Contenu du sommaire : Administration et politiques de la recherche
Revue | Revue française d'administration publique |
Numéro | no 112, octobre 2004 |
Titre du numéro | Administration et politiques de la recherche |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Administration et politiques de la recherche
- Coordonné par Jean-Richard CYTERMANN- Introduction - L'administration et les politiques de recherche : quelles spécificités ? - M. Jean-Richard CYTERMANN, Inspecteur général de l'adminis. de l'éduc. nationale et de la recherche p. 625 Specificities of Research Policies and their Administration. A comparative and multidisciplinary analysis of research policies and their administration leads to a paradox : both in their context and in the solutions adopted, these policies have particularities which distinguish them from other sectors of public action. Yet the questions they ask are not fundamentally different from those raised in other sectors : are we in a period of crisis or decline ? Is “French exceptionalism” the problem ? Is the state able pilot a policy ? Is state policy-making “difficult to read ?”
La construction du système français
- Les liens entre le CNRS et l'Université - M. Girolamo RAMUNNI, Professeur des universités au CNAM, Comité pour l'histoire du CNRS p. 637 Relations between the CNRS and the University Girolamo Ramunni. The history of relations between the CNRS and the University is not linear. The three key moments of its pre-history — events just preceding the creation of the CNRS on October 19,1939, the immediate postwar period, and the 1960s, are so much a part of both the CNRS and the University that only a joint reform would make it possible to radically change the basic nature of the system.
- La naissance de la Délégation générale à la recherche scientifique et technique - La construction d'un modèle partagé de gouvernement dans les années soixante - M. Vincent DUCLERT, Professeur agrégé à l'EHESS p. 647 The Birth of the Délégation générale à la recherche scientifique et technique – the Construction of a Shared Governing Model in the 1960s. The mechanism set up in 1958 in the aim of improving the organisation of scientific research was backed by the Interministerial Committee for Scientific and Technical Research. However, it was the creation in 1961 of an institution which was not thought of in the initial texts, the Délégation générale à la recherche scientifique et technique, that gave that mechanism coherence. The DGRST finally disappeared in 1981 with the creation of the new ministry of Jean-Pierre Chevènement, which absorbed it, making it into its central administration. Although the DGRST then became an institution of the past, the mechanism it was part of remains the basis of the national research system in France today.
- Les spécificités juridiques de l'administration et du pilotage de la recherche - Les lois d'orientation et de programmation de la recherche du 15 juillet 1982 et du 28 décembre 1985. - M. Jean-François THERY, Président de section honoraire au Conseil d'Etat p. 659 The Legal Particularities of Research Administration and Piloting — the 1982 and 1985 Acts on Research Orientation and Planning of Research. The 15 July 1982 and 23 December 1985 Acts on research orientation and planning aims to are at the origin of the majority of tools for the piloting of public and even private research, of there are of greater legal specificity compared to other administrative tools. At a time when the Minister of Education and Research is planning to present a Research Act to Parliament, it is useful to go back to these texts, which lay the groundwork for the present landscape of French research. All the more so since the recent publication of the legislative part of the code of research unfortunately does not show the coherence of these two laws.
- Les liens entre le CNRS et l'Université - M. Girolamo RAMUNNI, Professeur des universités au CNAM, Comité pour l'histoire du CNRS p. 637
Nouveaux acteurs et partenaires
- Recherche européenne : le défi de l'excellence - M. Achilleas MITSOS, Dir. général de la Direction générale de la recherche - Commiss. européenne p. 671 European Research : the Challenge of Excellence. Director-General of the General Directorate of Research at the European Commission, Achilleas Mitsos reviews European action to promote research. Expressing optimism, he stresses the importance of the present time for the expansion of a sector he feels essential to EU development. He proposes that in addition to quantitative improvement, European policy should focus on six qualitative objectives.
- Prospective de l'espace européen de la recherche ? Contribution à l'évolution de l'EER et à la préparation du 7e PCRD - M. Philippe LAREDO, Chercheur à l'Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (LATTS) p. 675 The Future of the “European Research Area” : A Contribution to its Evolution and to the Preparation of the 7th PCRD. By stating its ambition to create a “European research area”, the Lisbon Declaration (2000) reflected a change in attitude in that domain. Four years later, the Wim Kok report concluded that the project had been a failure. The author suggests reasons for this and proposes possible ways of rethinking the idea. He shows that there cannot be an ambitious European policy without reconsidering the budgetary framework of Community action. He also tries to analyse the “policy mix” and the instruments at the service of European research objectives.
- Vers une concentration de la recherche ? Construction européenne et gestion nationale de la recherche universitaire - MM. Jean-Emile CHARLIER, Prof. aux Facultés univers. catholiques, Frédéric MOENS, Prof. à l'IHECS p. 687 Towards the Concentration of Research ? European Construction and National Management of University Research. The authors give the examples of Belgium and other European countries in a discussion of the links between 1) the Bologna process, 2) university concentration, which it helps accelerate, 3) the increasing distinctions between university institutions, and finally, 4) the problem of funding research. One important consequence of this pragmatic policy is the increasing tendency to give credence to public discourse on the separation of university activity. Indeed, some highly reputed institutions assert more and more officially the necessity to concentrate resources within their walls. Furthermore, these institutions leave the “ancillary” functions of teaching the masses to less prestigious universities whose job it would be to dispense training in professional skills.
- Recherche publique, recherche privée - Entretien - M. Jean-Louis BEFFA, Président-directeur général de la Cie de St -Gobain p. 697 Public and Private Research — Interview with Jean-Louis Beffa. Jean-Louis Beffa, President-Director General of the Compagnie de Saint-Gobain recommends discarding industrial policies built on the model of the past 15-20 years and according to which the only way to promote research efficiently is through SMEs and tax credit for research. These policies have failed, as can be seen by the plight of public research in France, and the author suggests boosting public investment in that domain and re-focusing research on frontier technology sectors.
- Les grands équipements en sciences de la vie : quelle politique publique ? - M.M. Vincent MANGEMATIN, Directeur de recherches à l'INRA, Ashveen PERBAYE, Chercheur au GAPP p. 705 High-tech Facilities in the Life Sciences : What Should Public Policy be ? Relations between industry and the University became an important public policy issue at the beginning of the 1980s, broadening and diversifying in the following decade. Having first favoured collaboration agreements between industry and the University, public authorities strongly supported the transfer of technology via spin-offs and patents. The first biotechnology enterprises were created within universities and expanded their activities in laboratories with university teams, in order to share technical equipment and skills. Since the development of genomics and tools for exploring genes and proteins, instrumentation has become a major and extremely resource-consuming factor. Thus, in the same way as in the beginnings of biotechnology, the sharing of technical facilities has become a central issue both for the expansion of the sector and for individual enterprises. The aim of this text is to analyse ways of organising technical resource bases in function of scientific and technological advance.
- Politiques publiques de recherche et gouvernance régionale - M. Daniel FILATRE, Professeur de sociologie à l'Université de Toulouse-Le-Mirail, CERTOP-CNRS p. 719 Public Research Projects and Regional Governance. Regional development is increasingly mobilising knowledge. Regional authorities are therefore more and more obliged to play a direct role in higher education and research. Thus, the author shows that despite the traditional centralisation of educational and research policies in France, policies structuring research have been developing for the past fifteen years on the regional level. This supposes a new mode of piloting and raises questions the article attempts to answer. In particular, according to the “Learning Region” model, a region's capacity to learn depends on a certain number of conditions : the existence of consensus, actors who are part of a network, management practices, and the identification of needs. The author believes that the rise of regional territory calls for setting up a global strategy involving contacts and communication, concertation and cooperation networks, but also the political task of organising non material infrastructures above and beyond the regional territory.
- Recherche européenne : le défi de l'excellence - M. Achilleas MITSOS, Dir. général de la Direction générale de la recherche - Commiss. européenne p. 671
Les politiques de recherche dans les pays développés : convergence des objectifs, divergence des résultats ?
- Que nous disent les indicateurs de R/D sur la place de la France dans l'Union européenne ? - Mmes Laurence ESTERLE et Ghislaine FILLIATREAU, Chercheurs à l'O.S.T. p. 731 What do the R/D Indicators tell us about France's Position in the European Union ? On the basis of individual and overall RD indicators for France and countries with comparable scientific history and socio-economic ranking, this article attempts to evaluate how France is positioned in the domain of European research. This leads us to aim our questions at performance tendencies, rather than how well the system is positioned at the moment. It provides a quantitative framework capable of generating a realistic and precise diagnosis. This diagnosis gives cause for concern : France's technological production has been in decline for fifteen years without any sign of reversal. And without an increase in public and private funding in this domain, France's number 4 worldwide RD ranking appears to be seriously threatened.
- Analyse comparative de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en France et aux Etats-Unis - L'exemple de deux campus : Madison et Strasbourg - M. Laurent BUISSON, Ss-directeur ministère de l'éduc. nationale, de l'enseignement sup. et recherche p. 747 Comparative Analysis of Higher Education and Research in France and the United States — Two Campuses : Madison and Strasbourg. The campus is where the conditions which determine the boundaries, quality, relevance and reputation of higher education and research are defined, and consequently where the relative competitiveness and attractiveness of sites becomes apparent. It is therefore of great interest to analyse Madison and Strasbourg, two university centres of the same size but situated in very different environments. Such an analysis reveals significant differences in both organisation and means, endowing Madison with a competitive advantage over Strasbourg.
- Les évaluations de la recherche : tensions et unification - M. Alain BILLON, Inspecteur général de l'administration de l'éduc. nationale et de la recherche p. 757 Evaluations of Research : Tensions and Unification. National evaluation practices are very heterogeneous. However, the internationalisation of research, particularly within European space, tends to play a homogenising role. The introduction of a result rationale in budgetary procedures in the majority of developed countries has a mechanical impact on the development of evaluation and in particular on the chosen indicators. In the same way, methods are becoming more unified : self-evaluation is now part of all evaluation systems. The secondary effects of this growing trend towards evaluation in the framework of piloting by performance (concentration of resources in only a few centres of excellence, risk of discouraging the spirit innovation due to a budgetary approach) depend on government decisions.
- Les régimes de recherche et développement (R/D) en France et au Japon : changements récents au regard des trajectoires historiques - Mme Caroline LANCIANO-MORANDAT, M. Hiroatsu NOHARA, Chercheurs au LEST p. 765 A Comparison of Research and Development Regimes in France and Japan : Recent Changes Analysed Through Historic Itineraries. The authors describe the evolution of R/D regimes in France and Japan over the past thirty years, stressing their “societal base” : Japanese voluntarism and French “Colbertism”. They then discuss present trends, dominated by increasing world competition. The Japanese experience is particularly interesting and original, especially since French reform is still open to numerous possibilities.
- Transformations des politiques de recherche en Europe : les cas de la Suisse, de l'Allemagne et de la France - MM. Martin BENNINGHOFF, Raphaël RAMUZ, Jean-Philippe LERESCHE, Chercheurs à l'O.S.P. p. 777 Transformations in European Research Policies : Switzerland, Germany, and France. European research is undergoing radical change. Beyond mutations in models, it has been affected by numerous material changes in recent years. Taking the examples of three countries, the authors describe three “dimensions” in policy change : means agencies, funding tools, and the organisation of research. Among the many points the three cases have in common are the influence of Europeanisation and strong international competition.
- Que nous disent les indicateurs de R/D sur la place de la France dans l'Union européenne ? - Mmes Laurence ESTERLE et Ghislaine FILLIATREAU, Chercheurs à l'O.S.T. p. 731
- Chroniques de l'administration - Bénédicte DELAUNAY, Michel LE CLAINCHE, Hervé Rihal et Luc ROUBAN p. 791
- Au jour le jour. Le point sur la rémunération au mérite - Luc ROUBAN p. 804
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. DELION et Michel DURUPTY p. 811
Informations bibliographiques
- coordonnées par Sandra DÉTRIE-LAVROFF p. 821
- Introduction - L'administration et les politiques de recherche : quelles spécificités ? - M. Jean-Richard CYTERMANN, Inspecteur général de l'adminis. de l'éduc. nationale et de la recherche p. 625