Contenu du sommaire : Economie de l'entreprise
Revue |
Revue économique ![]() |
Numéro | 1956, no 1 |
Titre du numéro | Economie de l'entreprise |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Economie de l'entreprise. Pratique des affaires ou analyse théorique - Jane Aubert-Krier p. 1-18 It is useful to define the management of business concern by comparing with related disciplines and placing it between economic theory and in practice in this light there are several types of studies that briefly analysed The importauce of such works is sho wn by comparing with some precise analysis of production prices cost curve and break even charts points of wiew of theorists and practicians auil by analysing them they can approach and complete eacli other This analysis favours classification of the articles in this review as their presentation and the form of the bibliography
- Théorie économique et principes de gestion des entreprises privées - Paul Chamley p. 19-38 SUMMARY Because we may discern profound differences of concern of vocabulary and of thinking habits between theorists on one hand and praticians on the other hand controversy concerning marginal cost sounds sometimes like dialogue between deaf men The interest of works situated half way between theory and practice such as those which compose the Betriebs wirtschaftslehre is derived from those differences Its evidence is first shown in the form of summary of marginal adap tations described in the works of Schmalenbach and Gutenberg They confirm the predominance of linear functions in those which concerns total costs the practice of full cost and also the determination of selling prices The systématisation of the authors studied conserves nevertheless the tra ditional framework i.e the hypothesis of passive adjustment of firm to some fundamental ideas objectively defined This interpretation appears to be incomplete on that it does not give enough importance to the essentialy active role in production Thus precisely it cannot account for particular forms that the business Itself gives to its functions of production and of selling not only by formal simplification but by deliberate manipulation conducing to the growth of efficiency Fin ly positive theory of private enterprise appears to be conceivable where it integrates the dynamic analysis and the sociological interpretation of that institution
- Quelques limites économiques à la dimension et à la croissance des entreprises individuelles - P.W.S. Andrews p. 39-67 plus rapidement par les entreprises plus grandes et dans leurs périodes utilisation elles tendent ainsi augmenter la part de ces prises dans la production totale mais fortiori la répartition en de qui nous occupe persiste et se fortine Ayant ainsi réintroduit en matière de parenthèse le problème de forme de la répartition de la production nous en venons considérer explication dans la section suivante IV LE TYPE DE REPARTITION DE LA PRODUCTION En dehors des importants changements fondamentaux qui ont été diés dans les deux derniers paragraphes de la section précédente montré une clientèle scable née des relations de marché une ancienne les prix étant des niveaux équilibre) peut expliquer caractéristique de la structure de production que nous allons
- Remarques sur la gestion des stocks dans l'entreprise - Robert Guihéneuf p. 68-91 SUMMARY Tlie modern theory on the firm tends analyze the functional role of inventories Before economists studied inventories on their global and cyclical aspects J.M Clark Keynes Metzler) From now on the modern methods of inventory management are one of the elements of the general policy of the firm Problems inventory classification their cost orders coat technics of management turnover The inventory management lias its own caracteristics it supposes to consider the situation of the firm on the market
- Comment fixer le prix d'un nouveau produit ? - Joël Dean p. 92-100 SUMMARY New product pricing is difficult and can be made according to two policies shimming pricing and penetration pricing Five factors are impor tant to look at in setting price potential and probable demand costs of production and selling costs market targets promotional strategy suitable channels of distribution Bur the final decision cannot be arrived at by any given formula good estimates make pricing more successful but combining factors requires judgment
- Note sur la localisation de la firme - Claude Ponsard p. 101-116 SUMMARY The economic analysis of the location of enterprises is studied in an abundant specialized but rather abstract literature Concrete observations are very rare As consequence it has been necessary to utilize solely the hypoihetico-deductive method As first step one can ek ct in the field of spatial research the ele ments of an analysis restricted to the location of the firm These elements are selected from the point of view of the history of spatial economic thought for the analysis of the location of the firm has been developped not only per se but also as by-product of more general research Starting from that analysis one can try to organize the essential part of known results within the frame of coherent deductive system This allows to stres from critical poinr of the substance and limits of our knowledge in this field The proposed frame of analysis is open that is to say it is conceived for the sake of generality to take into account the integration of unknown theoretical schemes In this direction it i.- possible to discover the essential difficulties standing in the way of modern analysis
- Investissements intellectuels et expansion économique - Pierre Bize p. 117-126 SUMMARY One of tue essential conditions of economic expansion is defined by the value of intellectual investment that menns practically by the num ber and quality of leaders and technicians who hold responsible positions in the management of public and private enterprise In that respect uni- versitary policies acquire .v objective teaching programs must be denned wirh view to the requirements of economic evolution and technical and social progress Which is the present situation in France from that point of vie Though statistical data on that crucial problem are very scarce it can be concluded with fair accuracy that our position is most serious As matter of fact only third or half of the necessary quantity of leading technicians leave our ingineering schools or our universities As for medium technicians their number if ridiculously smal from the point of vieiv of present and above all of future necessities If vigorou! aud necessary improvements are not obtained our future economic expansion will be compromised and it Iwill become difficult defend the position of France in the hierarchy of great Powers
- Bibliographie d'économie de l'entreprise - Jane Aubert-Krier, M.-M. Deguet p. 127-144
- Deux étapes de politique économique internationale dans les relations du « monde occidental » - Jean Weiller p. 145-150
Notes bibliographiques
- Lauterbach (Albert) - Man, motives and money. Psychological frontiers of economics. - Pierre Dieterlen p. 151-152
- Bouthoul (G.) - Traité de sociologue. II, Sociologie dynamique. - Henri Guitton p. 152-154
- Eucken (Walter) - Kapitaltheorefische Untersuchungen, 2. Auflage. - Henri Noyelle p. 154
- Yöhr (Walter Adolf) - Die Konjunkturschwankungen. - Henri Noyelle p. 154-155
- Heurlin (Lauri O. AF) - The economic theory of agricultural production. - Pierre Fromont p. 155-156
- Marian (N.) - Les variations des conditions naturelles et l'instabilité du marche mondial du blé. - Pierre Fromont p. 156
- Woytinsky (W.S.) and associates - Employment and wages in the United States. - Alexandre Chabert p. 157
- Bonda (H.J.) - Good currencies. - Henri Guitton p. 158
- Schineider (Erich) - Geld, Kredit, Volkseinkommen und Beschäftigung. 2. verbesserte Auflage. - Henri Noyelle p. 158-159
- Die Konvertibili tät der europäischen Währungen. - Henri Noyelle p. 159-160
- Despaux (A.) - Le Pouvoir monétaire. - Henri Guitton p. 160-161
- Ardant (H.) - Introduction à l'étude des banques et des opérations de banque. - Henri Guitton p. 161
- Wald (Haskell P.), Froomkin (Joseph N.) - Papers and proceedings of the Conference on Agricultural Taxation and Economic Development (held under the auspices of the International Program in Taxation. Law School of Harvard University - January 28, Febr - Pierre Fromont p. 162
- Chardonnet (J.) - La Sidérurgie française. Progrès ou décadence ? - Henri Guitton p. 162-163
- Associazione bancaria italiana . Annuario delle aziende di credito e finanziarie, 1954-1955. - p. 164
- Benham (Frederic) - Economics. A general introduction. - p. 164
- Boden (Hans C.), Forberg (Kurt), Schmolders (Günther), Schone (Joachim) - Freizügigkcit von Menschen, Gütern, Kapital und die europäische Integration. - p. 164
- Brissonnière (Yves G.) - Commonwealth d'abord. Préface d'André Siegfried. - p. 164
- Brunner (Kurt) - Das Problem des regionalen Multilateralismus im internationalen Zahlungsverkehr. - p. 164
- Falleur (Richard de) - Les rémunérations des salariés, 1948-1953. - p. 164-165
- Holly (J. Fred), Mabry (Bevards D.) - Protective labor legislation and its administration in Tennessee. - p. 165
- Hensel (K. Paul) - Einführung in die Theorie der Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft. - p. 165
- Hegarty (Edward J) - Making pour sales meeting sell. - p. 165
- Gutenberg (Erich) - Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. 2 Band Der Absatz. - p. 165
- France, Conseil économique - Conjoncture économique Rapport présenté au nom du Conseil Economique par M. Jacques Dumontier. II, Décembre 1954. - p. 165
- Noue (Louis de) - Pour comprendre et calculer la retraite des cadres. - p. 166
- Neuordnung (Die) Eisen und Stahlindustrie, - p. 166
- Muller-Hermann (Ernst) - Wettbewerb und Ordnung. Grundlage der Verkehrspolitik. - p. 166
- L'Huillier (Fernand) - De la Sainte-Alliance au Pacte Atlantique. Le vingtième siècle, 1898-1954. - p. 166
- Jonassen (G.T.) - The shopping center versus downtown. - p. 166
- Hoover (Edgar M.) - La localisation des activités économiques. Préface et traduction de Jean Alaurent. - p. 166
- Ollier (Jean-Pierre)- Seloncourt : l'évolution économique et démographique d'une commune du pays de Montbéliard. - p. 167
- Organisation européenne de coopération économique - La- formation des spécialistes de l'étude du travail. - p. 167
- Organisation européenne de coopération économique - Les recensements industriels aux Etats-Unis. - p. 167
- Organisation industrielle. Mission belge aux Etats-Unis, 15 avril-ler juin 1953. - p. 167
- Pierart (Raoul) - La vente à tempérament. - p. 167
- Principaux (Les) facteurs de productivité. Mission belge aux Etats-Unis, 1952. - p. 167
- Rowedder (Heinz) - Kartellrecht. - p. 167
- Vveibel (Jakob) - Der schweizerische. Hypothekarkredit. - p. 168
- Verkehrspolitik (Die) in der öffentlichen Meinung (Diskussionsband der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesellschaft). - p. 168
- Tew (Brian) - Wealth and income. An analysis of the economic and financial systems of Australian and Great Britain. - p. 168
- Stankiewicz (W.J.), Montias (J.M.) - Institutional changes in the postwar economy of Poland. - p. 168
- Société d'expertise comptable fiduciaire de France - Les ratios au service de l'entreprise. Etude théorique et pratique. - p. 168
- Samuelson (Paul A.), Bishop (Robert L.), Coleman (John R.) ed. - Readings in economics. - p. 168
- Lauterbach (Albert) - Man, motives and money. Psychological frontiers of economics. - Pierre Dieterlen p. 151-152