Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Revue Française de Sociologie ![]() |
Numéro | 1960, 1-3 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Vers l'automatisme social - Pierre Naville p. 275-285 ???? ??????? : ????????? ? ??????????? ???????????. ????? ?????????? ????, ?? ????????????-?? ????????????? ???????????? ? ??????????, ? ?????? ???????????, ???????? ??????????? ??????, ????????????? ?????????? ????????, ?????????? ?? ? ????????????? ??????????. ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????, ??? ?. ????? ? ?. ??????????? ? ???????? ????? ?????? ????? ?????????, ??? ?????? ? ????????, ????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ? ?????????????????? ????? ? ?? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?????????. ????? ?????????, ??? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ??????? ???? ????????? ?? ??????? ??????????? ?????, ??? ???????? ? ????????? «??????????? ???????????» ?????? ????. ? ???? ??????, ???????????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ???????????.Pierre Naville : Towards social automatism The author wonders whether the automatisation of production and communication, in the cybernetic sense, does not contribute to the creation of technical systems whose autonomy assumes some of the characteristics of natural spontaneity. Relying on the opinions of scientists, such as N. Wiener and O. Morgenstern, and discussing the opinions of philosophers, such as Hegel and Heidegger, the author outlines the evolution of autonomous, automatic technical groups and their influence on social structure. Human groups can be led to shape their own autonomy on that of technical groups, which might tend to create a "social automatisation" of a new kind. Under such conditions, the classical notion of environment would give way to a unified combination of technical and human aggregates.
- Le concept de technicien et la sociologie - Yves Legoux p. 286-297 Yves Legoux : The concept of the technician and sociology In French the word 'technician' has many different meanings which reflect varied socio-professional status in the technical function. A psycho-sociological study of the main aspects of the technical function must necessarily begin with a study of the technical environment according to the definition of Georges Friedmann.
- Enterrements civils et classes sociales - François-A. Isambert p. 298-313 François-A. Isambert : Non-religions funerals and social classes. An analysis of the distribution of non-religious funerals in each Paris ward shows a similarity between this distribution and that of workers. Since the standard of living does not explain the fact sufficiently and since the political variable does not add anything to the problem, it can be assumed that there is a direct relationship between non-religious funerals and working-class status. The working-class, cut off from its rural origins, could have forged its own funeral customs.
- Le changement social en milieu rural et le rôle des femmes - Marie Moscovici p. 314-322 Marie Moscovici : Social change in rural areas and the role of women. Using two examples, the author studies the role of women in the process of social change in rural areas. The first of these examples shows a case where technical modernization gives rise, among women, to a whole series of new behaviors. In the second example, the breaking up of a traditional environment leads women to question, and sometimes to repeat, the existing familial and social system.
- L'utopie concrète : recherches sur un village de vacances - Henri Raymond p. 323-333 Henri Raymond : Research in a vacation village The vacation village is a closed unit where a leisure society develops. This closed unit and the isolation of its participants make of leisure a way of life implicitly related to the patterns diffused by the mass media (press, radio, films). The rules of the leisure society do not abolish social obligations, but transform them and result in a new classification of social groups. This new structure reveals its implicit patterns through clothing, language and rites. Tangible Utopia is, at once, the leisure which begins in daily living and the leisure society, first dreamed about, and then lived.
Actualité de la recherche
- Le voisinage et la détermination des choix interpersonnels - Jean-Marie Lemaine p. 334-339 Résumé On analyse les effets de la rencontre préalable et de la similitude des préférences politiques des membres d'un internat scolaire sur leurs choix sociométriques unilatéraux après une semaine de vie en commun. Les effets observés sont commentés en fonction de la théorie de Newcomb relative à la proximité écologique.Jean-Marie Lemaine : Note on physical proximity as a determinant of interpersonal choices. The author analyzes the effects of prior meetings and of similar political preferences among students in a boarding school on their sociometric choices after living one week together. The effects which have been observed are commented upon with reference to Newcomb's theory of ecological proximity.
- Une enquête sur « L'ouvrier d'aujourd'hui » - p. 339-341
- Colloque international sur le Vieillissement des Fonctions psychologiques et psychophysiologiques (Paris, 10-16 avril 1960) - Marguerite O. Lahalle p. 341-343
- Troisième Colloque de l'Association des Sociologues de Langue française (Genève, 2-4 mai 1960) - J. Cazeneuve p. 344-347
- Centre de Recherches coopératives - p. 347-349
- Colloque national de Démographie (Strasbourg, 5-7 mai 1960) - p. 349
- Le voisinage et la détermination des choix interpersonnels - Jean-Marie Lemaine p. 334-339
- Berque Jacques, Les Arabes d'hier à demain. - P. Marthelot p. 350-354
- Warner W. Lloyd, The living and the dead. A study of the symbolic life of Americans. - P. H. Chombart de Lauwe p. 354-357
- Actes du quatrième congrès mondial de sociologie : La société et la connaissance sociologique. Vol. I : La sociologie dans son contexte social ; vol. II : La sociologie : applications et recherches. - J.-D. Reynaud p. 357-359
- Georg Simmel. 1858-1918. A collection of essays with translations and a bibliography, edited by Kurt H. Wolf. - J. R. Tréanton p. 360
- Leclercq Jacques, Du droit naturel à la sociologie. - E. Poulat p. 360-361
- Nisihira Sigeki, Studies on the social surveys of the Institute of statistical Mathematics. - Y. E. Frisch p. 361-362
- Salomon-Delatour G., Politische Soziologie. - M. Rubel p. 362-363
- La Calabre. Une région sous-développée de l'Europe méditerranéenne, sous la direction de J. Meyriat. - M. Dogan p. 363-364
- Mayer Adrian C., Caste and kinship in Central India. - J. Cazeneuve p. 364-366
- Binet Jacques, Le mariage en Afrique Noire. - F. A. Isambert p. 366-367
- Hess Robert D., Handel Gerard, Family worlds, a psychosocial approach to family life. - A. Michel p. 367
- Hill Reuben, Stycos J. Mayonne, Back Kurt W., The family and population control. A Puerto Rican experiment in social change. - M.-F. Lanfant p. 367-369
- Myers Jerome K., Roberts Bertram. H., Family and class dynamics in mental illness. - A. Michel p. 369-370
- Andry Robert G., Delinquency and parental pathology. A study in forensic and clinical psychology. - R. Benjamin p. 370-371
- Casabianca Rose Marie (de), Enfants sans air. Etude sociologique des enfants d'un quartier urbain. - M.J. Chombart de Lauwe p. 371-372
- Klineberg Otto, Psychologie sociale. Tome II : Personnalité et interaction sociale. - M. Matarasso p. 372-373
- Mangold Werner, Gegenstand und Methode des Gruppendiskussionsverfahrens. - Y. E. Frisch p. 373-374
- Thibaut John W., Kelley Harold H., The social psychology of groups. - C. de Montlibert p. 374-375
- Personality and persuability, edited by Carl I. Hovland and Irving L. Janis. - C. de Montlibert p. 375-376
- Stogdill Ralph M., Individual behavior and group achievement. - C. de Montlibert p. 376
- Réunion de spécialistes C.S.A. sur la psychologie de base de l'Africain et du Malgache. - Y. E. Frisch p. 376-377
- Berque Jacques, Les Arabes d'hier à demain. - P. Marthelot p. 350-354
- Revue des revues - p. 378-393
- Résumés (anglais, espagnol, allemand, russe) - p. 394-398