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Revue |
Revue Française de Sociologie ![]() |
Numéro | 1970, 11-3 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- L'image des classes chez les travailleurs manuels aisés - John H. Goldthorpe p. 311-338 John H. Goldthorpe : Images of class among affluent manual workers. It has been suggested that relatively affluent manual workers, characterised by an instrumental orientation to work and a privatised social life, may have images of the class structure significantly different from either the 'power' models typical of more traditional manual workers or the 'prestige' models typical of white-collar employees : specifically, that they will tend rather to interpret class structure in 'money' terms. Result from an investigation of the class images of a sample of 229 British workers, living in a prosperous and expanding industrial town, serve largely to confirm this hypothesis. Among workers studied, a relatively new mode of social consciousness appeared to prevail, combining in a complex manner both collectivist and individualist elements.
- Relations entre travailleurs dans l'entreprise en grève : le cas de mai-juin 1968 - Sabine Erbès-Seguin p. 339-350 Sabine Erbès-Seguin: Relationship between workers and militants in a firm on strike : the case of May- June 1968. Two main types of union action determine the form of mobilization of workers by militants. When union action is subordinated to the action of political parties, mobilization is limited, the demands are traditional and free of any political content, the workers follow but participe very little. When the militants are not able to keep their action non-political, conflicts grow between militants and workers, but the degree of participation of the latter is high. When there is a great deal of autonomy in union action as related to party action, the demands tend to have a political content, and the action is worked out by all workers, militants or not.
- La revendication des « conseils d'unité » au Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique en mai-juin 1968. Essai d'interprétation - Maryse Tripier p. 351-367 Maryse Tripier : The demands made to the Atomic Energy Commissioner's Office by the Conseils d'unité (unified boards) in May-June 1968. The demands of the Conseils d'unité which held an important place during the strikes in may-june 1968 at the atomic energy commission, expressed the double necessity for rationalization and democracy in the commission. In asking about the origin of such demands, one takes into account, successively, the situation at the commission (latent crisis), the evolution of research work and its psychological consequences, and the nature of the relationships between scientific workers and political power. The main hypothesis of the article is that the action of the research personnel was determined by the perception of the decision making process both in the commission and in society.
- Division du travail et concurrence en architecture - François Marquart, Christian de Montlibert p. 368-389 François Marquart, Christian de Montlibert : Division of work and competition in architecture. French architects are presently experiencing a change in their profession : on the one hand, big agencies are created which employ a large staff and use new organizational procedures and a new division of labour; on the other hand, new actors intervene on the construction market, in competition with the architect : promoters, research bureaus, large construction companies, etc... Thus it is not surprising to see architects, whose trade is based on the rules of the liberal professions and whose system of values emphasizes the impor- tance of artistic creation, react to these changes. These reactions are analysed by the authors in describing different types of demands made. Indeed, as they are attached to a charismatic image of their profession, the architects cannot accept the technical and economic rational of the construction market.
- Note sur une recherche prévisionnelle de l'évolution de la criminalité. Hypothèse, méthode et bibliographie critique - Georges Picca, Philippe Robert p. 390-405 Georges Pica, Philippe Robert : Note on a research which predicts the evolution of criminology. (Hypothesis, method and critical bibliography). Establishing statistical estimates of criminality.
Notes bibliographiques
- Abdel-Malek Anouar, Idéologie et renaissance nationale. L'Egypte moderne. - Marie-Claire Viguier p. 429-430
- Albrecht Gerd, Nationalsozialistische Filmpolitik. - Claire Guinchat. p. 430
- Beyme Klaus von, Interessen gruppen in der Demokratie. - Jean-Claude Darbois p. 430
- Bodiguel Jean-Luc, La réduction du temps de travail. Enjeu de la lutte sociale. - Yvette Lucas p. 430-431
- Durakd Gilbert, Les grands textes de la sociologie moderne. Recueil méthodique. - René Prévost p. 431-432
- Klineberg Otto, Zavalloni Marisa, Nationalism and tribalism among African students. A study of social identity. - Doris Bensimon p. 432
- Korcaz Sylvie, Les Juifs de France et l'Etat d'Israël. - Doris Bensimon p. 432
- Lourau René, L'instituant contre l'institué. - Alain Revon p. 432-433
- Minces Juliette, Un ouvrier parle. Enquête. - Béatrice de Peyret p. 433
- Mousnier Roland, Les hiérarchies sociales de 1450 à nos jours. - Jacques Lautman p. 434
- Rokeach Milton, Beliefs, attitudes and values. A theory of organization and change. - Claude Faugeron p. 434-435
- Sayag Alain, Essai sur le besoin créateur de droit. - Catherine Raguin p. 435-437
- La Simulation. Journée d'Etudes organisée par le Département de Mathématiques appliquées. - Chantal Mougin p. 437
- Verdès-Leroux Jeanine, Scandale financier et antisémitisme catholique, le krach de l'Union générale. - Doris Bensimon p. 437-438
- Weintraub D., Lissak M., Azmon Y., Moshava, kibbutz and moshav. Patterns of Jewish rural settlement and development in Palestine. - Doris Bensimon p. 438
- Abdel-Malek Anouar, Idéologie et renaissance nationale. L'Egypte moderne. - Marie-Claire Viguier p. 429-430
Revue des revues
- I. Sociologie - p. 439-453
- II. Psychologie sociale - Georges Brossard, Irène Drouhin, Tomas Ibanez p. 454-458
- I. Sociologie - p. 439-453
- Résumés (anglais, espagnol, allemand, russe) - p. 459-464