Contenu du sommaire : Les médiations de la catégorisation
Revue | Communication & Langages |
Numéro | no 219, mars 2024 |
Titre du numéro | Les médiations de la catégorisation |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accès réservé |
Écritures numériques
- Comment saisir le format des écrits numériques ? Analyse des couches énonciatives des journaux en ligne - Rossana De Angelis p. 3-27 The format of digital writings is a complex object to analyse, caught at the crossroads between several levels of enunciation: that of gestural enunciation, which anchors the written word to the medium through manipulation practices; that of editorial enunciation, in turn composed of several enunciative layers - topographic, typographic, computational - which links the text to the device for circulating writings; that of linguistic enunciation, which introduces the written word into a discourse through the linguistic practices that characterise it. In this article, we will show how format analysis allows us to move from one enunciative layer to another, and we will do so by analysing online journalistic articles through concrete examples.
- Comment saisir le format des écrits numériques ? Analyse des couches énonciatives des journaux en ligne - Rossana De Angelis p. 3-27
Les médiations de la catégorisation
- « Une bonne classification supposerait que tout est prévisible… » : Notes pour l'Encyclopédie de la Pléiade - Raymond Queneau, Emmanuël Souchier p. 28
- Introduction. Catégoriser : approches pluridisciplinaires et communicationnelles - Marc Jahjah, Delphine Saurier p. 31-40
- « Salope blanche pour rebeu dominateur » : les catégories raciales dans le web gay contemporain - Marc Jahjah p. 41-60 In this article, I continue an investigation into racial fetishisation in gay contexts via media devices. I show how individuals seize the resources of social networks (Grindr, Twitter) to practice racial interfetishisation, with Arabs and white pseudo-amateurs playing roles inspired by gay pornography, enabling them to build up their other words, a racial category is actualised at the crossroads of historical logics and mediations, which can increase its real effect, moving it from a framework (the pornographic film industry) into social arenas. I document this process by identifying a neo-colonial archive: a system of practices, gestures and statements through which racism is repeated, transformed and normalised.
- Le monument dans la culture enfantine. Circulation d'une catégorie sociale - Julie Pasquer-Jeanne p. 61-79 The media exposure of built monuments is important in children's fiction (Disney, Harry Potter for instance). In addition, fiction abundantly feeds the activities proposed to young people in heritage institutions (visit booklets, audio guides, workshops, etc.). Thus, this whole would participate in the construction of monumentality, as a social category going through children's culture. So what defines it? This investigation establishes first of all that in the fictions for children, the monument has an axiological, diegetic and cathartic key role. It then reveals that the actors of the heritage give in their turn to the fiction an expressive, didactic and ludic key role. Finally, this research shows that young people produce intertextual links between these different experiences (micro-links).
- Viol, violeur, violée : qualification et redéfinition sur Twitter. De #MeToo à #MauvaiseVictime - Noémie Trovato p. 81-104 This article aims to analyze, by combining digital discourse analysis and screen writings semiotics, the way in which victims of sexual violence testify on Twitter during and since the #MeToo movement. Specifically, the article seeks to account for the tensions that arise between the use of pre-existing judicial categories (rape, rapist, raped) and their negotiation through a folk redefinition which seeks to change representations anchored in rape culture. The article also questions the role of the sociotechnical mediation played by social media and its affordances (retweet, like, pseudonym, etc.) in the qualification and (re)definition processes of rape by victims.
- Fabrique éditoriale et médiations du travail politique de catégorisation de l'entrepreneuriat social - Odile Vallée p. 105-124 In France, Social Entrepreneurship (SE) emerges within the social and solidarity economy, a preexisting and conflicted categorial space. As a consequence, actors unevenly established and legitimized in the social, economic, institutional and political worlds are required to (re)compose and (re)negotiate their (af)filiations to promote SE. The article investigates the role played by infra-ordinary editorial processes activated to that end. It focuses on the ‘Barometer of social entrepreneurship', a textual object that aims at framing SE. By organizing the concert of their voices, the editorial strategy institutes SE's stakeholders and contributes to the political work of its ‘emergence' as a federative category, that is to say a category endowed with an inclusive ambition.
- Penser les catégories du vivant pour faire ville. Paris au xixe siècle - Hécate Vergopoulos p. 125-138 This paper aims to study through a historical and communicationnal perspective the categorization based on the concept of emplacement such as it has been defined by Michel Foucault, i.e. this singular relationship to space which is based on a logic of attribution of places (and functions) to things with regard to human activities. It relies more specifically on the study of the way the urban animal living has been ordonated in Paris at the 19th century. It shows the heuristic value of the concept of emplacement for thinking the urban categorization of the living.
- Le manuel de journalisme : Lucie Alexis, Valérie Devillard, Agnès Granchet et Guilaume Le Saulnier (dir.), Paris, Ellipses, 2022. - Danaxon Joachim p. 139-141
- De retour du XXIIIe Congrès de la SFSIC (BOrdeaux, 14-16 juin 2023) : la question des collectifs de recherche. - Aude Seurrat p. 141-142
- Un concept sur la toile. Circulation et traduction à bas bruit de l'intersectionnalité. Thèse réalisée par Jaércio da Silva en Sciences de l'information et de la communication, sous la dir. de Cécile Méadel, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas / Carism, soutenue le 29 juin 2022. - Jaércio Da Silva p. 142-144