Contenu du sommaire : Friches en montagne : problématiques, enjeux et opportunités
Revue |
Revue de Géographie Alpine ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 107, no 1, 2019 |
Titre du numéro | Friches en montagne : problématiques, enjeux et opportunités |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Montagnes en friches ou friches en montagne ? - Gian Paolo Torricelli, Sylvie Duvillard
- Fallow Mountains or Mountain Fallow Lands? - Gian Paolo Torricelli, Sylvie Duvillard
- Les friches touristiques dans la moyenne montagne auvergnate, entre effet de cycle et fragilité territoriale - Michel Lompech, Daniel Ricard L'article questionne la friche touristique dans la moyenne montagne auvergnate. Celle-ci résulte d'un processus régressif complexe de moyen/long terme et renvoie à la mise en place de ce tourisme et à sa difficile insertion dans la concurrence avec d'autres territoires touristiques à partir des années 1960. L'analyse montre la complexité des facteurs explicatifs comme des configurations de détail. Ces facteurs interrogent les dynamiques propres au tourisme, la situation particulière de ces moyennes montagnes (souvent des milieux fragiles) et l'attitude spécifique des acteurs (entrepreneurs, collectivités locales…). Ces friches touristiques, nombreuses, sont inégalement réparties sur le territoire et l'article s'efforce d'en dresser une typologie.The article investigates tourist wastelands in Auvergne's mid-mountain region. They are the product of a complex and regressive process over the medium or long term and have to be looked at within the context of how this tourism was approached and the difficult integration to compete with other tourism-oriented territories from the 1960s. The analysis demonstrates the complexity of explanatory factors such as retail configurations. These factors pose a challenge to the tourism dynamics, the specific location of these mid-mountains, which are often fragile environments, and the attitude of the actors (entrepreneurs, local authorities etc.). The numerous tourist wastelands are unevenly distributed across the territory, and the article seeks to draw up a typology of them.
- Tourist Wastelands in Auvergne's Mid-Mountain Region, Between Cycle Effect and Territorial Fragility - Michel Lompech, Daniel Ricard
- Le diverse facce della montagna in declino: un'esperienza lombarda - Luisa Pedrazzini The phenomenon of territories affected by obsolesce and under abandonment involves the Alpine region as a whole in several respects such as social, economic and environmental. The article aims to contribute to current studies, supporting and integrating the thesis of the complex mosaic of the Alpine space, focusing the attention in particular to the Lombardy's mountain, where fallow lands show different characterizations, typologies and spatial structures. Taking into account the typological and territorial differences of Lombardy, the resulting picture can be considered as representative of a large part of the southern alpine face. The main typologies emerging refer to obsolete or derelict spaces because of economic or historical reasons and the relative functions were de-committed or moved elsewhere. Other cases are referred to winter resorts having lost their status due to “environmental” factors. This drives to reflect on the effects of climate change in shaping future Alpine fallow lands. The lack of snow and dramatic ice melting put in crisis local economy, with decline and recession and is the origin of great natural disasters too, causing a radical change in the way of life of the Alps' inhabitants. This leads to the need to assess through specific scenarios the potential effects on territorial organization of the “fallow lands” that may occur due to climate change, as well as the availability of natural resources, including the effects on the economy and the consolidated life of inhabitants. This can drive to different perspectives on the use of the Alpine territory, with an alliance between disciplines to formulate tailor-made solutions including diversified, innovative purposes as well as planning preventive “rest” with scheduled “fallow lands”.
- Multifaceted Fallow Lands: the Case of Lombardy - Luisa Pedrazzini The phenomenon of territories affected by obsolesce and under abandonment involves the Alpine region as a whole in several respects such as social, economic and environmental. The article aims to contribute to current studies, supporting and integrating the thesis of the complex mosaic of the Alpine space, focusing the attention in particular to the Lombardy's mountain, where fallow lands show different characterizations, typologies and spatial structures. Taking into account the typological and territorial differences of Lombardy, the resulting picture can be considered as representative of a large part of the southern alpine face. The main typologies emerging refer to obsolete or derelict spaces because of economic or historical reasons and the relative functions were de-committed or moved elsewhere. Other cases are referred to winter resorts having lost their status due to “environmental” factors. This drives to reflect on the effects of climate change in shaping future Alpine fallow lands. The lack of snow and dramatic ice melting put in crisis local economy, with decline and recession and is the origin of great natural disasters too, causing a radical change in the way of life of the Alps' inhabitants. This leads to the need to assess through specific scenarios the potential effects on territorial organization of the “fallow lands” that may occur due to climate change, as well as the availability of natural resources, including the effects on the economy and the consolidated life of inhabitants. This can drive to different perspectives on the use of the Alpine territory, with an alliance between disciplines to formulate tailor-made solutions including diversified, innovative purposes as well as planning preventive “rest” with scheduled “fallow lands”.
- Quand les routes fermées de montagne racontent les territoires. L'exemple du Vercors : entre invisibilités, réappropriations et mises en valeur (XIXe -XXIe siècles) - Emma-Sophie Mouret Cet article propose de mesurer en quoi les routes fermées en montagne peuvent représenter une particularité en tant que friche, et constituer un outil pour l'analyse des territoires. Les logiques patrimoniales rattachées à ces routes fermées permettent également de mesurer la place du patrimoine routier dans la mémoire et les représentations des territoires alpins. Dans les Alpes, les routes de montagne sont des signes visibles de la politique de modernisation du réseau de voies de communication entreprise par les gouvernements successifs au XIXe siècle. Le massif du Vercors (Isère et Drôme) fut quadrillé par un réseau de routes carrossables à partir de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. La plupart de ces routes sont réalisées pour acheminer les grumes de bois. Elles sont construites à flanc de falaise et deviennent rapidement des itinéraires d'excursions touristiques, ce qui entraine la structuration d'un système socio-économique associant de nombreux acteurs. Cette activité s'est diversifiée après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les décennies suivantes, les routes ont été le support de migrations quotidiennes de plus en plus nombreuses. À la fin des années 1970, les risques d'éboulements sont l'objet d'une considération accrue, dans un contexte où la nécessité d'accès rapide et fluide au plateau est grandissante. Certaines de ces routes furent ainsi fermées après des éboulements ou à la suite de la réalisation de sections plus rapides et sécurisées. Ces routes représentaient à leur construction la modernité. Leur fermeture signifie par la suite leur obsolescence. S'intéresser à ces dernières permet d'identifier dans le temps long, les stratégies de développement des territoires. Une fois la route fermée, cette dernière disparait des médias touristiques. Pour autant, elle est réappropriée par différents acteurs pour diverses activités. La friche ce n'est donc pas la route mais les établissements touristiques qui la jouxtaient, et qui ont dû fermer suite à l'abandon de cette même route. L'ensemble de ces éléments invitent à réfléchir à la patrimonialisation de ces routes fermées, qui sont rarement montrées aux visiteurs aux côtés des autres routes « remarquables ».
- What Do Closed Mountain Roads Tell Us About Territories? A Critical Analysis of Abandonment, Re-Appropriation and Valorisation in the Vercors (19th-21st Century) - Emma-Sophie Mouret In the Alps, mountain roads offer clear examples of the 19th-century policy of modernising road networks. In the middle of the 1800s, the Vercors mountain range in the French departments of Isère and Drôme was criss-crossed by a network of carriageable roads. Most of these roads were built to transport wood but rapidly became tourist routes. After the Second World War, the roads started being used more and more as daily transit increased. At the end of the 1970s, however, the risk of landslides was increasingly becoming an issue. Some of the roads were closed following landslides or after the construction of safer and faster roads. At the time they were built, these roads were symbols of modernity. Later, as they became obsolete, they came to embody both the development strategies of territories and the legacy of former policies of modernisation. Now, this closed roads aren't showed alongside other “magnificent roads”.
- Industrial Brownfield Sites in the Alps. A first Quantitative Overview and Potential Implications for Regional Development - Marcello Modica Since a few decades the Alpine region is undergoing a process of economic restructuring which involves the decline of traditional heavy and manufacturing industry. This process is occurring however with less evidence and most of all with considerable delay in comparison to the surrounding lowlands. Accordingly, the management of industrial brownfield sites is expected to become increasingly relevant in the future development of the Alpine region, especially in connection to land use optimization and socio-economic well-being. This contribution intends to raise the attention on the issue of industrial fallow land in mountain areas by presenting and discussing the first results of a macro-regional quantitative survey of industrial brownfields in the Alps.
- Aree industriali dismesse nelle Alpi. Una prima panoramica quantitativa e potenziali implicazioni per lo sviluppo regionale - Marcello Modica
- Reconversion de friches militaires : le refuge culturel comme dispositif unique en son genre - Fabien Jakob À travers un certain nombre de documents techniques d'urbanisme (document-programme, cahier des charges…), de supports de la communication officielle (sites Internet, plaquettes…), de comptes-rendus de réunions internes, de réunions publiques observées et d'entretiens réalisés, cette recherche conduite entre mai 2015 et octobre 2017 se penche sur une opération de réaffectation d'un vaste réseau de galeries souterraines et de fortifications militaires situées dans les Alpes suisses, prenant plus particulièrement comme exemple la reconversion de friches militaires en un refuge culturel destiné à abriter les biens menacés de destruction dans leurs propres pays. Grâce à une approche pragmatique inspirée de la sociologie de la justification (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1991) en vertu de laquelle les engagements dans l'action se coordonnent autour d'une conception partagée du bien commun (civique, industrielle, inspirée, en renom, domestique et marchande), son ambition consiste à analyser les registres hétérogènes de représentations et d'actions mobilisés à l'occasion de cette opération de requalification tentant un réajustement compromissoire d'éléments techniques, de préoccupations marchandes, d'enjeux patrimoniaux, de jeux politiques et diplomatiques de prestige.Through different official communication channels (websites, brochures, reports, etc.), minutes of meetings, interviews, this research, conducted between May 2015 and October 2017, examines an operation to reassign a vast underground galleries and military fortifications network located in the Swiss Alps into a unique scheme dedicated to the cultural heritage preservation. Thanks to a pragmatic approach inspired by the sociology of emancipation (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1991) under which the commitment to action is coordinated around a shared conception of common good (civic, industrial, inspired, fame, domestic and market), it aims at analyzing the heterogeneous representations and actions registers which are mobilized during this reassignment attempting a compromise between technical, cultural dimensions, market concerns, political issues and diplomatic aspirations.
- Reconversion of Military Wastelands: the Cultural Refuge as a Unique Scheme - Fabien Jakob Through different official communication channels (websites, brochures, reports, etc.), minutes of meetings, interviews, this research, conducted between May 2015 and October 2017, examines an operation to reassign a vast underground galleries and military fortifications network located in the Swiss Alps into a unique scheme dedicated to the cultural heritage preservation. Thanks to a pragmatic approach inspired by the sociology of emancipation (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1991) under which the commitment to action is coordinated around a shared conception of common good (civic, industrial, inspired, fame, domestic and market), it aims at analyzing the heterogeneous representations and actions registers which are mobilized during this reassignment attempting a compromise between technical, cultural dimensions, market concerns, political issues and diplomatic aspirations.
- Les friches militaires, une opportunité pour la reconversion urbaine de petites villes de montagne ? - Stéphanie Lotz-Coll Dans un contexte de ressources foncières restreintes, les territoires de montagne sont contraints de considérer la reconversion des sites qui ont perdu leur fonctionnalité comme de potentielles sources d'attractivité et de dynamisme.Alors que le développement durable incite à imaginer quelle pourraient être les activités qui pallieraient la déprise des petites villes périphériques en termes de centralité urbaine, les profondes mutations urbaines consécutives au récent départ des militaires de certaines petites villes de garnison en montagne permettent d'envisager un premier retour d'expérience quant à la reconversion de sites militaires et à l'ingénierie de projet mise en œuvre pour y parvenir.Après une mise en contexte de l'intérêt que représentent les friches, notamment urbaines, pour les territoires de montagne, cet article propose un focus sur la friche militaire, avec d'une part, une réflexion sur sa banalisation et d'autre part, le contexte dans lequel sa reconversion pourrait être considérée comme une réussite. Une dernière partie illustre ces éléments de façon concrète avec la reconversion récente de Barcelonnette et de la vallée de l'Ubaye.In a frame of limited land resources, mountain territories need to consider the reconversion of wastelands that have lost their functionality as potential source of attractiveness and dynamism.In a context of sustainable development that is also beginning to consider what could be the future activities that could mitigate the abandonment of small peripheral cities in terms of urban centrality, the brutal urban changes due to the recent departure of militaries from some small mountain garrison cities allow to consider a first return of experience regarding the redevelopment of military wastelands and the project engineering implemented to achieve this.After putting into context, the interest represented by wastelands, especially urban, for mountain territories, this article proposes a focus on the military wasteland, with, on the one hand, a reflexion on its trivialization and on the other hand, the context in which its reconversion could be considered as a success. A final part illustrates these elements in a concrete way with the recent reconversion of Barcelonnette and the Ubaye Valley.
- The Military Brownfields, an Opportunity for the Urban Redevelopment of Small Mountain Towns? - Stéphanie Lotz-Coll In a frame of limited land resources, mountain territories need to consider the reconversion of wastelands that have lost their functionality as potential source of attractiveness and dynamism.In a context of sustainable development that is also beginning to consider what could be the future activities that could mitigate the abandonment of small peripheral cities in terms of urban centrality, the brutal urban changes due to the recent departure of militaries from some small mountain garrison cities allow to consider a first return of experience regarding the redevelopment of military wastelands and the project engineering implemented to achieve this.After putting into context, the interest represented by wastelands, especially urban, for mountain territories, this article proposes a focus on the military wasteland, with, on the one hand, a reflexion on its trivialization and on the other hand, the context in which its reconversion could be considered as a success. A final part illustrates these elements in a concrete way with the recent reconversion of Barcelonnette and the Ubaye Valley.
- Défrichage et enfrichement en haute vallée du Cañar (Sud andin de l'Équateur) : l'empreinte de l'émigration paysanne sur un paysage agraire ? - Michel Vaillant, Marc Oswald Au seuil du XXIe siècle, l'Équateur plongea dans la période économique la plus sombre de son histoire républicaine, à l'origine d'un vaste mouvement migratoire vers l'étranger. Dans la haute vallée andine du Cañar, la promptitude et l'ampleur de ce mouvement avait alors tout du signe avant-coureur de l'exode et du retour du milieu à la nature. Une décennie plus tard, le paysage agraire révèle un étrange paradoxe : certaines unités de paysage, apparemment abandonnées à la friche, suggèrent le déclin progressif de l'agriculture tandis que d'autres laissent entrevoir la progression en altitude d'un front fourrager. Que dire alors de ce paysage qui donne à voir un processus d'enfrichement dans certaines de ses sections et de défrichage dans d'autres ? Quel sens accorder au terme de friche quand la montagne renseigne des modes de mise en valeur agricole apparemment antagoniques ? Telles sont les questions que nous abordons dans le présent article, avec la friche comme fil d'Ariane. Une analyse du paysage, conjuguée au recours à l'histoire agraire de la région d'étude, permet d'éclairer les raisons du paradoxe observé et de donner sens aux rapports entre types de friche et dynamiques agraires, mobilités spatiales et processus de différenciation sociale. Principal résultat : loin de signifier l'abandon, la friche imprime dans le paysage le maintien d'une activité agricole par ceux qui ne sont pas en mesure d'émigrer ou de moderniser leur exploitation. Ce résultat invite à revisiter la notion de friche (d'un point de vue agro-économique), notamment dans la nécessité de saisir les enjeux et usages des divers écosystèmes étagés et de comprendre la fonction des différentes friches que leur assignent les catégories d'agriculteurs qui en tirent parti.On the threshold of the 2Ist century, Ecuador fell into the darkest economic period in the history of its republic, the cause of which was a vast migratory movement abroad. In the high Andes valley of Cañar, the swiftness and extent of the movement seemed, in many ways, to be the precursory signs of an exodus and a return to nature of the environment. A decade later, the agrarian landscape shows a strange paradox : some sections of land, apparently abandoned to wilderness, suggest a progressive decline in agriculture, whereas others suggest the progression of a fodder front to higher altitudes. So what can we say about this landscape that shows a process of set-aside in some of its sections and cultivation in others ? What meaning can we give to the term ‘fallow' with the mountains providing information on what appear to be antagonistic methods of agricultural development ? These are the questions dealt with in this article, with ‘fallow' as the main thread. An analysis of the land, combined with the use of the agricultural history of the study area, helps to shed light on the reasons for the observed paradox and gives meaning to the relationships between types of fallow and agricultural dynamics, mobility and the process of social differentiation. Principal result : far from signifying abandonment, fallow land is visual proof in the landscape of the maintenance of agricultural activity by those who are unable to migrate or modernize their farms. This result invites us to revisit the notion of wasteland fallow (from an agro-economic point of view), in particular the need to understand the stakes and uses of the various tiered ecosystems and to understand the function of the different fallow lands assigned to them by the categories of farmers who take part in them.
- Cultivated and Fallow Land in the Highlands of Cañar (Ecuadorean South Andes): Effects of Farmer Emigration on an Agrarian Landscape - Michel Vaillant, Marc Oswald On the threshold of the 21st century, Ecuador entered the darkest economic period in the history of its republic, resulting in a vast migratory movement to foreign countries. In the high Andes valley of Cañar, the speed and extent of the movement seemed, in many ways, to be the precursory signs of an exodus and of the environment's return to nature. A decade later, the agrarian landscape reveals a strange paradox: some sections of the landscape, apparently abandoned to wilderness, suggest a progressive decline in agriculture, whereas others suggest the progression of a fodder front to higher altitudes. So what can we say about this landscape that shows a process of set-aside in some of its sections and cultivation in others? What meaning can we give to the term ‘fallow' with the mountains displaying what appear to be antagonistic methods of agricultural development? These are the questions dealt with in this article, with ‘fallow' as the main unifying thread. An analysis of the landscape, combined with the agricultural history of the study area, helps to shed light on the reasons for the observed paradox and gives meaning to the relationships between types of fallow and agricultural dynamics, mobility and the process of social differentiation. The principal result is: far from signifying abandonment, fallow land is visual proof in the landscape of the maintenance of agricultural activity by those who are unable to migrate or modernize their farms. This result invites us to revisit the notion of fallow (from an agro-economic point of view), in particular the need to understand the stakes and uses of the various tiered ecosystems and to understand the function of the different fallow lands assigned to them by the categories of farmers who benefit from them.
- Les écosystèmes des montagnes du Haut Tell friguien occidental : dynamique de la population et friches - Hamza Ayari Les friches, largement présentes dans la mosaïque des paysages montagneux du Haut Tell tunisien en 2018, font depuis la fin du XIXe siècle l'objet de conflits entre la population locale et l'administration forestière coloniale puis nationale. Elles constituent une empreinte laissée sur ces paysages d'arrière-pays méditerranéen par les différentes formes de pression sur les écosystèmes forestiers liées à la dynamique de la population. Depuis le XIXe siècle, la succession des contextes politiques et économiques a conduit les populations à suivre des mouvements d'installation et des vagues de défrichement en altitude lors de leur refoulement par la colonisation agraire, puis dans les plaines avec l'équipement en services de base. Le travail sur le terrain a été orienté par deux questions : La déprise aboutissant à l'enfrichement a-t-elle favorisé la régénération forestière ? Les modes absentéistes de faire valoir ont-ils accéléré la déforestation et l'érosion ?Il s'avère que l'évolution des friches a suivi des cours différents selon la chronologie des déprises et les aptitudes bioclimatiques des écosystèmes.The fallows, which prevail predominately in the mountainous landscapes of the Tunisian High Tell in 2018, have been source of conflicts between local population and the forestall administration in the colonial and the national period since the end of the 19th century. They represent a left ecological footprint on the landscapes of the Mediterranean hinterland due to the different forms of pressure on the woody ecosystems related to the population dynamics. Since the 19th century, the succession of the political and economic contexts led the populations to follow movements of installation and waves of deforestation at high altitudes during their dislocation by the agrarian colonization, then in plains with the equipment by elementary services. The fieldwork was guided by two questions:Did the abandonment, which led to land clearing, promote forest regeneration?Do the absentees' ways of exploitation accelerate deforestation and erosion?It seems that the evolution of the fallows has followed different paths in function based on the chronological abandonment and bioclimatic aptitudes of the ecosystems.
- The Mountainous Ecosystems of the Western Frigian High Tell in Tunisia: Dynamics of the Population and Wastelands - Hamza Ayari Wastelands, a feature that has prevailed predominately in the mountainous landscapes of the Tunisian High Tell in 2018, has been a source of conflicts between the residents and the forestall administration in the colonial and the national period since the end of the 19th century. Wastelands represent remaining ecological footprints on the landscapes of the Mediterranean hinterland due to the different forms of pressure on the forest ecosystems related to the population dynamics. Since the 19th century, the succession of the political and economic contexts has impelled the mountains population into movements of installations and waves of deforestation at high altitudes during their dislocation by the agrarian colonization, then in plains with equipment can only provide basic services. This fieldwork was guided by two questions:Did the abandonment, which led to land clearing, promote forest regeneration?Did the absentees' ways of exploitation accelerate deforestation and erosion?It seems that the evolution of the wastelands has followed different paths in function based on the chronological abandonment and bioclimatic aptitudes of the ecosystems.
Articles complémentaires publiés dans les rubriques Montagne en fiction, et Lieux-dits
- « Apocalypse Snow ». Enfrichement des stations de montagne et syndrome (de la bulle) climatique - Philippe Bachimon
- La deuxième vie des anciens Sanatoriums de Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet : terrain de jeu de pratiques informelles et réappropriations artistiques - Juliette Gauchon
- De l'usage d'une friche. Le Sanatorio di Medoscio (Canton du Tessin, Suisse) - Gian Paolo Torricelli
- « Apocalypse Snow ». Enfrichement des stations de montagne et syndrome (de la bulle) climatique - Philippe Bachimon