Contenu du sommaire : La maladministration
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 45, 1988/1 |
Titre du numéro | La maladministration |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n° 45 - p. 4 pages
La maladministration
- Avant-propos - Michel Le Clainche p. 2 pages
- Introduction - Robert Charlier p. 2 pages
- La maladministration aujourd'hui - Paul Ripoche p. 7 pages Misadministration Today. Administration must adjust and modernize. Services and activities must expand. The needs of business and the general public must be met. The quality of products and services requires attentive care. Senior-level civil service bears an especial reponsibility in the unswerving search for quality.
- Les usagers et la maladministration - Gérard Barbanson p. 3 pages The General Public and Misadministration. Relations between civil servants and the general public should be improved by reorganization, improved reception services, human relations training for civil servants who interface with the public and reduced processing time for user inquiries and applications ; and not by manpower cuts. Users' groups are valuable buffers between the civil service and the public. However, few are aware of their existence and their resources are limited. Official support is needed.
- Les entreprises et la maladministration - Paul Dehondt p. 10 pages Business and Misadministration. The business community defines misadministration as a plethora of sometimes useless and often redundant red tape which they have to fill out, and as a growing body of legislation and regulations covering their particular fields. Furthermore, the administration is unable to simplify formalities or improve tax procedures and business information services. The current structure of tax investigation is under fire, especially criteria to select taxpayers for investigation and ‘productivity' quotas for tax inspectors. The situation would improve if chartered public accounts were to certify company books.
- Les fonctionnaires et la maladministration - Jean-Pierre Gualezzi p. 8 pages Civil Servants and Misadministration. Civil servants sometimes have cold feet about the need to modernize administration in the face of a hostile climate, government austerity policy and compartmentalized civil service structures. Public opinion has divined the causes : in criticizing administrative procedures, its target is not the civil servants themselves, but the tools at their disposal and the slow, complex nature of procedures. Civil servant labor unions have conducted surveys and two-way information campaigns in order to better understand the needs of civil services consumers and to suggest improvements. Modernizing the civil service goes beyond spreading such two-way channels on a routine basis, to include job mobility and personalized career paths for civil servants. at their disposai and the slow, complex nature of procedures. Civil servant labor unions hâve conducted surveys and two-way information campaigns in order to better understand the needs of civil services consumers and to suggest improvements. Modernizing the civil service goes beyond spreading such two-way channels on a routine basis, to include job mobility and personalized career paths for civil servants.
- Les usagers et la maladministration - Gérard Barbanson p. 3 pages
- Les exclus et les organismes sociaux - Hélène Strohl p. 11 pages National Health Insurance and De Facto Non-Coverage. Between 5 and 1 million persons have difficulty accessing health care that covers the entire population, at least in theory. Misadministration in national health insurance is characterized by complicated procedures, difficulty in reaching certain categories of the public, regulation based on categorizing people, geographically dispersed institutions and outdated welfare legislation.
- Les contribuables et l'administration fiscale - Christian Poppe p. 4 pages Taxpayers and Tax Collection. Citizens always feel uneasy about their tax-paying duties because of the coercive nature of the tax authorities. The authorities have undertaken a program to improve human relations through two-way information campaigns aimed at several types of communities using specially-adapted technics and regional programs to encourage innovation and concerted action.
- Les abonnés du téléphone et les PTT - Christian Vigouroux p. 6 pages Telephone Users and the PTT. Cryptic billing, threats of cut-off, burden of proof on users and restricted access to PTT corridors of power all make users feel powerless in the face of overbilling. The PTT are adopting modem technology to provide users with new services that will prevent complaints, or handle them more efficiently, thus alleviating the current State of affairs.
- Les exclus et les organismes sociaux - Hélène Strohl p. 11 pages
Les réponses à la maladministration
- Maladministration et réforme administrative - Camille Cabana p. 8 pages Administrative Reform and Misadministration. The government is pursuing a global strategy against ‘misadministration' in the face of bureaucratic resistance and the complex nature of administrative formalities. It seeks to simplify administrative structures by reducing staff and services as well as cutting red tape.
- Efficacité et démocratie administratives - Jean Le Garrec p. 6 pages Efficiency and democracy. Public administration should be modernized by a reform program whose objectives would be to render government more user-friendly and more cost-effective economically and socially. Information campaigns should expand ; formalities should be simplifled ; users' rights, civil servant personal responsibility strengthened ; and advanced technology should be more available. economically and socially. Information campaigns should expand ; formalities should be simplifled ; users' rights, civil servant personal responsibility strengthened ; and advanced technology should be more available.
- Dix questions à Hervé Serieyx, président d'Euréquip, chargé de mission auprès du ministre délégué auprès du Premier ministre, chargé de la fonction publique - Alain Claisse, Hervé Serieyx p. 6 pages Ten Questions to Hervé Serieyx. Given the mission of ‘innovation for the civil service', Mr. Serieyx answers 10 questions about modernizing the administration in the context of French privatization policy. He underscores the importance of ‘idea resources' the government has, but is not exploiting due to lack of information flow and considers that tools such as ‘zero defects', training investment and realistic cost accounting will lead public and private bodies to modernize convergently.
- Du fatalisme au volontarisme - Michel Le Clainche, Céline Wiener p. 19 pages From Fatalism to Voluntarism. Misadministration is always a topical subject among political leaders and citizens alike : fatalism will only reinforce the causes, e.g. public accounting procedures, overregulation, bureaucratie stonewalling, and distortions due to uncoordinated reform mechanisms. Suggested remedies often boil down to cosmetic reform or instant miracle cures, whereas a voluntaristic attitude would be based on a coherent strategy for change, action in concert with users, better civil servant training and more delegated responsibility that encompasses the diversity of services, technics and user needs as well as the human and political dimensions.
- Maladministration et réforme administrative - Camille Cabana p. 8 pages
- Avant-propos - Michel Le Clainche p. 2 pages
- La maladministration en Suède - Bertil Wennergren p. 4 pages Misadministration in Sweden. The Swedish ombudsman has wide-ranging powers to combat misadministration and can even adjudicate upon the expediency of administrative decisions and upon the adequacy of the procedures and practices involved. Mr. Wennergren cites four different examples of ombudsman intervention and other cases of victims to misadministration.
- Formation et perfectionnement des fonctionnaires au Cameroun : le CENAM - Hilarion Etong Ndzok p. 9 pages Civil Servants Training and Continuing Education in the Cameroons (Centre National d'Administration et de Magistrature). The training and continuing education of civil servants and magistrates in the Cameroons was significantly modified by the establishment of CENAM, the national magistrate center. CENAM coordinates the activity of two civil service training institutes (École nationale d'administration et de magistrature and Institut des techniques administratives et financières) and of Institut supérieur de management public, the institute of advanced studies. CENAM has all the features of a public body, but its autonomy is limited by the Ministry of Civil Service whose authority covers budgets, personnel and activity.
- La maladministration en Suède - Bertil Wennergren p. 4 pages
Chronique de l'administration française
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 10 pages
- Le point sur : la loi n° 88-13 du 5 janvier 1988 d'amélioration de la décentralisation - Yves Jegouzo, Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 9 pages
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 10 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion p. 12 pages
Chronique des colloques
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Réponse à l'article de M. Olivier Schrameck - Raymond Muzellec p. 1 page
- Réponse à l'article de M. Olivier Schrameck - Raymond Muzellec p. 1 page
- Abstracts - p. 3 pages
- La maladministration: témoignages - Barbanson G., Dehondt P., Gualezzi J.P. p. 5-38
- Les réponses à la maladministration - Cabana C., Le Garrec J., Serieyx H., Le Clainche M. p. 61-99