Contenu du sommaire : L'administration électronique
Revue | Revue française d'administration publique |
Numéro | no 110, avril 2004 |
Titre du numéro | L'administration électronique |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
L'administration électronique
- Coordonné par Herbert Maisl et Bertrand du MaraisIntroduction. Internet is a powerful tool for the transormation of procedures at work both in society and in the public services. The “numerical revolution” has thus brought about encouraging results for the modernisation of administrations and the improvement of relations between the administration and users. Nonetheless it also raises a certain number of risks.- Introduction - MM. Herbert MAISL, Conseiller d’État, Bertrand du MARAIS, Maître des requêtes au Conseil d’État p. 211
Gouvernance de l'Internet et modèles de développement de l'administration électronique
- L'internet, gouvernance d'un monde incertain - M. Richard DELMAS, Administrateur principal à la Commission européenne, DG Société de l'information p. 217 Internet and the Governance of an Uncertain World. Internet has no equal as an institutional laboratory. Yet, though the problem has been raised repeatedly over the past twenty-five years, public authorities still see no clear way of defining regulatory powers. As a result, the author believes it necessary to set up a law-making body on an international level with broad national participation. Up to now, the regulation of internet has been limited to its technological aspects, and overall thought on the subject has been lacking in substance and reference. Thus the author describes the present juridical situation and reflects on possible « modes of governance ». He proposes various approaches to the problem and feels that « the main question is one of sharing sovereignty over all or part of the resources and management of the network ».
- Principaux enjeux de l'administration électronique dans les pays membres de l'OCDE - M. Edwin LAU, Chef de projet, OCDE, Direction de la gouvernance publ. et du développ. territorial p. 225 The Strategic Implementation of Electronic Administration in OECD Member Countries. More than a technical revolution, the development of electronic administration in OECD countries over the past years concerns issues linked with the modernisation and reform of the administration. On the basis of a recent OECD publication, the author identifies the external and internal obstacles that block the way to such progress. He then suggests possible ways of facilitating the modernisation process. In his opinion, it is not technology, but « values » that should provide the dynamics for electronic administration : in order the ensure users of the best possible services, the main objective should be to put ICTs at the service of a transformation in both the culture and structure of the administration.
- L'administration électronique : une difficile mise en cohérence des acteurs - MM. Patrice FLICHY, Professeur de sociologie (Marne-la-Vallée), LATTS, Éric DAGIRAL, Doct. de socio. p. 245 Electronic Administration : the Difficulty of Actors Coordination. Up to now, French electronic administration has been divided into two broad models. On one hand, numerical society aligning the various political institutions (ministries, regional authorities) and citizens-users, and on the other, computerised administrative management, which tries to align computer technicians, administrative employees and users. These projects seem unable to bring together a large number of participating actors. Two models can remedy this by building new alignments : agencies and of European constraints. In the end, electronic administration is an ongoing worksite with an uncertain future.
- Renforcer la protection de la vie privée dans l'État en réseau : l'aire de partage de données personnelles - M. Pierre TRUDEL, Professeur à l'Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche en droit public p. 257 Reinforcing the Protection of Privacy in a Network State : the Sharing Space of Personal Data. Electronic administration means an ever-increasing circulation of information on individuals. It is important that access to this information should be authorised only for legitimate purposes necessary to the carrying out of specific services. The author describes how such limitations can be ensured : true protection of privacy demands strict regulation of the conditions under which ministries and other public authorities gain access to and use information. The « sharing space » concept proposes the model of a transparent mechanism through which the circulation of information is recognised and its consequences and risks exposed, discussed, and publicly evaluated.
- L'administration publique en ligne au Canada : précisions terminologiques et état de la réflexion - M. Karim BENYEKHLEF, Professeur à l'Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche en droit public p. 267 Online Public Administration in Canada : Terminology and State of Reflections. While administrations often win lavish praise for going online, the author tries to measure the positive and negative effects of e-administration on the users. Precise definitions of the terms « online government », « electronic government » and « cybergovernment », show up discrepancies in doctrine so far as progress is concerned : for some, it is a matter of technical improvement, while for others it means the reinforcement of democracy. According to the author, progress is yet to be made in the latter domain. In particular, the aims of online public administration should be more modest and above all more realistic. In addition, in the interest of avoiding undesirable and possibly damaging normative and social effects, the public should play a more participatory role in debates linked with these reforms.
- L'internet, gouvernance d'un monde incertain - M. Richard DELMAS, Administrateur principal à la Commission européenne, DG Société de l'information p. 217
L'administration en ligne
Des premiers résultats à la hauteur des enjeux ?
- Efficacité de l'administration et service à l'administré : les enjeux de l'administration électronique - M. Jacques SAURET, Dir. de l'Agence pour le développement de l'administration électronique p. 279 Administrative Efficiency and Service to the Users : challenges of Electronic Administration. For a long time electronic administration was associated with teleservices on internet, but in fact it is connected with information systems and as a result is gradually being considered an essential factor in state reform. Director of the Agence pour le développement de l'administration électronique (ADAE), the author sets out to measure the strategic importance of the state's determination in this domain since 2004, and which revolves around two priorities : administrative efficiency and services to users.
- Les nouveaux « visages » de l'administration sur internet : pour une évaluation des sites publics de l'État - MM. David ALCAUD, Chargé de recherche (CIR), maître de conf. IEP Paris, Amar LAKEL, Chercheur CRIS p. 297 The « New Faces » of Administration on Internet : for an Evaluation of State's Public Sites. Thanks to a systematic and rigorous inquiry, the authors describe the development of French electronic administration over the past four years. Looking for the beginnings of a « French model » of state information management, they point out factors which determine and constraints the setting up of the « information society ». The professionalisation of services, the separation of tasks and responsibilities, the preservation of expertise in projects which are becoming more and more complex are some of the salient features of an evolution which seems to be more dialectical than technical. Indeed, according to the authors, such progress can only give rise to new meaning with the development of a new common culture.
- NTIC et relation administrative : de la relation de guichet à la relation de réseau - MM. André VITALIS, Professeur Univ. de Bordeaux III), Nicolas DUHAUT, Chercheur p. 315 ITC and Administrative Relations : from Reception Desk to Internet. The extension of ITCs through administration has brought about new forms of relationships between agents and the public. On the basis of a survey dealing with the introduction of cyber-procedures at the Caisse d'allocations familiales (General Child Benefit Fund), the authors attempt to define in exactly what ways new technologies radically change not only the image, but also the attitude and ways of working of the various actors. In addition to higher efficiency of service, their use seems to have brought about an unexpected « re-humanisation » of administrative relations.
- La conduite du changement par les TIC : l'exemple de l'administration des impôts - M. Charles FRANKO, Doctorant en droit public à l'Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (CERSA) p. 327 Leading change through ICT — The Example of the Tax Administration. The major modernisation programmes in tax administration confer an ever greater role on new technologies. Made necessary by the context, the technological solution is unlike the traditional legal instrument, and will supplement rationales of action different from previous organisational rationales. ICTs thus speed up change but do not immediately bring about organisational transformation, as shown by the evolution in the métiers of agents. Thus the cultural and structural repercussions of ICTs cannot be isolated from the dynamics of change they are part of.
- Le gouvernement électronique : une priorité européenne - Mme Agnès BRADIER, Chef adjoint d'unité, Commission européenne, DG Société de l'information p. 337 Electronic Government : a European Priority. This article describes the headway made by electronic government in Europe : developments and initiatives linked to the e-Europe 2005 action plan and STI, eTEN and IDA programmes. Though a number of achievements can be cited, complex problems remain to be solved : mainly the inter-operability of services and diversification of distribution modes. Exchanging good practices is today the best way to learn about and compare various solutions. The next stage will include developing a common model for evaluating advantages and increasing the number of pan-European services.
- Efficacité de l'administration et service à l'administré : les enjeux de l'administration électronique - M. Jacques SAURET, Dir. de l'Agence pour le développement de l'administration électronique p. 279
- L'expérience du Forum des droits sur l'internet - Mme Isabelle FALQUE-PIERROTIN, Conseiller d'État, Présidente du Forum des droits sur l'internet p. 349 The « Forum of Rights on Internet ». The development of state web sites, teleprocedures and personalised administrative services brought about new uses of Internet which necessitated specifying their rules of functioning compared with classical administration and informing potential users. It was for this purpose that the Forum des droits sur internet (Forum of Rights on Internet) was created in 2001. Competent in legal and social questions connected with the services and uses of electronic networks, it gives recommendations, conducts fieldwork actions in the aim of understanding the public's expectations, and carries out information and awareness campaigns on e-administration.
- Le MEDEF et l'administration électronique (entretien) - M. Philippe LEMOINE, Coprésident des Galeries Lafayette p. 359 The MEDEF and Electronic Administration. Member of MEDEF (Company Managers, Mouvement des entreprises de France) and of Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (National Commission for Data Protection), Philippe Lemoine answers questions on the White Paper that MEDEF recently devoted to electronic administration. He exposes the main lines of reform advocated by MEDEF : besides performance and productivity, the clarification of responsibility levels and the focusing of political policy on its own responsibilities. He then describes in detail the seven actions recommended in the White Paper, which comprise MEDEF policy.
- L'exemple de la préfecture des Alpes-Maritimes - M. Philippe PIRAUX, Secrétaire général de la préfecture des Alpes-Maritimes p. 363 The example of the Préfecture des Alpes-Maritimes. The author shows the many advantages of electronic information systems applied to the organisation and functioning of a territorial administration. In particular, it emphasises their contribution to the notion of proximity, indeed the vocation of a prefecture. In just a few years, ICTs seem to have become a central element of the organisation and management of de-concentrated state services.
- L'expérience d'Issy-les-Moulineaux - M. André SANTINI, Député-maire d'Issy-les-Moulineaux, Président du Global Cities Dialogue p. 371 The experience of Issy-les Moulineaux. Issy-les-Moulineaux, a suburban city on the outskirts of Paris, is an example of municipal determination in matters of new technologies. Mayor of the city since 1980, André Santini describes the various aspects of a technological policy aiming to serve the interests of users'comfort and the development of local democracy. Descriptions of several pilot projects show the advantages of progress which may be only technical, but make it possible to foresee radically renewed local governance concerned with freeing from weighty administrative procedures to better serve citizens.
- L'expérience du Forum des droits sur l'internet - Mme Isabelle FALQUE-PIERROTIN, Conseiller d'État, Présidente du Forum des droits sur l'internet p. 349
- Chronique de l'administration - Francis CHAUVIN, Bénédicte DELAUNAY, Carine MOREAU-SOULAY et Hervé RIHAL p. 381
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. DELION et Michel DURUPTY p. 401
- Informations bibliographiques - coordonnées par Sandra DÉTRIE-LAVROFF p. 409