Contenu du sommaire : Varia

Revue Revue de gestion des ressources humaines Mir@bel
Numéro no 72, avril-mai-juin 2009
Titre du numéro Varia
Texte intégral en ligne Accès réservé
  • Le contrat psychologique : un levier du comportement au travail ? - Astrid Mullenbach-Servayre p. 2-12 accès réservé avec résumé en anglais
    The Psychological Contract: a lever for the work attitude?
    This article suggests to enrich employer/employee relationship analysis – in other words to enrich the analysis of one of the components of the company's performance – by using psychologic contract concepts. This topic, developed by organizations theory searchers, presents a true potential for the explanation of employees and management behaviours, particulary within the organization – searchers in organizations theory particulary face the usual contracts' limits. They often are foreseen by jurists and economists (Herrbach, 2000).We show that the psychological contract – which is all the promises made by the employer for the employee, and, in return, promises made by employee to his employer (Rousseau, 1990) – can act as a lever for the work attitude and behaviour of employees at work. In order to get it, we present first, the theoretical frame of the study and the research question (1), we define concept of psychological contract and try to give an explanation of its creation and evolution (1.1) we define modalities, before breaks by violation (1.2) and consequences which they can have on individual behaviours and attitudes (1.3). Secondly, we present the method of inquiry made up to measure impacts of the non compliance between employers and employees. This inquiry analyses obligations of the contract on various dimensions connected with attitudes and behaviour at work – loyalty, trust in his (her) employer, emotional, organizational involvement and willing of voluntary departure – (2). Finally, we propose to present results as well as discussion of these topics, made from data collected from questionnaires of the quantitative survey (3).
  • Les relations entre tactiques de socialisation et adéquations perçues - Serge Perrot p. 13-30 accès réservé avec résumé en anglais
    Relationships between organizational socialization tactics and perceived fit (P-O, P-J, P-G)Relationships between organizational socialization (OS) tactics and fit perceptions were analyzed, by distinguishing between context, content, and social tactics (Jones, 1986) on the one hand, and person-organization (P-O), person-job (P-J), and person-group (P-G) fit perceptions on the other hand. Although all tactics were positively associated with P-O, P-J, and P-G fit perceptions, their relative impact was different. A dominance analysis indicated the relative impact of each tactic on P-O, P-J and P-G. Specifically, P-G fit was most significantly influenced by social tactics, P-J fit was most significantly influenced by content and social tactics, and P-O fit was most significantly influenced by context and social tactics. Social tactics therefore had a significant impact on all P-O, P-J, and P-G fit perceptions, even when controlling for the context and content tactics variables.
  • Le rôle du supérieur et des collègues dans la rétention des ressources humaines : apport de l'approche multi-cibles - Pascal Paillé p. 31-43 accès réservé avec résumé en anglais
    The mediating role of citizenship between commitment and intention to leave
    This paper examines the mediating role of citizenship between commitment and intention to leave at both level colleague and supervisor. A survey was conducted among a sample for employees of the Quebec industry of road haulage (N = 294). Research results show 1) for the entity “superior” partial mediation of citizenship on the relationship between commitment and intention to leave the organization, and 2) for the entity “colleague” no mediation between citi-zenship and intention to leave the organization. Results, avenues and limitations are discussed.
  • Chronique les (r)enseignements sur les thèses en GRH : une analyse de la période 2004-2007 - Sébastien Point, Didier Retour p. 44-58 accès réservé