Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Les Cahiers d'Outre-Mer |
Numéro | vol. 33, no 129, janvier-mars 1980 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Trafic portuaire et organisation de l'espace à Hong Kong - Christian Verlaque p. 18 pages Le port de Hong Kong est devenu l'un des premiers du monde pour le trafic des conteneurs. Ceci est le résultat conjugué d'une vieille fonction d'entrepôt et de redistribution, et de la croissance relativement récente d'une industrie de main-d'œuvre à finalité exportatrice. Cette mutation d'un trafic traditionnel en mouillage sur rade à un trafic nouveau en terminaux à conteneurs se traduit par ailleurs par un déplacement du centre de gravité du port.Port traffic and urban zoning in Hong Kong. The port of Hong Kong has become one of the most important containers-ports in the world. This is the combined result of the function of warehousing and redistribution and of the relatively recent growth of a labour-based and export-orientated industry. This change from a traditional trade using offshore anchorage to a new trade with containers terminals has resulted in a shift of the centre of gravity of the port.
- La récupération de la Zone du Canal et ses conséquences géographiques pour la République de Panama - Dominique Lecompte, Arie Schachar p. 26 pages The Canal Zone and its geographical consequences for the Republic of Panama. On October, 1st, 1979 disappeared one of the most singular creation of the colonial system : the Canal Zone. During 75 years, the Zone was a juridical, economical and human enclosed territory, only used for Panama Canal operation and training of the U.S. army. This territory divided the Republic of Panama between two parts and hindered an efficient use of its main natural resources : its geographical situation. The Canal Zone also caused important regional inequalities (strong concentration in the main city), economical (service-orientated economy), geographical distortion in the urban growth of the two main cities and important ecological impact. Now, in spite of the numerous restrictions which still remains on the use of returned lands, Panama can use for its own necesities an important infrastructure (ports, railroad) and the lands located on the Canal side for industrial and commercial purpose .The Canal Zone and its geographical consequences for the Republic of Panama. On October, 1st, 1979 disappeared one of the most singular creation of the colonial system : the Canal Zone. During 75 years, the Zone was a juridical, economical and human enclosed territory, only used for Panama Canal operation and training of the U.S. army. This territory divided the Republic of Panama between two parts and hindered an efficient use of its main natural resources : its geographical situation. The Canal Zone also caused important regional inequalities (strong concentration in the main city), economical (service-orientated economy), geographical distortion in the urban growth of the two main cities and important ecological impact. Now, in spite of the numerous restrictions which still remains on the use of returned lands, Panama can use for its own necesities an important infrastructure (ports, railroad) and the lands located on the Canal side for industrial and commercial purpose .
- L'attraction migratoire nationale des deux capitales camerounaises : Douala et Yaoundé - Jean-Louis Dongmo p. 16 pages Dans la plupart des pays africains une ville, capitale à la fois politique et économique, attire l'essentiel de l'exode rural. Le Cameroun échappe à ce modèle. Yaoundé, capitale politique, et Douala, capitale économique, rivalisent pour attirer l'exode rural. Le recensement de 1976 permet de découvrir que chacune d'elles reçoit ses immigrants d'une région distincte et proche, qui constitue son champ migratoire, soit en schématisant : les Provinces du Littoral et de l'Ouest pour Douala et celle du Centre-Sud pour Yaoundé, qui polarise un espace plus vaste.Migratory national attraction of the two capital cities of Cameroon : Douala and Yaounde. In most african countries one city is at the same time the political and economic capital, surpassing in attracting rural migrant. Cameroon is an exception ; here is separately found a political capital, Yaounde and an economic capital, Douala , and both are competing in attracting the rural migration. It was therefore necessary to investigate about their respective migratory fields in the national territory. 1976 Census, which indicates places of birth and of previous residence of individuals, permits the discovery that each capital receives most of its immigrants from a separate close region. It can be said briefly that Douala's migratory field covers the Littoral and West Provinces, and that the Yaounde one covers the Centre-South and represents a wider area.
- L'habitat rural au Congo : reflet du milieu naturel, expression culturelle - Bonaventure Maurice Mengho p. 22 pages L'habitat rural, au Congo, comme dans d'autres pays du monde tropical, se présente encore sous sa forme traditionnelle. La case est faite de matériaux tirés de la forêt ou de la savane. Mais, de façon générale, le village actuel ne ressemble plus à celui d'antan, aussi bien dans sa morphologie, sa structure socioprofessionnelle que sur le plan de l'équipement. Les matériaux, bien qu'ils soient trouvés sur place, ont subi d'importantes transformations. Tout ceci dénote une certaine évolution de l'habitat rural.Rural dwelling in Congo : natural milieu reflection, cultural expression. Rural dwelling in Congo as well as in any tropical areas still appear in their traditional form. A hut is made of wood materials taken out from forest or savannah. However, the present-day villagers a rule no longer looks like the one in the past, as well the morphology as the socio-professional structure and équipement. Although the building materials are found locally, they have been very much transformed. All that indicates a certain evolution in rural dwelling.
- Trafic portuaire et organisation de l'espace à Hong Kong - Christian Verlaque p. 18 pages
Notes et comptes rendus
- Les flottes de commerce du Tiers Monde - Serge Lerat p. 3 pages
- Les savanes de l'est péruvien et le problème de leur origine - Christian Huetz de Lemps p. 4 pages
A propos de la sous-alimentation
Grands types d'industries sidérurgiques en pays sous-développés
- Iron and steel works of the world. Seventh edition. 1978 - Serge Lerat p. 2 pages
L'urbanisation au Zaïre
- Leblanc (M.) et Malaisse (Fr.). Lubumbashi, un écosystème urbain tropical.1978 - Pierre Vennetier p. 2 pages
Une vue d'ensemble du Burundi
- Cazenave-Piarrot (F.), Cazenave-Piarrot (A), Lopez (A), Géographie du Burundi. 1979 - Pierre Vennetier p. 2 pages
- L'Institut de Géographie en 1979 - Yves Péhaut p. 2 pages
- Les lundis de la géographie - Louis Papy p. 1 page