ne serait-elle pas un catalyseur des transformations du système et un facteur d'accentuation de la vulnérabilité sociale ? En s'appuyant sur une approche systémique et géo-historique des structures agraires, cet article cherche à comprendre comment les changements successifs dans I) les modes de mise en valeur et d'occupation de l'espace et II) les politiques publiques, ont abouti aujourd'hui à de nouvelles vulnérabilités. Afin de donner un prolongement à la trajectoire de vulnérabilité de ce territoire, un scénario alternatif à la marche qui semble être prônée par l'État aujourd'hui, est étudié.The Tazrout valley, embedded in the Ait Baamrane area (Moroccan Anti-Atlas), is characterized by agro-ecological conditions hardly favorable to agriculture (arid climate, rugged terrain, poor soils). For a long time, people tackled these environmental challenges through the combined and concerted management of agrosilvopastoral resources and of various spatial dynamics. However climatic disturbances during the 20th century have resulted in the structural transformation of agrarian systems and the destabilization of the social foundations underlying the territory's organization. The widespread planting of prickly pear (cactus) seems to go hand in hand with these changes. According to studies carried out in the region, the cactus has favoured the return of a relative ecological equilibrium; being a sign of resilience. But what about socio-economic benefits? Could the cactuses' expansion not be a catalyst of the system's transformation as well as an aggravating factor of social weaknesses? Based on a systemic and geo-historical approach to agrarian structures, this article seeks to understand how successive changes in (I) modes of spatial development and occupation and (II) public policies have lead today to new vulnerabilities. In order to propose an extension to the trajectory of the territories vulnerability, an alternative scenario to the advancements, seemingly advocated by the State today, is studied.
- Prickly Pear or Argan Tree? Agrosilvopastoral Systems of a Mountain Valley in Ait Baamrane (Morocco) Face Changes - Majda Mourou, Antonin Adam, Cardon Clothilde, Mohamed Aderghal, Michel Vaillant, Lhassan Benalayat, Bruno Romagny The Tazrout valley, embedded in the Ait Baamrane area (Moroccan Anti-Atlas), is characterized by agro-ecological conditions hardly favorable to agriculture (arid climate, rugged terrain, poor soils). For a long time, people tackled these environmental challenges through the combined and concerted management of agrosilvopastoral resources and of various spatial dynamics. However climatic disturbances during the 20th century have resulted in the structural transformation of agrarian systems and the destabilization of the social foundations underlying the territory's organization. The widespread planting of prickly pear (cactus) seems to go hand in hand with these changes. According to studies carried out in the region, the cactus has favoured the return of a relative ecological equilibrium; being a sign of resilience. But what about socio-economic benefits? Could the cactuses' expansion not be a catalyst of the system's transformation as well as an aggravating factor of social weaknesses? Based on a systemic and geo-historical approach to agrarian structures, this article seeks to understand how successive changes in (i) modes of spatial development and occupation and (ii) public policies have lead today to new vulnerabilities. In order to propose an extension to the trajectory of the territories vulnerability, an alternative scenario to the advancements, seemingly advocated by the State today, is studied.
- Trajectoires de vulnérabilité des territoires ruraux dans les Andes d'Équateur : une analyse comparative - Nasser Rebaï, Julio A. Alvarado Vélez Alors que les populations paysannes de la sierra équatorienne ont été marquées par de multiples contraintes dans leur histoire, depuis trente ans, les politiques libérales qui visent à la « modernisation » du secteur primaire de l'économie en Équateur ont donné lieu à de profonds changements dans les régions andines. À partir de travaux de terrain conduits dans les provinces de l'Azuay, du Cotopaxi et du Chimborazo, au cours desquels des entretiens auprès d'acteurs institutionnels et des enquêtes au sein d'exploitations familiales ont été réalisés, il a été mis en évidence que la disparition des services publics d'encadrement agricole, la promotion des pesticides chimiques et le développement minier ont favorisé la désunion des groupes paysans. En outre, il a pu être observé que les agriculteurs familiaux avaient développés ces dernières années des pratiques agricoles ayant des effets néfastes sur l'environnement alors que dans le même temps leur sécurité alimentaire n'était pas assurée. Au final, le travail réalisé au cours des trois dernières années donne l'occasion de prendre la mesure des effets négatifs du projet « modernisateur » du secteur primaire en Équateur et, à travers la comparaison de plusieurs situations locales, de caractériser le prolongement de la trajectoire de vulnérabilité des territoires ruraux andins.While the peasant populations of the Ecuadorian Sierra have been marked by multiple constraints in their history, for thirty years, the liberal policies that aimed at the “modernization” of the primary sector of the economy in Ecuador have led to profound changes in the Andean regions. From fieldwork conducted in the provinces of Azuay, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, during which interviews with institutional actors and surveys within family farms were carried out, it was highlighted that the disappearance of public agricultural services, the promotion of chemical pesticides and the development of mining have favored the disunity of the peasant groups. In addition, we observed that in recent years, family farmers have developed agricultural practices that have adverse effects on the environment while, at the same time, their food security was not ensured. Finally, the work done over the past three years provides an opportunity to take stock of the negative effects of the “modernizing” project of the primary sector in Ecuador and, through the comparison of several local situations, to characterize the extension of the trajectory of vulnerability of Andean rural territories.
- Trajectories of Vulnerability of Rural Territories in the Ecuadorian Andes: a Comparative Analysis - Nasser Rebaï, Julio A. Alvarado Vélez While the peasant populations of the Ecuadorian Sierra have been marked by multiple constraints in their history, for thirty years, the liberal policies that aimed at the “modernization” of the primary sector of the economy in Ecuador have led to profound changes in the Andean regions. From fieldwork conducted in the provinces of Azuay, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, during which interviews with institutional actors and surveys within family farms were carried out, it was highlighted that the disappearance of public agricultural services, the promotion of chemical pesticides and the development of mining have favored the disunity of the peasant groups. In addition, we observed that in recent years, family farmers have developed agricultural practices that have adverse effects on the environment while, at the same time, their food security was not ensured. Finally, the work done over the past three years provides an opportunity to take stock of the negative effects of the “modernizing” project of the primary sector in Ecuador and, through the comparison of several local situations, to characterize the extension of the trajectory of vulnerability of Andean rural territories.
- Désenchantement dans les Tatras. La vulnérabilité des « Alpes de poche » (Slovaquie) - Michel Lompech La tempête exceptionnelle Alžbeta (Elizabeth) du 19 novembre 2004 détruisit les deux-tiers de la forêt des versants des Tatras slovaques, dévoilant l'ampleur de l'urbanisation et des aménagements à l'intérieur du Parc national. Si la mise en tourisme de ce massif a débuté au milieu du xixe siècle, différentes phases au cours du xxe ont accéléré la transformation du cadre montagnard en un espace urbain et récréatif, très sensible aux aléas naturels et aux renversements géopolitiques. L'article présente les phases de cette trajectoire et les facteurs rendant cette montagne de plus en plus vulnérable.The extraordinary storm Alžbeta (Elizabeth) of 19 November 2004 destroyed two-thirds of the forest on the slopes of the Slovakian Tatras, unveiling the extent of urbanisation and construction within the National Park. Although tourism in this mountain range started in the mid-19th century, different stages over the course of the 20th century accelerated the transformation of the mountainous surroundings into an urban and recreational area. This area is highly sensitive to natural hazards and geopolitical changes. This article presents the stages of this trajectory and the factors that make these mountains increasingly vulnerable.
- Disenchantment in the Tatras. The Vulnerability of the “Pocket Alps” (Slovakia) - Michel Lompech The extraordinary storm Alžbeta (Elizabeth) of 19 November 2004 destroyed two-thirds of the forest on the slopes of the Slovakian Tatras, unveiling the extent of urbanisation and construction within the National Park. Although tourism in this mountain range started in the mid-19th century, different stages over the course of the 20th century accelerated the transformation of the mountainous surroundings into an urban and recreational area. This area is highly sensitive to natural hazards and geopolitical changes. This article presents the stages of this trajectory and the factors that make these mountains increasingly vulnerable.
- Trajectoires d'adaptation face au changement climatique : analyse et transformation du système de gouvernance du massif ardennais - Jon Marco Church Les Ardennes sont un massif forestier au cœur de l'Europe. Il est fondamental pour ce massif de pouvoir anticiper le changement climatique et ses impacts prévus. Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons particulièrement au système de gouvernance des Ardennes. Nous mobilisons d'abord les méthodes de recherche transformationnelle en matière de durabilité par le biais d'un cadre méthodologique qui intègre différentes méthodes. Dans ce contexte, nous procédons avec une analyse diagnostique de la durabilité du système de gouvernance ardennais. Cette analyse a été développée à partir d'une version du cadre général pour l'analyse de la durabilité des systèmes socio-écologiques développé par Ostrom. Elle a été adaptée à un système de grandes dimensions et appliqué dans le cadre d'un processus de recherche participative. Cela a permis d'identifier trois vulnérabilités principales : l'absence d'un observatoire du système socio-écologique dans son ensemble, l'absence d'un dialogue intersectoriel structuré et la capacité d'agir limitée des collectivités territoriales et de la société civile. Nous suggérons donc de mettre en place des analyses prospectives et rétrospectives afin d'identifier des trajectoires d'adaptation du système de gouvernance par rapport au changement climatique. Cela devrait permettre de concevoir et expérimenter des interventions pour transformer la gouvernance de ce système socio-écologique de grandes dimensions vers une plus grande durabilité.The Ardennes are a mountain forest area in the heart of Europe. It is fundamental for this mountain area to be able to anticipate climate change and its expected impacts. In this article, we are particularly interested in the Ardennes governance system. We first use transformational sustainability research methods through a methodological framework that combines different methods. In this context, we proceed with a diagnostic analysis of the sustainability of the Ardennes governance system. This analysis was developed from a version of the general framework for the analysis of the sustainability of socio-ecological systems developed by Ostrom. It was adapted to a large system and applied as part of a participatory research process. This identified three main vulnerabilities: the absence of an observatory of the socio-ecological system as a whole, the lack of a structured intersectoral dialogue, and the limited capacity to act of local authorities and civil society. We therefore suggest conducting prospective and retrospective analyses to identify adaptation paths of the governance system in relation to climate change. This should make it possible to design and experiment interventions to transform the governance of this large socio-ecological system towards greater sustainability.
- Pathways of Adaptation to Climate Change: Analysis and Transformation of the Governance System of the Ardennes Mountain Area - Jon Marco Church The Ardennes are a mountain forest area in the heart of Europe. It is fundamental for this mountain area to be able to anticipate climate change and its expected impacts. In this article, we are particularly interested in the Ardennes governance system. We first use transformational sustainability research methods through a methodological framework that combines different methods. In this context, we proceed with a diagnostic analysis of the sustainability of the Ardennes governance system. This analysis was developed from a version of the general framework for the analysis of the sustainability of socio-ecological systems developed by Ostrom. It was adapted to a large system and applied as part of a participatory research process. This identified three main vulnerabilities: the absence of an observatory of the socio-ecological system as a whole, the lack of a structured intersectoral dialogue, and the limited capacity to act of local authorities and civil society. We therefore suggest conducting prospective and retrospective analyses to identify adaptation paths of the governance system in relation to climate change. This should make it possible to design and experiment interventions to transform the governance of this large socio-ecological system towards greater sustainability.