Contenu du sommaire : Web 2.0 et information-documentation
Revue | I2D - Information, données & documents (anciennement : Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information) |
Numéro | vol. 46, no 1, 2009 |
Titre du numéro | Web 2.0 et information-documentation |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Précieux esprit bêta - Roumieux Olivier p. 1
- Vers une éducation à la culture informationnelle : jalons et perspectives - Chapron Françoise, Delamotte Éric p. 4-11 Les récentes évolutions des technologies de l'information et les pratiques qu'elles induisent dans la société de l'information et du web 2.0 rendent plus nécessaire que jamais la formation des élèves et des étudiants à un usage raisonné et critique des ressources informationnelles. Dans cette étude, Françoise Chapron et Éric Delamotte rappellent d'abord les jalons de la mise en place en France, depuis un demi-siècle, d'une éducation à la culture informationnelle. À partir des travaux d'une équipe de recherche et d'un récent colloque international consacrés à cette problématique, les auteurs dégagent ensuite un certain nombre de perspectives pour consolider et adapter l'éducation à l'information, indispensable à la formation d'individus culturellement autonomes, professionnellement efficaces et capables du jugement critique nécessaire à l'exercice de leur citoyenneté.Recent changes in information technology and practices in the information and Web 2.0 society have made it more than ever necessary to train our school and university students to take a thought-out, critical approach to using the information resources at their disposition. In the present study the authors cite the milestones in a half-century of educating in informational culture. Professionals and researchers in the educational sciences, joined and supported by information and communication specialists progressively built a formal body of activity. Based on the work of a research team and a recent international conference dedicated to this topic, the authors select a number of perspectives around which programs could consolidate their approach to informational education, indispensable to training culturally autonomous individuals who are professionally efficient and capable of exercising critical judgment fundamental to authentic citizenship.
- Méthodes techniques et outils - Banat-Berger Françoise, Aussant Dominique, Chaudiron Stéphane p. 12-17
- Métiers et compétences - Broudoux Évelyne, Chartron Ghislaine, Salaün Véronique p. 18-20
- Droit de l'information - Battisti Michèle, Vercken Gilles p. 21-27
Web 2.0 et information-documentation : évolution ou révolution ?
- Présentation - p. 28 Not another dossier on the web 2.0 ! No, this is not yet one more list of tools and practices that this concept which emerged in 2004 quickly put into the spotlight, to the point where 2.0 has become synonymous with “trendy”... Looking beyond the sequins, the web 2.0 turns out to be more complex, indeed more surprising than at first glance. Content elabloration and validation, the predominant position of access, external memory, convergence of the social and semantic webs, remodeling cognitive processes: the web 2.0 has forced us to revisit or get acquainted with these notions that are fundamental for information professionals. The vast majority have taken over this phenomenon and describe their experience with these tools and practices as well as changes in their relationships with end-users. Our dossier emerged from this spirit of questioning and sketches of scenarios.
- Est-ce que j'ai une tête de deuxpointzéro ? - Sajus Bertrand p. 30-31 Lame de fond ou simple palier d'évolution du web, certes particulièrement créatif ? Quel est l'impact du phénomène 2.0 dans la sphère de l'information-documentation-connaissance ? Volontairement non exhaustif, le dossier coordonné par Bertrand Sajus se donne pour objectif de fixer des repères et de partager des expériences – tout en laissant une large place à l'analyse critique et à la prospective.Tidal wave or simply another (particularly creative) stage in the ever-changing web? What has been the impact of the 2.0 phenomenon in the information-documentation-knowledge arena? Our objective here is to identify the landmarks and share experience, while offering critical analysis and forecasts.
- Fondamentaux et usages - Salaün Jean-Michel, Liziard David, Mercier Silvère, Le Bars Sylvie, Charbonneau Olivier, Goujon Martine, Borderie Xavier p. 32-43 Why should the web 2.0 be the cure-all while librarians lag behind? JM Salaun argues that web 2.0 and information provision can be mutually enriching. 2.0 tools are capable of improving and transforming library services. But information professions need to highlight their skills and arguments that can further change these.
- Gérer autrement les projets - Balmisse Gilles, Ouni Ali, Berger Merchid, Vignaud Dominique, Barbry Éric, Pecatte Patrick p. 44-53 The web 2.0 has brought new working methods and social tools that have had an impact on project management: a new style of teamwork, a repetitive and collaborative approach to carrying out activities and the use of more flexible software to keep up with and share information. The authors explain why this innovative method of project management, known as 2.0, responds to new organizational needs.
- Web 2.0, et après ? Critique et prospective - Sajus Bertrand, Cardon Dominique, Levrel Julien, Vatant Bernard, Bermès Emmanuelle, Oury Clément, Sussan Rémi p. 54-66 The web tomorrow: clouds or forest? Only a soothsayer could imagine the metaphors that will surely take the place of “the web” and new practices. Let's stay low-key and analyze important notions at the heart of the 2.0 transformation. A rich landscape is revealed when we study validation issues and content preservation, relationships between social and semantic webs, for which we may need to harness the ancient art of memory...
- Sources et ressources - Bourdier Sylvie, Masse Claudine p. 67-69
- Présentation - p. 28
Notes de lecture
- Notes de lecture - p. 70-77