Contenu du sommaire : Aspects de la contrainte extérieure

Revue Economie et prévision Mir@bel
Numéro no 94-95, 1990/3-4
Titre du numéro Aspects de la contrainte extérieure
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Aspects de la contrainte extérieure. Présentation générale - Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Thierry Francq p. 1-4 accès libre
  • Les échanges extérieurs de la France durant les années quatre-vingt - Dominique Lamiot, Thierry Francq p. 1-11 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    France's foreign trade over the last decade, by Thierry Francq, Dominique Lamiot. The degree of openness of the French economy has increased during the last decade, as a confirmation of France's integration into world economy. The geographical specialization of its foreign trade has changed. Services have done much to keep our trade balance close to equilibrium. As a result, our current account position has constantly been maintained at appropriate levels. But the external constraint remains and encourages France to strenghten its supply capacities in the manufacturing sector, in order to boost our trade performances. This task will be eased by the recent rise of industrial investment. This paper aims at presenting these various aspects of French foreign trade over the last decade. The French performance in export is compared to the German one.
  • Compétitivité et élasticités du commerce extérieur - Jean Mathis p. 13-22 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Competitiveness and price elasticities of external trade, by Jean Math is. Competitiveness is a common concept yet not well defined as far as macroeconomics are concerned. The current account balance is an outcome of competitiveness and not a measurement ; in addition it depends on the general macroeconomic equilibrium and not only on competitiveness. A definition of competitiveness is suggested. Then a very simple model is used to isolate a few parameters that can be a measure of competitiveness. Next, the macroeconomic strategy of competitiveness is defined. Attention is paid to the elasticities of import demand and export demand, for those appear to be crucial parameters of competitiveness ; in particular, the question of their variability with relative prices is examined.
  • Echanges extérieurs et avantages comparatifs : la spécialisation de la France confrontée à celles de ses concurrents - Jean-Luc Tavernier p. 23-36 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    External trade and comparative advantages : French and competitors' specialization compared, by Jean-Luc Tavernier. The weaknesses of french specialization are sometimes blamed for the deteriorating french performance in manufacturing trade. If it seems obvious that french manufacturing supply has been adaptating too slowly to changes in international demand since the early 80's, it appears more difficult to ascertain how poorly specialized french industrial production has really been. This article shows, through a set of converging indicators, that France is the industrial country that has the fewer comparative advantages or disavantages. Moreover, french specialisation has proved very unstable. The structure of french external trade differs markedly, therefore, from the inert but very coherent specialisation of german industry, which has allowed some sectors to benefit from positive spillover effects and to be insulated from macroeconomic fluctuations. This specialization is also very different from the Japanese model, where comparative advantages, although intense, keep evolving continuously in line with the modifications of international demand. In the absence of spontaneous comparative advantages, no part of French industry seems sheltered from short-term problems.
  • Ouverture vers l'extérieur et performances à l'exportation des entreprises industrielles dans les années quatre-vingt : une analyse sur données individuelles - Thierry Francq p. 37-44 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Foreign trade performance and the process of openness of french industrieal firms in the eighties, by Thierry Francq. This paper aims at presenting foreign trade performance and the dynamics of openness of french industrial firms. Disparities between hte various categories of firms have been studied in the light of desagregated surveys which provided a special framework enhancing strandard macroeconomic analysis. A first descriptive approach showed that the slowing down in the process of openness during this period was not part of a general change but was actually due to a limited number of firms equally firms have even targeted growing domestic markets rather than foreign trade which actually did not show more dynamism from their point of view. Asecond analytical approach highlighted the two main patterns of behaviour of french firms in the 1980's : a first category has followed a clear strategy of growth, seeking expansion on new markets, while others just aimed at restoring their profit margins. Consequently, the later have experienced a slowness in real investment as they oriented their activity on the domestic market. As a result, the analysis in terms of patterns of behaviour provides a better understanding of the slowing down in the openness process of french industrial firms than the sectorial approach.
  • Atlas : un modèle dynamique et cohérent du commerce international des produits manufacturés - Jean-François Loué p. 45-62 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Atlas : a dynamic and coherent model of international trade of manufactured products, by Jean-François Loué. Atlas is a dynamic model of international trade of manufactured products estimated, for ten countries, on quarterly datas. The volumes of the imports are calculated by the country models. The model describes the evolution of the trade prices and of market shares, regarding exchange-rates, costs and prices in each country. The integration of dynamics rises the problem of the short-term neutrality of the billing currency used : the observed prices depend, in the short-term, on the evolution of the currency in which contracts are drawn up. Concerning the market-shares, we propose a model based on relative costs, and we prove that the dynamics of their evolution theoretically depends on the currency which is used to compare prices (or costs).
  • Modèles à correction d'erreur et fonctions d'importations agrégées - Jean-Pierre Urbain p. 63-77 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Error Correction Models and equations for aggregate importations, by Jean-Pierre Urbain. In this paper we consider the empirical modelling of aggregate imports for two small open european economies (Belgium and the Netherlands). The analysis is conducted by means of recently developed econometric concepts. Among these we focus on the so called "general to specific" approach (see inter alia Hendry, 1987) in the context of data series whose (non) stationary properties are investigated. The notion of co-integration (Engle and Granger, 1987) of a set of variables is analysed, both in a single equation and in a multivariate framework. We allowed the data to play an important role in the dynamic specification but also the specification of the underlying long run equilibrium. Using co-integration techniques we derived long run estimates for Belgium and the Netherlands. For the latter country, the traditional hypothesis of price homogeneity was deary accepted in the long run but rejected for the short run dynamic. For Belgium, our results are more puzzling although multivariate co-integration along the lines of work of Johanson and Juselius (1990) led us to accept long run symmetry.
  • Effets d'hystérésis sur le commerce extérieur américain - François Lecointe, Philippe Ducos p. 79-93 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Hysteresis effects on US external trade, by Philippe Ducos, François Lecointe. In spite of a declining dollar and a return to its 1980 parity in 1987, the US trade deficit has not been eliminated yet. This paper surveys recent trade models which explain hysteresis effects on external trade and presents empirical evidence. It is shown that the use of disaggregated data is crucial to validate the models. It seems that the dollar appreciation has changed the market structure of both the consumer durable goods sector and the capital goods sector. The corresponding theoretical models would be the sunk cost model and demand dynamics model respectively.
  • Régulation des échanges et contrainte extérieure en longue période : une comparaison de quatre grands pays européens avec la Suède et la Suisse - Angel Asensio p. 95-114 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Regulation of external exchanges and external constraint over the long term : a comparison of four big European countries with Sweden and Switzerland, by Angel Asensio. The paper describes the regulation of the external manufacturing exchanges in the six countries, with emphasis on their sectoral international specialization and the structural parameters of the equations of external trade. A simple model then allows to illustrate the notion of external constraint, and also the role of determinants of competitiveness, notably the real exchange rate. A retrospective study of the last twenty years allows, at last, to understand the national dynamics of insertion into exchanges, and to interprète the so-called external constraint as the sign of the ending of previous growth conditions, resulting from a more difficult control of overall demand, linked to increasing internationalisation.
  • Un modèle économétrique en déséquilibre de l'économie française à deux secteurs, avec des prix et un investissement endogènes - Jean-Pierre Laffargue, Sanvi Avouyi-Dovi, Patrick Artus p. 115-127 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    An econometric disequilibrium model of the French economy, with two sectors and endogenous prices and investment, by Patrick Artus, Sanvi Avouyi-Dovi, Jean-Pierre Laffargue. A small disequilibrium model of the French economy, is estimated. It isolates two sectors, the first sheltered, the second exposed to international competition, with endogenous investment. The sheltered sector is characterized by competitive equilibrium. The firms of the exposed one face a situation of monopolistic competition, but bear some adjustment costs when they change their prices. Two situations can then be observed : monopolistic equilibrium when theoretical demand is satisfied, classical disequilibrium when some fraction of it is rationed, an then is satisfied by foreign supply. Our conclusion is that classical disequilibrium is the situation that predominates since 1978. So, a wage moderation rises employment and investment. On the contrary only weak consequences on output result from a rise of public consumption, which deteriorates the trade balance.
  • Modèles de déséquilibre et échanges extérieurs : deux approches appliquées au secteur industriel français - Pierre-Alain Muet, Alain Gubian, Frank Amalric p. 129-140 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Disequilibrium models and external exchanges : two studies with applications to the French manufacturing sector, by Frank Amalric, Alain Gubian, Pierre-Alain Muet. This paper analyses the respective impact of supply and demand on manufacturing production and foreign trade in two different ways. The first part presents an estimated global disequilibrium model for the manufacturing sector, taking into account the impact of foreign trade and inventory changes in the reduction of disequilibria between notional internal supply and notional internal demand. As an indication of disequilibria, the estimation procedure uses the percentage of firms which cannot increase their production because of a lack of equipment, skilled workers or raw materials (bottlenecks series drawn from the French quarterly business surveys). The second part presents an estimated disequilibrium model of the French manufacturing exports. Both models conclude that, since the first oil shock, price competitiveness and world demand remained the major factors explaining the evolution of industrials exports, even if the lack of production capacities may have constrained export growth during some periods of recovery.
  • L'inflation mondiale - Eric Bleuze, Patrick Artus p. 141-154 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    World inflation, by Patrick Artus, Eric Bleuze. Instead of analysing the recent evolutions of inflation country by country, we treat the problem at the world level. For this purpose we agregate the seven bigger industrialised countries. This allows us to carefully examine, using different statistical techniques, such as causality, co-integration, econometric models, the links between prices of raw materials, world prices, interest rates and real activity.
  • Autonomie des politiques monétaires, coordination des politiques budgétaires et contrainte extérieure - Dominique Bureau, Jean Bensaïd p. 155-165 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Autonomy of monetary policies, coordination of fiscal policies and external constraint, by Jean Bensaïd, Dominique Bureau. The best way to reduce external disequilibria between industrial countries has been the main topic of economic policy debates in the eighties. The use of monetary policy and exchange rates movements or capital flows to finance easily external disequilibria has been gradually questioned. Genberg and Swoboda (1987) suggest to assign monetary policy to achieve internal GDP growth. Moreover monetary policy could be used in an autonomous way by each country. By contrast, differences in fiscal policies between countries could explain external disequilibria. To reduce them, countries should coordinate their fiscal policies. In this article such claims are tested with a small model which proceeds from the Atlas multinational model.
  • Notes

    • Contenu en importations et contrainte extérieure - Thierry Francq p. 171-177 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      "Import contents" and external constraint, by Thierry Francq. What is called "import contents" in the amount of manufactured imports caused by each component of final demand. These imports contents appear to be quite different indeed, according to the component of demand considered. Their analysis allows us to better understand the so-called "external constraint" of the French economy. The periods of investment or export surges, are, compared to other periods, very costly in manufactured imports. The recent period illustrates this precisely.
    • Diversité intra-sectorielle des performances individuelles à l'exportation - Frédéric Gagey p. 179-189 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Dispersion of individual exportation performances of firms within sectors, by Frédéric Gagey. This paper analyses the performances of french manufacturing firms on the external markets between 1984 and 1986, using panel data, provided by the annual inquiry about firms (Eae). Even during this period, characterised, at the macroeconomic level, by huge losses of market shares, an important share of industrial firms has shown dynamism in terms of foreign sales. These performances are partially hidden at the aggregate level by the retreat of firms that have lost their external markets. This analysis appear to be quite widespread within sectors, including those which faced deep crisis. An exclusively sectorial approach of external exchanges then appears to be insufficient. The ability of some firms to play a successful part in international exchanges suggests the importance of microeconomic factors that explain their success.
    • L'évolution récente des flux d'investissement direct et son impact sur les comptes extérieurs - Jean-Philippe Vincent p. 191-194 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The recent increase in foreign direct investment outflows and its effects on external accounts, by Jean-Philippe Vincent. The past ten years have been characterized by major changes in foreign direct investment flows, which have greatly increased, especially since 1985. Countries like Japan and France which were slightly involved in cross-borders acquisitions, have become major actors in this field. This very sustained growth of direct investment flows has major effects on external accounts. The aim of this paper is to review the causes of these changes and to examine how the various items and balances of the external accounts are influenced by the rise of these flows.
  • Méthodes

    • Estimation des flux du commerce extérieur : nouvelles approches et implications pour la politique économique - Joaquim Oliveira Martins p. 197-215 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Modelling external trade flows : new approaches and their implications for economic policy, by Joaquim Oliveira Martins. This article is a survey of the recent approaches on modelling trade flows and their implications for economic policy. First, the main results of the usual models for estimating price and income elasticities of external trade will be recalled. To take essential they were based on perfect competition assumptions and their policy recommendations were largely used for managing exchange rates or choosing strategies for developing countries insertion in international trade. That make interesting to compare those models with the new theoretical tools which aim at introducing imperfect competition conditions in the explanation of trade flows. We then set out the main models of the new trade theory and we also try to draw their empirical implications. Namely, taking into account product differentiation strategies or increasing returns to scale bring about a set of new variables among the determinants of trade flows. Among others, the links between growth, exchange rates and the external balance constraint can be enlarged. The last part of the paper tackles with competitiveness analysis.
  • Résumés - Zusammenfassungen - Summaries - Resúmenes - p. 218-229 accès libre