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Politique étrangère ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 64, no 4, 1999 |
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L'entrée dans le XXIe siècle. Les enjeux de la mondialisation
- Introduction - Thierry de Montbrial p. 797-802
- La France dans un monde multipolaire - Jacques Chirac p. 803-812 Construire un monde multipolaire est en soi un progrès, car c'est aller vers une répartition du pouvoir plus équilibrée, mais il est nécessaire, dans le même temps, de renforcer les institutions internationales, car il faut des règles et des arbitres afin de définir les objectifs que se fixe la société mondiale.France in a Multipolar World, by Jacques Chirac The end of the century is characterized not only by irréversible globalization of human activities and constant accélération of scientific and technological progress, but also by incipient global management of interdependencies. The international System in the 21st century must be better organized, notably by progressing towards a multipolar world consisting of several régional pôles — in particular the European Union, which must act as a major pôle of global equilibrium. It is also necessary to reinforce the international institutions by giving an expanded Security Council an increased rôle. Progress must also be made in stepping up the campaign against prolifération, stabilization of the international financial System, the rules of world trade and global environ-mental protection. Finally, the 21st century must be the century of ethics centred on two main thèmes : combating exclusion and affirming a universal ethic, more specifically, preserving cultural and linguistic diversity.
- Le monde au tournant du siècle - Hubert Védrine p. 813-821 Comment analyser le monde où nous vivons depuis l'effondrement de l'URSS? Quels sont maintenant nos objectifs et qu'allons nous faire pour les atteindre? La France et l'Europe doivent travailler à un consensus universel pour donner naissance à une "communauté internationale".The World at the Turn of the Century, by Hubert Védrine Far from being the "end of history" or a "new international order", the post-Cold War world is characterized rather by turbulent transition. Two fondamental issues are looming on the horizon : the role and place of the American "hyperpower" and the relations between the West and the other parts of the world. In the face of the risks of unilateralism and uniformization, we should strive to achieve a multipolar, diversified and multilateral world based on cooperation and negotiation. The European Union must play an important role in such a world. Faced with the risk of rejection or the West and of its values, it is necessary to hâve more regard for the pace and stages of development of non-Western countries and not to demand that they convert to democracy overnight. This is a key condition for the emergence of a genuinely universal consensus and of an authentic "international community".
- Ethique et mondialisation - Jean-Marie Lustiger p. 823-829 Nous parlons sans cesse de la mondialisation. En avons-nous pour autant un véritable concept? La globalisation sans limites ne suffit pas encore à définir la mondialisation, qui ne doit pas se réduire à une socialisation étendue aux dimensions de la planète, mais ambitionner une vision globale du monde.Ethics and Globalization, by Monseigneur Lustiger Globalization is characterized by the accumulation of trade, capital, products and people and tends to redefine the planet as a "single village". Although the process derives its strength from disregarding politics, this is also its weakness. Thus whereas globalization seeks to transcend the barriers between nations and communities, it often results in an exacerbation of parochial claims based on the defense of individual identities. Globalization must not be imposed in the name of history. Rather it must take into account the political, cultural and civic dimensions of human beings. In this respect, the Christian Church could set an example for addressing globalization, in view of her experience as a model of universal communion that respects each person's individuality.
- Mondialisation et gouvernance - Nkosazana Clarice Zuma p. 831-838 Si nous reconnaissons tous que la mondialisation offre des opportunités énormes, il n'en reste pas moins que ses bienfaits ont été très inégalement répartis, ce qui a agrandi le fossé entre pays riches et pays pauvres.Globalization and Governance, by Nkosazana Clarice Zuma Globalization, which does not only have an economie dimension, involves both opportunities and risks for developing countries. It is essential that these countries be integrated into the worlcrs economie System. However, many challenges have yet to be overcome, particularly the obstacles to movement of unskilled workers from the South in the industrialized countries and access to the rich countries' markets in the sectors in which the latter are inefficient. The democratization of many countries in the world forms one of the cornerstones of good governance. The latter also implies an open and direct dialogue between countries and a negotiated, peaceful settlement of conflicts. Finally, the multilateral organizations - in particular the United Nations System, which is in need of reform - hâve an important role to play in order to counteract the negative impact of globalization on developing countries.
- L'Afrique face à la mondialisation - Henri Konan Bédié p. 839-845 La mondialisation va à sa perte si l'on ne fait pas une place suffisante à la sphère politique de la régulation et de la coopération et aux droits sociaux fondamentaux des hommes et des peuples pour plus de justice, d'équité et de solidarité-partage.Africa in the Face of Globalization, by Henri Konan Bédié Since gaining its independence, Côte d'Ivoire has chosen economie liberalism and openness to the outside world. While considering that globalization is irreversible in nature, it does not unreservedly subscribe to the process because its contribution to the development of developing countries is extremely limited. The right form of development for these countries — particularly African countries - implies efforts on their part, notably to promote national enterprises. The advanced countries must also contribute by making substantial financial transfers, by accepting the establishment of regional markets that are reasonably protected from the outside world and by cancelling debt. In fact, if globalization is not to head directly for disaster, liberalism must be tempered by taking into account the political sphere of régulation and cooperation, as well as justice and solidarity.
- Réunir l'Europe - Aleksander Kwasniewski p. 847-854 L'Europe unie n'est pas édifiée uniquement par les pays occidentaux. Les impulsions unificatrices émanent des deux côtés du continent. La réussite régionale de l'Europe centrale devient une contribution de plus en plus importante au succès de l'ensemble du continent.Reuniting Europe, by Aleksander Kwasniewski Having joined NATO in 1999, Poland is currently negotiating the conditions of its membership of the European Union. This development was unthink-able ten years ago. However, the divisions between the western and eastern parts of the continent are still visible. Western Europeans should show a more flexible attitude towards the Eastern European candidates because those countries belong — as they themselves do ― to a common cultural and spiritual area. They are participating in their own way in European unifica tion through their own unification initiatives (CEFTA). However, the return of the old demons (Balkans) as well as the combination of euroscepticism in the West and the frustration that would be caused in the East by overly delayed integration, are all threats to European plans. However that may be, all the Central and Eastern European countries must be involved in the process and be regarded more as authentic partners in building European prosperity than as mere candidates.
- Les enjeux de la régulation commerciale internationale - Christian Sautter p. 855-862 L'ouverture internationale et les négociations multilatérales ne sont ni un instrument de régression sociale et culturelle ni un blanc-seing donné à ce que l'on appelle en France une vision américaine de la société, mais permettre, si elles sont maîtrisées et progressives, d'intégrer durablement la France dans l'économie mondiale.
- Sécurité et interdépendance - Robertson p. 863-866 L'Union européenne constitue un remarquable témoignage de la puissance, de l'interdépendance comme facteur de stabilité, et il en va de même pour l'OTAN, qui se caractérisera demain par une Europe plus intégrée, une relation transatlantique plus profonde, et, ainsi, une sécurité plus grande pour la région euro-atlantique.Security and Interdependence, by Lord Robertson Europe's experience since the Second World War, through the European Union and NATO, demonstrates that interdependence contributes to security. The NATO area has thus become a haven of stability in which war has become impossible. NATO nevertheless remains vulnerable to crises in the Euro-Atlantic region, as was the case in Kosovo, where intervention was required. The continent's security also involves close cooperation with Russia and the countries of the Partnership for Peace. Moreover, the durability of the Transatlantic ties implies fairer burden-sharing within the Alliance, that is, the emergence of a stronger European security and defence identity within the latter.
- Interdépendance et conduite des relations internationales - Teo Chee Hean, Mercedes Neal p. 867-873 A mesure que les membres de l'Union européenne avanceront vers une coordination plus étroite dans les domaines des affaires étrangères et de la sécurité, l'UE exercera une influence accrue sur la scène internationale et contribuera ainsi à l'instauration d'un monde plus stable.Interdependence and Conduct of International Relations, by Teo Chee Hean Globalization will continue to be the dominant trend in the 21st century. Contrary to some expectations, increased interdependence has not reduced the risks of conflicts. It is even tending to encourage ethnie fragmentation and a new form of tribalism. Furthermore the world has not become multipolar. Rather it is characterized by an Americanization that generates uneasiness. However, backtracking is not an option, especially as this phe-nomenon seems to be generally beneficial and will not cause nation states to vanish. We need to pool sovereignties and to use new methods to attack the global problems. The European Union has an important role to play in this respect and can help to establish a stabler world, given its experience of settling conflicts and cooperation.
- Réussir l'Europe : construire des ponts - Johannes Rau p. 875-881 De quelles instruments la communauté internationale peut-elle se servir pour créer un cadre institutionnel applicable au plan international et pour assurer le respect de ses règles?Making a Success of Europe: Bridge-Building, by Johannes Rau Europe is first and foremost a community of values that has to be extended by enlarging the European Union. Its success implies transcending the old doctrinal "trench wars" - notably those between sovereignists and federalists — particularly as today there is surprising unanimity about the political objectives pursued by the European Union. Its institutional structure, on the other hand, calls for a radical reform with a view to a greatly expanded EU. The highly controversial issue of a federation of European states capable of intervening where individual states can no longer do so, must be raised. It does not call into question the importance of a strong nation state with responsibilities in many areas. Europe's responsibility in any case is to take up the économie and social challenges of globalization, particularly by globalizing the social market economy.
- Réussir l'Europe : une nécessité permanente - Javier Solana p. 883-888 Les conditions indispensables pour faire de l'Europe une réussite doivent répondre à trois exigences qui constituent autant d'objectifs pour l'UE: assurer la prospérité de l'ensemble de l'Union; rester attaché à une solidarité interne et internationale; se transformer en acteur politique à part entière sur le plan planétaire.Making a Success of Europe: an Ongoing Necessity, by Javier Solana If Europe is to be able to progress and meet the current challenges, we should not be theorizing but implementing concrete proposals. Europe must first ensure the prosperity of the European Union and its members. It also has a duty of far-reaching solidarity, both internally and with its near neighbours and the rest of the world. Lastly, it has to become a fully-fledged player in international relations and thus play an important role in crisis prevention and settlement. To do so, it must have a capacity for action supported by credible military forces and become a genuine partner of the major international players : United States, Russia, China and Japan. In this way the EU will be able to act as a moderator and genuine partner in order to promote stability, prosperity and development, particularly as the international community needs a strong Europe.
- L'avenir de la société de l'information : une perspective européenne - Martti Ahtisaari p. 889-896 La société de l'information qui se façonne recèle de vastes possibilités, mais il nous appartient d'oeuvrer à construire celle-ci de manière à ce que se réalisent les idéaux de liberté, de responsabilité, partagée et d'égalité, afin de développer la société tout entière, sur la base de valeurs communes.
- Science, technologie et développement : quelles perspectives pour le monde arabe ? - Abdlatif Yousef Al-Ahmad, Mercedes Neal p. 897-906 Les nouvelles techniques de l'information réduisent les distances et rapprochent les individus, mais les inégalités d'accès à ces technologies ne cessent de croître. Quelle est la place des pays arabes dans un monde qui évolue si rapidement?Science, Technology and Development: What Prospects for the Arab World?, by Abdlatif Yousef Al-Hamad Humanity has entered a new era under the influence of the progress of science, technology and globalization. As a factor of interdependence, this development is also a source of disparities. This constitutes a major challenge for the Arab world, which must not only conduct a transformation process but also catch up in the areas of education, science and technology. But the Arab countries do not have the choice. If they want to develop, they must concurrently adjust to globalization, liberalize and exploit the opportunities induced by scientific revolutions. This will be achievable in the context of a society that is open to pluralism and innovation and is mobilized, while being integrated regionally and internationally. However, only democracy and social justice, combined with security and peace, will be able to give science and technology a human face.
- L'aggravation des inégalités dans le monde - Barthélémy Courmont, Murielle Cozette p. 907-916 Révélant et accroissant les inégalités, la mondialisation mène à une prise de conscience de plus en plus forte de la nécessité de pallier le "déficit" ethique du marché.
- Les nouvelles dimensions de la sécurité - Marie-Hélène Labbé p. 917-921 S'il y a une fragmentation de la question de la sécurité dans l'après-guerre froide, celle-ci s'accompagne d'une régionalisation des concepts de sécurité, et plus que jamais le monde a besoin de règles du jeu et d'un arbitre objectif, neutre et puissant.
- L'architecture financière internationale - Nicolas Jabko, Françoise Nicolas p. 923-930 L'article aborde trois points: les évolutions concrètes depuis la crise asiatique de 1997; le débat sur les modalités techniques de l'architecture financière internationale; le débat plus politique sur les principes généraux d'organisation du système financier mondial.
- Relations internationales et développement durable - Eddy Fougier p. 931-940 La nécessité d'intégrer les dimensions économiques, sociales et environnementales dans le développement global tout comme le droit de vivre dans un environnement sain ne sont plus remis en cause aujourd'hui et commencent même à faire l'objet d'un consensus mondial.
- Droit et mondialisation - May Chartouni-Dubarry, Loulouwa al Rachid p. 941-946 La mondialisation oblige à repenser la finalité et les instruments du droit dans le système international contemporain et signifie la mise en compétition aussi bien des normes que des sujets de ce droit.
- Science, société de l'information et interdépendance - Anita Tiraspolsky p. 947-955 Le développement de la société de l'information et l'évolution des biotechnologies soulèvent de nombreuses questions philosophiques et ethiques, notamment sur l'usage que l'on peut faire de ces technologies soit pour manipuler les populations, soit pour asseoir les pouvoirs en place.The Future of the Information Society: a European Perspective, by Martti Ahtisaari The information society is opening up a revolutionary era. It is changing the structures of the economy by developing the service markets. Thanks to new technologies, Finland — which was hard-hit by recession in the early 1990s — has been able to regain durably stable growth. From this point of view, the key was a change of mentality and an open mind about the future. The information society also has a strong influence on culture. It tends to strengthen linguistic and cultural diversity. Lastly, it directly affects society and the individual, in particular by reinforcing civilian society. The information society has tremendous potential, but if it is to meet the ideals of freedom, shared responsibility and equality, the emphasis must be placed on citizens' participation in the decision-making process, on tolerance and on reducing inequality.
- L'aggravation des inégalités dans le monde - Barthélémy Courmont, Murielle Cozette p. 907-916
- Programme - p. 957-960
- Liste des participants étrangers - p. 961-964
- Programme - p. 957-960
- Introduction - Thierry de Montbrial p. 797-802
- Les auteurs - p. 965-968
- Abstracts - p. 969-973