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Géocarrefour ![]() Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 62, no 4, 1987 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Rédaction - p. 2
- Géographie des filières agro-alimentaires - Jean-Paul Diry p. 285-289
- La Communauté Economique Européenne et la question du soja - Jean-Paul Diry p. 291-312 For the last ten years, the E.E.C. has tried to limit its deficit in the production of the proteins meant to feed animals. It has already managed to get some results. Thanks to a boom in the growing of colza and sunflower, it now provides 25 % of its needs though in 1986 it still produces only 1,7 % of the soya it needs. Why not try to help to develop this oleaginous plant ? France, and more especially Italy, are trying to do so with some success. Hower, increasing cultivated lands too much is strongly objected to by the Americans and the budgetary requirements in Brussels. The example of soya definitely puts the tricky question as to where agricultural productions should be located.
- Le groupe italien Ferruzzi : de l'agro-alimentaire à l'agro-chimie, une stratégie audacieuse de l'utilisation des produits agricoles - Michel Vandenbroucke, Brigitte Prost p. 313-337 In a short space of time, an italian food-processing firm has become a holding group of international size. Having started out trading in and transforming cereals and oleaginous products, the company was then responsible for the launching of soya cultivation in Italy. This provided the basis for an important industrial activity, now being extended in the agro-chemical field to provide new outlets for agricultural products.
- Les élevages industriels en Union Soviétique - Jean-Paul Diry p. 339-361 To develop its breeding the U.S.S.R. chose to build huge poultry and pig farm concerns without any land, in the outskirts of cities. This policy which has given significant results in poultry farming has turned out disappointing on the whole, considering that for ten years it hasn't led to increase meat consumption noticeably. Specialists point out the slow selection and the difficulties of the animals food industry wich is lacking both vegetable proteins and cereals, the narrows interrupting the regularity of the tide. Some even throw back into question the idea of industrial breeding.
- La filière céréales-viande bovine aux Etats-Unis - Gérard Dorel, Jean-Paul Charvet p. 363-386 The case study of the meat-grain production line in the U.S. appears as one of the best achieved example among the integrated agricultural production lines. During the last decades, its changes have presented a double aspect : one economical (production and marketing consolidation) and a geographical one (shift of the production towards the Southern Great Plains).
- Les filières agro-alimentaires face aux mutations de leur environnement : la dynamique récente des filières fleurs et légumes de serre aux Pays-Bas - Jean Vaudois p. 387-410 During the last 10 years, Dutch flowers and glasshouse vegetables producing and marketing systems have been confronted with the evolutions of supply and demand on european markets. The ambitious and coherent modernization and market development policy started then generated important progresses with production, logistic and еxрог- tation. The capability of theses systems to adapt to the fluctuations of their environment is due to the particularities of the space in which they move and to the quality of their organization.
- Production et consommation de produits d'origine animale dans le Tiers Monde - L. Malassis p. 411-418 The object of this article is to give an overall view of animal produce production and consumption problems worldwide and more particularly in developing countries. Cattle's functions, the consumption of cattle rearing produce, the competition for food between man and animal and the conditions for the quantitative and qualitative improvement of the food ration are successively examined.
- Les tendances récentes du marché des bureaux en Amérique du Nord - Marc Bonneville p. 419-427 Strong demand for office space offset a high level of new constructions during the 1979-1987 period in all nord american cities. This boom has concerned cities of all sizes, medium or major, but also suburban zones. This text describes the main patterns of this development and focuses on the recent trends of the office building market. As new constructions continue at a quite high level, the increase of vacancy rates concerns mostly cities which populations ranked between 0.5 and 3 millions in southern or western regions or suburban areas.
- Pierre Bozon (1921-1986) - Claude Crétin p. 429-431