Contenu du sommaire : Les nouveaux outils dans l'enseignement de la géographie
Revue |
Géocarrefour Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 63, no 2-3, 1988 |
Titre du numéro | Les nouveaux outils dans l'enseignement de la géographie |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Editorial - Christian Daudel p. 2
- Le savoir géographique sur écran : réflexions théoriques sur l'usage de nouveaux outils dans l'enseignement de la discipline / Geographical knowledge and computerisation : a theoretical reflexion over the use of new tools in the disciplinary teaching. - Christian Daudel p. 3-14 Geographical knowledge on screen : theorical approach concerning the use of new tools in geography teaching. Geography, as a part of school knowledge, is subjected to new handlings ; as far as processing diffusion and stocking are concerned. Geographers mustn 't confine themselves within the one technical approach to the new tools of in formation or communication. The question of the screen inevitably combines these three parts : epistemology, didactics and culture. The interface man/screen produces a new relation to space : from the physical to the hidden or loste dimension. Screen spaces takes over from speech time. From now on geographical culture can be defined in the "Homo communiquens" project.
- Utilisation de la télématique, de l'informatique, du vidéodisque et de la télédétection dans l'enseignement de la géographie, au niveau des collèges et lycées/ Use of telematic, informatic, and remote sensing for teaching in geography in secondery schools - Victor Marbeau p. 15-19 The teaching of geography might be transformed by the use of new technologies (computer science, telematic, vieodisk, and télédétection). However one can perceive some difficulties of diffusion in the secundary education. To day hesitations are easily explanable and a real strategy has to be defined to assume the dynamism of development : it has to be founded on information coming widely from the positive realisations (performant software and works of motived teams), on a better equipment of hardware (quantitatively and qualitatively), on a teacher's centered on the conditions of true didactic use of those software.
- Images de synthèse et didactique de la géographie/ Image processing and didactic in geography - Béatrice Poinssac, Josette Poinssac-Niel p. 20-22 The didactics of geography is just beginning to take advantage of the wide range of possibilities offered by computer imaging. The mastery of geographical science as well as the knowledge of computer imaging techniques in two or three dimensions are necessary for the creation of images in this particular field. Computer imaging systems make easier and improve the geographical data processing and especially any exercice dealing with map making. Moreover the methods of simulation open larger research fields. These two kinds of operations, geographical data processing and simulation devices facilitate and speed up the process of learning .
- La micro-informatique et l'enseignement de la géographie : les leçons des expériences anglaises, néerlandaises et belges / Micro-computers and teaching in geography : learning from the british, dutch and belgian experiments - Bernadette Merenne-Schoumaker p. 23-29 Comparison of experiments conducted over a number of years in Great Britain, Nederland, and Belgium allows identifícation of the fields in which application of microcomputers to geography teaching is best suited. These fields include learning and application exercices, collecting and processing data, and simulations. At the present time, a few appropriate software packages are available for each of these domains. This comparison has also shown that the success of microcomputer assisted teaching depends not only on resolving material and human problems, but also the design of geography teaching.
- L'image spatiale comme support pédagogique dans l'enseignement secondaire/ Remote sensing as a pedagogic support for teaching in secondary schools - Myriam Armand p. 30-36 The introduction of remote-sensing in the education field may have different purposes. One can use it in order to inform pupils about this new technology or to do thematical exercices. A remote sensing pedagogy is now being elaboreted. Several disciplines such as history, geography, biology, geology and physics contribute to improve the pluridisciplinary method needed to learn image analysis. The satellite image is an unusual spatial representation which transforms the tradition- nal new methods. In this this is an innovative for éducation.
- L'imagerie de télédétection : méthodologie de traitement en géographie / Remote sensing imagery : precessing methodology in geography - Michel Vauzelle p. 37-45 Satellite imagery appears today in a great number of atlas and geography books. It is still widely considered as a modernist illustration, when in fact most of these images are received in digital data form, and can be put to a variety of uses when converted to thematic map according to the selected target. Students must be led to realize that the images, they are shown are not fixed once and for all, but are a partial view of reality depending on the theme to be studied and the image processing. We shall first explain the principles which have directed. The software according to the technological and educational context, then we shall comment on the importance of showing the present limits of a new technology as will as its importance for interdisciplinary syntheses.
- Images pédagogiques, images professionnelles ? Quelles images satellitaires pour la classe ?/ Pedagogic scenery versus professional scenery. Which kind of image processing software for pupils ? - Thierry Hatt p. 46-54 Images for students and/or images for professionnals ? A set of images for highschool students. The author teaches geography in a french highschool and presents the results of a research project of the National Institute for pedagogical Research (I.N.R.P) entitled "Introduction to remote sensing images in highschool". This work was preceded by a thorough documentation on the littérature on the subject of satellite images. In the first part, we study the problems raised by the adaptation of this subject to highschool students, covering the choice of methods, technical choices, selection of the images and the teaching objectives, knowledge and skills, the constraints for the implementation of image treatement software. This is followed by a concrete example of satellite image processing in class including course preparation , the running of class sessions, the developement within in the framework of a class project.
- Le vidéodisque interactif : des perspectives nouvelles pour l'enseignement de la géographie / Interactive videodisk : a prospect for teaching in geography - Jacques Mauduy p. 55-63 Geography teachers use a great deal of pictures. The video-disk offers practical and inexpensive solutions for the classification and the access to thousands of pictures. Beyond this undisputed ease, the video-disk favours a new pedagogical tactic : individualised, indirected teaching methods and the private instructor became concrete. Furthermore, dataprocessing programming of the video-disk proposes the pupils entering points in the study of the picture and landscape, that various, multiple, immediate and entitled to develop a systemic vision of geographical phenomena. The demonstration is based on the study of case : studying a town in a mountain, Briançon.
- Mise en place et utilisation d'un logiciel de cartographie et traitement des données dans l'enseignement de la géographie/ Setting and use of a cartographie and data processing software in teaching geography - Roberto Gimeno, Marie-Françoise Durand p. 64-68 The setting of a cartography computer-program at the disposal of the secondary Education, a program which is including all the stages of the statistical treatement of the data, is a new step for the integration of data-processing in secondary schools studies.Its use reveals difficulties deriving either from the nature itself of statistical cartography - which is usually but little studied in our schools and universities - or from using a complicated computer-program on a computer with limited capacity, or even from the inadequacy of the teachers' training.
- Le questionnaire à choix multiple sur minitel : une nouvelle procédure didactique dans l'enseignement de la géographie/ M.C.Q. on Minitel : new proceedings in geographical teaching - François Arnal p. 69-77 ABSTRACT Applying telematics to Geography teaching MCQ on Minitel. Geography teaching is presently the emergence of new technical devices such as telematics Up to now the main teaching aid programms on Minitel have mostly been developped as MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) tests with a priority to the text over the image.The experimenting field hasn't been a matter of thorough didactic research yet Telematics forces authors to make specific choices when trying to express their geographical assertions Teacher and pupil may easily become conceptors who will conceive data banks. The experiments presently made at Saint-Etienne University on the ASTREE videotex aiming at secondary schools and university audiences offers interesting prospects for geographical didactic research.
- Le géographie, la didactique et les banque de données / Data banks and didactic in geography - Martine Vaugien p. 78-81 The article aims at setting out the major stakes of the most recent means of communication (data-bank and telematics) in order to teach geography. It's a new way in didactic research which is attempted to be applied to data-banks as also to school experiment, worked out by INGAFO, a communal data-bank.
- Chronique régionale : le temps en Rhône-Alpes en 1986 - p. 82-104