Contenu du sommaire : La syntaxe des numéraux dans les langues slaves
Revue |
Revue des Etudes Slaves ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 82, no 4, 2011 |
Titre du numéro | La syntaxe des numéraux dans les langues slaves |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Problèmes de syntaxe des numéraux dans quelques langues slaves (vieux slave, vieux russe, BCMS, polonais, russe moderne), introduction [Problems About the syntax of Numerals in Some Slavonic Languages (Old Church Slavonic, Old Russian, Serbo-Croat, Polish and Modern Russian)] - Stéphane Viellard p. 597-603
- Le changement de construction des numéraux supérieurs à « cinq » en vieux slave [The New Syntax of Numerals Higher Than ‘5'in Old Church Slavonic (OCS)] - Claire Le Feuvre p. 605-623 The New Syntax of Numerals Higher Than ‘ 5'in Old Church Slavonic (OCS) In the new syntactic pattern of numerals higher than ‘ 5', the quantified noun agrees with the numeral, instead of being a complement in the Genitive plural. The new pattern is limited to oblique cases, and the majority of instances in OCS are found in prepositional phrases. This leads to the following hypothesis : in prepositional phrases with prepositions governing the Genitive case, the quantified noun in the Genitive, governed by the numeral, was reanalyzed as governed by the preposition, and promoted to the status of head of the numeral phrase, the numeral becoming a modifier, as is the case for smaller numerals from ‘ 1'to ‘ 4'. The extension to non prepositional oblique cases seems to be secondary. The immediate model, however, are not the smaller numerals, but the quantifiers of indefinite quantity such as koliko, which are characterized by a structural opposition between [ Quant. NGen.] in the direct cases, the quantifier being the head, and [ Quant. x Nx] in the oblique cases, where the quantified noun is the head and the quantifier an agreeing modifier. This structural opposition is old, and probably inherited for this type of non numeral quantifiers, it is found also in Latin (Nom. Acc. quantum argenti, but Abl. quanto argento, with determiner quantus agreeing with the head argento : the quantified noun argenti, which is a modifier in the direct cases, is promoted to the status of head of the noun phrase in the oblique cases). The coexistence of two syntactic patterns for the quantifiers of indefinite quantity, in Slavic or in Latin, is justified from the semantic point of view, it is used to differenciate the function of evaluation (‘ how big ?') and the function of quantification (‘ how many / how much ?') of the same morphemes quantus/ quantum, kolikъ/ koliko. The numerals higher than ‘ 5'borrowed this model through reanalysis in prepositional phrases : for numerals this syntactic duality is not meaningful, it merely reproduces that of the model. It is not necessary to assume with Žolobov 2006 that complex numerals such as ‘ 20', ‘ 30' played a role in the extension of the new syntactic pattern.
- К вопросу о возникновении имен числительных как самостоятельной части речи в древнерусском языке (на материале Синайского патерика) [On the Genesis of Numerals as an Independent Part of Speech in Old Russian Language (On the Material of “Sinai Patericon”)] - István Pozsgai p. 625-643 À propos de l'émergence des numéraux comme partie du discours indépendante en vieux russe (À partir du Paterikon du Sinaï) Ce travail a pour but d'examiner le système de l'accord des numéraux dans le Paterikon du Sinaï, manuscrit copié d'un manuscrit vieux-slave dans l'aire vieux-russe des XIe-XIIe siècles. L'auteur étudie principalement les phénomènes qui peuvent nous renseigner sur les conditions de l'émergence d'une nouvelle partie du discours indépendante, dans le cas présent, celle des numéraux. L'auteur présente les types d'accord des numéraux et s'intéresse aux phénomènes qui peuvent être reliés à l'unification des différents types d'accord. Il examine aussi les types de relations qui existent entre les différents éléments des numéraux composés.On the Genesis of Numerals as an Independent Part of Speech in Old Russian Language (On the Material of “ Sinai Patericon”) The aim of this work is to examine the system of the concord of the numerals in “ Sinai Patericon”, a manuscript copied from an Old Slavic manuscript in Old Russian language area in the 11-12th centuries. The author is mainly searching the phenomena, which can give information about the conditions of the genesis of a new independent part of speech, in our case that of the numerals. The author presents the types of concord of the numerals with the words which belong to them and pays attention to the phenomena which can be connected with the unification of the several types of concord of the numerals. The types of relations between the components of combined numerals are also examined.
- Les numéraux en BCMS (bosniaque-croatemonténégrin- serbe) : norme et usage, formes concurrentes et stratégies des locuteurs [Numerals in BCMS (Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian) Language : Norm and Usage, Concurrent Forms and Speakers' Strategies] - Paul-Louis Thomas p. 645-662 Numerals in BCMS (Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian) Language Norm and Usage, Concurrent Forms and Speakers' Strategies The paper deals with conflicts between norm and usage for BCMS numerals, which present difficulties not only for learners of BCMS, but also for native speakers. The four standard languages may accept several constructions, sometimes with semantic or stylistic differences, whereas the norm rejects some other constructions, although used by native speakers. Dialectal usage and regional differences make the situation even more complicated. The choice of the numeral depends on the noun following it : neuter singular collective numerals or cardinal numerals for mixed (male and female) groups and collective nouns ; adjectival collective numerals, cardinal numerals or neuter singular collective numerals for pluralia tantum and nouns denoting things which occur in pairs (the noun pair may be used too, and also for pluralia tantum such as pantalone ‘ trousers', makaze ‘ scissors'…) ; numeral nouns ending in -ica, cardinal numerals or neuter singular collective numerals for groups of men. The declension of numerals is on the decline in modern language, hence concurrent declined (elevated, somewhat archaic) forms and not declined (more colloquial) forms, and analytical constructions (sa tri prsta ‘ with three fingers') in BCMS syncretical language. Some sentences (like ‘ She gave money to her seven children') cannot be translated word for word into BCMS.
- Emploi de la conjonction de coordination i « et » lors de la formation des déterminants numéraux composés en bosniaque, croate, monténégrin, serbe (BCMS) [The Use of the Conjunction i ‘and' in the Formation of Compound Numerals Functioning as Determiners in Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian and Serbian (BCMS)] - Aleksandar Stefanovic p. 663-680 The Use of the Conjunction i ‘ and' in the Formation of Compound Numerals Functioning as Determiners in Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian and Serbian (BCMS) The paper deals with the evolution of the use of the conjunction i ‘ and' in the expression of compound numerals functioning as determiners (cardinal and collective numerals ; nominal numerals in -ica, derived from collective numerals and adjectival numerals). The author gives the historical and dialectological overview without which the state of the current written and oral languages cannot be judged. He also pays particular attention to the (few) views concerning that issue contained in language textbooks. One of the conclusions of the paper is that those views generally do not coincide with usage in modern languages.
- Les numéraux indéfinis dits partitifs en polonais [So Called ‘Partitive' Indefinite Numerals in Polish] - Henri Menantaud, Zygmunt Saloni p. 681-689 So Called ‘ Partitive' Indefinite Numerals in Polish The article deals with the morphology, syntax and semantics of so called ‘ partitive' indefinite numerals in Polish, i. e., mainly numerals of the DUŻO-type (‘ much') and of the TYLE-type (‘ so many / so much'). In order to account for the behaviour of these numerals in combination with verbs governing the genitive, it seems necessary to distinguish two different values, traditionally labelled as the genitive, i. e., two ‘ subcases' of the Polish genitive, and two different series of lexemes, partially homonymic, TYLE1-type and TYLE2-type. Only the latter consists of semantically partitive numerals.
- Structure métainformative de l'énoncé et choix de la forme de l'adjectif qualificatif après dva (dve), tri et četyre en russe littéraire classique et contemporain Metainformative [Structure of the Utterance and Choice of the Form of the Adjective after dva, tri and četyre Used in Subject Position in Modern Literary Russian] - Olivier Azam p. 691-707 Metainformative Structure of the Utterance and Choice of the Form of the Adjective after dva, tri and četyre. Used in Subject Position in Modern Literary Russian Among the numerous morphosyntactic problems posed by numerals in Modern Literary Russian, the choice between the nominative plural and the genitive plural for the form of the adjective after dva, tri and četyre in subject position is particularly intriguing. The purpose of this paper is to show that the competition between these two forms, which can hardly be satisfactorily justified from a pure synchronical point of view, can easily be explained historically by the confusion of two syntactic constructions (Exali dva donskie kazaka vs. [ Kazakov] exalo dva donskix kazaka), once clearly distinct and used for different pragmatic purposes.
- Les numéraux en serbo-croate (bosniaque, croate, montenegrin, serbe) : normes des standards et problèmes syntaxiques, résumé de thèse - Aleksandar Stefanovic p. 709-714
- Les numéraux en serbo-croate (bosniaque, croate, montenegrin, serbe) : normes des standards et problèmes syntaxiques, résumé de thèse - Aleksandar Stefanovic p. 709-714
- Le changement de construction des numéraux supérieurs à « cinq » en vieux slave [The New Syntax of Numerals Higher Than ‘5'in Old Church Slavonic (OCS)] - Claire Le Feuvre p. 605-623
À propos de …
- Перевод, парафраз и метр в древних славянских кондаках, II : Критика, история и реконструкция текстов [Translation, Paraphrase and Metrics in Old Church Slavonic Kontakia, II: Textual Critisism and Reconstruction] - Roman Nikolaevič Krivko p. 715-743 Traduction, paraphrase et métrique dans les plus anciens kontakia slavons II. Critique textuelle et reconstruction La seconde partie de l'article est consacrée à la reconstruction des plus anciennes versions en vieux bulgare des kontakia de Noël (24 décembre), de l'Épiphanie (7 janvier) et de la Sainte-Hélène (21 mai). Les versets introductifs de ces kontakia s'avèrent suivre un mètre syllabique qui correspond presque parfaitement à celui des textes byzantins originaux. C'est F. Keller qui, le premier, a mis en évidence l'existence du mètre syllabique dans les versions slaves du kontakion de Noël, toutefois, l'étude des sources slaves méridionales, négligées jusqu'ici, permet de préciser certains points de sa reconstruction. Des spécificités linguistiques et la technique de traduction que l'on peut observer dans les plus anciennes versions de ces cantiques permettent de conclure qu'ils ont été composés à l'époque du Premier Empire bulgare, à la fin du IXe siècle ou au début du Xe.Translation, Paraphrase and Metrics in Old Church Slavonic Kontakia II. Textual Critisism and Reconstruction The second part of the article is dedicated to the reconstruction of the earliest Old Bulgarian versions of the Kontakia for Christmas (24th of December), Theophany (7th of January) and St. Helena (21st of May). In the introductionary stanzas of these Kontakia, we discover the first occurrence of the syllabic meter, which almost perfectly fits that of the Byzantine original texts. (The syllabic meter in the Slavonic version of the Christmas Kontakion was for the first time revealed by F. Keller, however, the investigation of the previously neglected South Slavonic sources made it possible to specify certain points of his reconstruction.) Linguistic pecularities and translation technique as observed in the early Slavonic versions of these chants lead us to the conclusion that they were composed in the First Bulgarian Kingdom at the end of the 9th – beginning of the 10th century.
- Перевод, парафраз и метр в древних славянских кондаках, II : Критика, история и реконструкция текстов [Translation, Paraphrase and Metrics in Old Church Slavonic Kontakia, II: Textual Critisism and Reconstruction] - Roman Nikolaevič Krivko p. 715-743
- Doctorats HDR - p. 745-750
Comptes Rendus
- Collectanea borisoglebica = Борисо-глебский сборник, fascicule 1, édition Constantin Zuckerman - Pierre Gonneau p. 751-753
- Parsamov V. S., Декабристы и Франция - Natalia Vochtchinskaïa p. 753-754
- Pipes Richard, L'Affaire Degaev : terreur et trahison dans la Russie tsariste, traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Janine Lévy - Pierre Gonneau p. 754-756
- Беглые взгляды : новое прочтение русских травелогов первой трети ХХ века : сборник статей, sous la direction de W. S. Kissel et G. A. Time, traduit de l'allemand par G. A. Tim - Florence Corrado-Kazanski p. 756-759
- Рерихи : мифы и факты : сборник статей, sous la direction de A. I. Andreev, D. Savelli - Michel Niqueux p. 759-761
- Collectanea borisoglebica = Борисо-глебский сборник, fascicule 1, édition Constantin Zuckerman - Pierre Gonneau p. 751-753
Chronique bibliographique
- Liste des ouvrages reçus (2011) - p. 763-789
- Liste des ouvrages reçus (2011) - p. 763-789
- Jean Breuillard (1945 – 2011) - Stéphane Viellard p. 791-796
- Riccardo Picchio (1923 – 2011) - Giovanna Brogi Bercoff p. 797-802
- Jean Breuillard (1945 – 2011) - Stéphane Viellard p. 791-796
- Doctorats HDR - p. 745-750
- Summaries / Résumés - p. 803-807