Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Revue économique ![]() |
Numéro | 1955, no 5 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Le déséquilibre des forces économiques - Thomas Balogh p. 697-716 SUMMARY The fundamental unity of the nineteenth century world has been shat tered Two world wars assisted by the orthodox restrictionist policies of the accelerated the desintegration The U.S.A and U.S.S.R have emerged as mutually suspicious giants each dominating vast economic spliere The unparalleled supremacy of the U.S.A threatens both the sta bil ry and growth of the other economics iwithin the sphere so long ap anachronistic free market policies are pursued internationally The marxist dogma that under capitalism the rich become sleaclily her and the poor poorer disproved within individual countries of the western world aprly enough describes so far the international pat eni of deve lopment in the non-Soviet sphere Meanwhile there is dangerous tendency to underestimate the r;ite of growth of economic power under the Soviet system to indulge the wishfull notion that economic progress is incom patible with ruthlessly oppressive methods To meet the eastern challenge the west must rally its moral and economic strength by purging its fear of inflation and planning internationally for development for deliberate redistribution of investment in scale commensurate with its enormous expansion potential We cannot afford to retreat once again from the ippro;ich so successfully essayed under U.N.E.K.A J;-irs1;a]l Aid and the Mutual Security Administration into the an gero cilios of the free market
- Les conditions favorables aux ententes et leurs variations - Jacques Le Bourva p. 717-756 SUMMARY number of tlie conceptual premises upon which the Theory of the Firm and specially oligopoly theory have long been based have recently been attaöked and recriented On such line this is an appraisal of the causes and extent of collusion and of their variations over time As grounds for collusion worth to be noted at first the interrelation ships among firms positive cross-elasticities and coefficient of interdépen dance) secondly the Joint-Profit-Maximization principle and finally the entry limitation of newcomers into the market This article stand up for the stability of collusion over time It gives as motives the tendency toward product homogeneity going together with an increase of oligopolistic structure the internal organisation of technical innovation and finally because of excess capacity the limi tation of supply market sharing too spartial or technical is an important stabilizing factor of collusion
- La gérance-libre des fonds de commerce - Françoise Carrière p. 757-788 SUMMARY The business assets hiring in form of free letting contract called in French contrat de gérance-libre opposed to contrat de gérance sala riée managership is way of profit twhich has during these last years peculiarly increased Before 193! the gérance-libre is only ikind of indirect exploitation used in very peculiar cases But under the effect of economical data conse cutive to the iworld war II rise of business assets value low levels of commercial rents tlie gérance-libre will appear as mean of specu lation It has then considerable development and becomes chiefly kind investment capitalist The holders of funds traders or men of private means wanting to save their actual capital from the monetary instability use this kind of exploitation to invest their liquid assets The return of tlie economical stability and the increasing depression ot some trades diminish the advantages of such an investment Tlie executive orders of September lr enacted with view to clean up the retailed trade put definitively an end to the speculative characte ristic of the gérance-libre Then this Iway of exploitation limited in its use by conditions of duration and of kind of activity takes a-rain an rxceptive asp
- Boisguilbert, théoricien précurseur de la demande globale - Stephen L. McDonald p. 789-795 SUMMARY Amoûg the predecessors of Keynes one of the least well-known but of tlie most rema rikat) is Boisguilbert 1646-1714 Boisguilbert basing his arguments on clear clef nition of real income opposes the Bullionist conception In his opinion money by its circulation allows effective demand to appear The amonn of the expenses of the consumer iwhich determines income is dependent on tlie distribution of income and especially on the purchasing power of the masses If this pdwer declines and if prices fall people renounce investment Boisguilbert explains thus tlie cyclic character of crises and the secular decline of income in France estimated o0 between 1665 and 1695 He incriminates especially the interdiction to export cereals and recommends policy of free exportation and support of prices during periods of super-abundance as well as suppression of Aids and Customs reform of the Taille and tli creation of general and progressive income tax
- Vers un marché scandinave unique - David Philip p. 796-799
- Du nouveau sur la révolution industrielle en France - Claude Fohlen p. 800-808
Notes bibliographiques
- International Economic Papers, no 1. Translations prepared for the International Economic Association. - Henri Guitton p. 809-810
- Roose (K.D.) - The Economics of Recession and Revival. An Interpretation of 1937-1938. - Henri Guitton p. 811-812
- Polak (J.J.) - An International Economic System. - Jean-Claude Perrin p. 812-813
- Labor, Management and Economic Growth. Proceedings of a conference on human ressources and labor relations in underdeveloped countries. The Institute of International and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1954. - Henri Guitton p. 813-814
- Chamberlain (N.V.) Schilling (J.M.) - The Impact of Strikes. Their Social and Economic Costs. - Henri Guitton p. 815-816
- Mc Lean (J.C.) Haigh (R.W.) - The Growth of Integrated Oil Companies. - Henri Guitton p. 816-817
- Wronski (Henri) - Le Rôle économique et social de la monnaie dans les démocraties populaires. - Emile James p. 817
- Fforde (J.S.) - The Federal Reserve System from 1945 to 1949. - Pierre Tabatoni p. 817-819
- Angelo (Pasquale d') Mazzantini (Mario) - Trattato di tecnica bancaria. Sesta edizione. - Jean Meynaud p. 819
- Fabricant (Salomon) - Economic Progress and Economic Change, 34th Annual Report. Ulmer (Melville J.) - Trends and Cycles Capital Formation by United States Railroads. Regularization of Business Investment. A Conference of the Universities. Na - Pierre Dieterlen p. 820-822
- Remond (René) - La Droite en France, de 1815 nos jours. Continuité et diversité d'une tradition politique. - Jean Lhomme p. 822-823
- Bouquerel (F.) - L'étude des marchés au service des entreprises. - Alexandre Chabert p. 823-824
- Gendarme (R.) - La Région du Nord. Essai d'analyse économique. - Henri Guitton p. 824-825
- Dirlam (J.B.) Kahn (A.E.) - Fair Competition. The Law and Economics of Antitrust Policy. - Henri Guitton p. 825-826
- Jefferys (James B.) - Retail Trading in Britain, 1850-1950. A study of trends in retailing with special reference to the development of cooperative, multiple shop and department store methods of trading. - Jean-Marcel Jeanneney p. 826-827
- STAUB (Hans) - Le Profit des grandes entreprises américaines. - Henri Guitton p. 827-829
- Nations Unies. Commission Economique pour l'Europe. Division de l'Industrie.- La Concurrence entre l'acier et l'aluminium. - Jean Chardonnet p. 829-830
- Milleron (Jacques) - Regards sur l'économie marocaine. - Jean Chardonnet p. 830-831
- Deschamps (Hubert) - Peuples et nations d'outre-mer (Afrique - Islam - Asie du Sud). - Gaston Leduc p. 831
- Gouault (Jacques) - Comment la france est devenue républicaine. Les élections générales et partielles à l'Assemblée nationale, 1870-1875. - Stanley Hoffmann p. 831-832
- Guilcher (André) - Morphologie littorale et sous-marine. - Jean Chardonnet p. 832
- Wright (Quincy) - Problems of Stability and Progress in International Relations. - Marcel Merle p. 832-833
- Simon (P.H.) - L'Esprit et l'histoire. Essai sur la conscience historique dans la littérature du XXe siècle. - Henri Guitton p. 833-834
- Marrou (H.I.) - De la Connaissance historique. - Henri Guitton p. 834-835
- Morgenthau (H.J.) - Politics among Nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace. - Henri Guitton p. 835
- International Economic Papers, no 1. Translations prepared for the International Economic Association. - Henri Guitton p. 809-810
- Liste des ouvrages reçus - p. 836-856