Contenu du sommaire : Mosaïque slave : communications de la délégation française au Congrès international des slavistes. Minsk, 20-27 Août 2013.
Revue | Revue des Etudes Slaves |
Numéro | Vol. 84, no 1-2, 2013 |
Titre du numéro | Mosaïque slave : communications de la délégation française au Congrès international des slavistes. Minsk, 20-27 Août 2013. |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Mosaïque slave : communications de la délégation française au Congrès international des slavistes. Minsk, 20-27 Août 2013. Sous la direction de Véronique Jobert
- Les motifs du chant populaire le "Dîner du prince" dans la pièce de Ljubomir Simovic "la Bataille de Kosovo" = The Motifs of the Folk Song The Prince's Dinner in "Ljubomir Simovic's Play" The Battle of Kosovo - Andjelkovic S. p. 9-24 After having evoked the importance of the battle of Kosovo, an historical event which became legendary and mythical thanks to Serbian medieval literature, epic folk songs, and oral tradition, the author analyses The Prince's Dinner (the third of the Fragments of Various Songs of Kosovo) and its characters, the Christian dimension of the song and the thesis that it is representative of a battle between old and new faiths. Subsequently examined is the drama by Ljubomir Simović (particularly the prince's dinner scene), written in 1988 for the 600th anniversary of the battle of Kosovo, and its second version published fourteen years later. For all its literary qualities, Simović's The Battle of Kosovo failed to escape the influences of the time when it was created: Simović wrote a play corresponding to the horizon of the expectations of his readers, eager for a revitalization of the national mythology.
- La langue bulgare et la transition politique ou La langue en transition (1989-2013) = The Evolution of the Grammatical and Lexical System of the Bulgarian Language Since 1989 - Armianov G. p. 25-41
- Le discours indirect libre dans le continuum des formes du discours rapporté en russe : pour une approche énonciative et pragmatique du phénomène = Free Indirect Speech in the Continuum of Forms of Reported Speech in Russian : Towards an Enunciative and Pragmatic Approach to this Phenomenon - Artyushkina O. p. 43-55 A new approach to Free Indirect Speech (FIS) is proposed in the article. This phenomenon is treated in the light of the theory of speech acts considering the pragmatic and semiotic criterium in reflecting indirect speech; the examples which are given erroneously as FIS in linguistic literature are also included. The focus is, in particular, on reflecting inner speech in literature: peculiarities of communicative situation, ways of reflecting thoughts and perception of the character. For this, the author of the article introduces the notion of ‘speech effect' which is necessary to describe mimetic reflection of thoughts. The author of this article considers the insufficiency of traditional taxonomy with three catagories of indirect speech; the examples reveal that FIS is often a part of intermediate categories of the indirect speech continuum which arrises the problem of marking the limits of these catagories and shows the instability of the markers themselves.
- Les palimpsestes du théâtre de Cexov ou La réécriture comme miroir des mutations de l'Union soviétique – Russie = Palimpsests of Cexov's Drama or The Rewriting as a Mirror of Soviet Union-Russia's Mutations - Autant-Mathieu M.C. p. 57-69
- Romashki sprjatalis', Ponikli Ljutiki. Analyse des structures Sujet - Verbe / Verbe - Sujet en russe contemporain = Analysis of the Subject-Verb / Verb-Subject Constructions in Contemporary Russian Language - Bernitskaïa N., Roudet R. p. 71-84
- Circonstants et spécifiants : vers une nouvelle analyse sémantico-syntaxique de la phrase russe = Adverbials (‘Circonstants') and Specifiers: To a New Semantic and Syntactic Analysis of the Russian Sentence - Bracquenier C. p. 85-99 Grammars offer lists of ‘adverbials' but the difficulty is to define this element of the sentence. French terminology related it to the verb, however since the end of the 20th century, the adverbial is no longer considered as a verb complement but as a sentence one. In Russian sentences, the main constituent can be a word other than the verb, and the author presents a new typology of Russian sentences, starting from the nexus, which is defined as the semantic and morphosyntactic organizer of the sentence. Thanks to concepts of rection and requisition, we can distinguish different types of actants and specifiers which depend on the nexus and formulate a definition of adverbials (‘circonstants') as the expression of the spatiotemporal and causal background in which the content of the utterance will be correct.
- La médiativité dans les proverbes bulgares = Mediativity in Bulgarian Proverbs - Guentchéva Z. p. 101-122 In the past two decades, proverbs have been the subject of growing interest in linguistics in Slavonic and in other languages. One of the most important developments in thesе studies is to analyse proverb use in relation to its generic character, implicative structure, rhythm but also to the speech act, rather than only in terms of the contents and the meaning of the proverb. However, the problem of the role of aspectual and temporal verbal distinctions is not yet sufficiently studied. The aim of this paper is to analyse the forms of the present tense and the ‘renarrative' aorist (truncated perfect) in Bulgarian proverbs. The analysis shows that their use is related to the speaker's evaluation of the facts mentioned in the act of speaking. It is argued that the use of the present tense implies the enunciator's commitment to the ‘truth' of the information mentioned in the act of speaking, while the ‘renarrative' aorist is only related to the plausibility of the information available to the enunciator.
- Pratique du multilinguisme dans une correspondance privée russe au XXe siècle : formes et fonctions = Multilingual Correspondence from Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 30s : Forms and Functions - Jobert V. p. 123-136 The 312 letters written between 1927 and 1933 by a cultured elderly lady of the Russian nobility contain many passages in foreign languages. The author, Olga Alexandrovna Voejkova, used to speak French, English, German and Italian. She corresponded from Leningrad with her son, daughter and three grand-daughters who had emigrated to Harbin, China.It seems quite obvious that her heavy reliance on English and French enables her to bypass the ever stricter censors. But it also represents an attempt to transcend the oppressive present and remind her addressees of happier days in the past. In quotations from famous English and French writers she re-asserts her own intellectual moorings in European culture. A subtle tone of irony in contrasting the present with the past is never too far.Thanks to her excellent English, French and German she draws upon idioms that would be difficult or impossible to translate into Russian. Rather than elaborating on people's tremendous hardship at finding accommodation, she merely refers to a ‘wild goose chase'.
- L'anatomie naïve dans les langues slaves : le système digestif = Naive Anatomy in Slavic Languages : The Digestive System - Kabakova G. p. 137-153 The analysis of the vocabulary and phraseology of the Slavic languages allows to reconstruct a traditionnal image of the body and his interpretation. Our focus – only one piece of naive anatomy: the digestive tract. Slavic languages and dialects in their own way propose a ‘mapping' of the structure of the internal organs. In some traditions, the digestive organs and especially the stomach are thought to be close to the heart and even confused with it, in other – with the lungs. Color and weight, selected as criteria for the description of these anatomical organs, suggest not only the visual observation, but also the manipulation of these body parts. But since ethnographers have very limited knowledge of anatomy, we must assume that the name of human organs have been transferred from the designation of animal entrails. In another group of vocabulary concerning the functioning of these body parts we find metaphors of digestion as a chemical process based on food processing with heat, souring or clotting. The stomach can also be described as a mechanism for the grinding food like millstones. In addition to the digestive organs phraseology used to describe a variety of emotional states, from anger to compassion.
- Le dur métier de montreur d'ours : les plaintes et les dépositions des baladins russes (skomoroxi) comme source historique = The Hard Work of Bearleader : The Petitions and Testimonies of Skomoroxi as Historical Source - Lavrov A. p. 155-167 The article begins with a criminal case – the killing of a bear in the marketplace of Beloozero (1635-36). The plaintiff, Timofej Okladnicyn, accused the peasant Fedor Antip'ev of this aggressive act. Was Okladnicyn a simple seller of animals, a professional trainer or a bearleader? Was this aggressive act a case of sinless hooliganism, or was it Antip'ev's intention to stress the illegal character of Okladnicyn's job? The document gives no definitive answer to these questions. For this article, the author has collected from trials all petitions (čelobitnye) and testimonies of Muscovite minstrels (skomoroxi). The purpose is to compare the discourse of the real makers of folklore with the texts of folkloric tradition that were traditionally ascribed to skomoroxi. The most important piece is the non-published petition of bearleader Grigorij Eftifeev, which proves the historicity of exile of skomoroxi in the reign of tsar Aleksej Mixajlovič. The testimony of Grigorij Eftifeev, who was exiled not to Siberia, but to the steppe frontier of Muscovy, can shed some light on the disappearing of the skomoroxi in legal documents after 1648 – the makers of folklore got new social identities.
- La deixis et la construction de la mise en relief dans les proverbes polonais = Deixis and Construction of Emphasis in Polish Proverbs - Miladi L. p. 169-184 Our analyses, conducted according to the framework of the Meta-Informative theory (MIC), are based on a review of five proverbial classes containing the following dislocated structures: A to Z with A= SN and constructions with adnominal relative clause begining with kto (who), co (that) and gdzie (were), and adverb cause of time (gdy P (when P)). Four syntactic operations combine themselves to construct the highlight of the analysed proverbs: segmentation, deletion of little informative elements, permutation of constituents, and insertion of the enunciative particle to or presence of the demonstrative pronouns and adverbs: to (this), ten (what), tam (there) and wtedy (at the time). These demonstratives constitute a pronominal support for noun clauses and can be used anaphorically or cataphorically into dislocated structures. They have a dual status, not only syntactic, but also meta-informative because they strengthen the emphasis of the proverbs while their deletion weaken it. Thereby the speaker can modulate the emphasis. Moreover, the Polish language has a fixed middle position wherein it is always possible to insert the adnominal particle to which is a srong topic-marker.
- De l'oralité à l'écriture : la poésie orale dans le théâtre macédonien "du quotidien" = From Orality to Literature : Oral Poetry in the Macedonian Theatre of the ‘Quotidian' - Pejoska-Bouchereau F. p. 185-202 It is difficult to establish the origin of Slavic oral poetry. There is a lack of documents concerning the settlement of Slavs in the Balkans. At the origin of this art there is a syncretism of rhythms of work, of bodies (dance), of melody and of words. Then, under the influence of different periods of social development, a gradual separation of elements occurs. Singing is dissociated from work, the text takes a more and more important place in songs, choruses appear, then one soloist emerges in the chorus: the coryphée. Then the chorus splits up into epic singing and poetic dialogues (lyrical singing). One singer who is at the same time musician and dancer, turns to singer-poet. Music is dissociated from dance and singing from music. Words (text) are separated from singing. These stages are also those of the evolution of traditional, feudal and patriarchal societies. Orality gets supplanted by writing, leaving however definite marks of the passage from one to another in different modes of literary expression. We shall focus our interest on theatre, more precisely on Macedonian theatre of ‘life' or of the ‘quotidian' (1848-1950) which is on half-way between oral and written expression. We shall study modalities of insertion of oral poetry, i.e. of short forms, into dramatic texts, not for illustrating the point nor to camp the setting, but as integral part of narrative discourse and its structure.
- L'approximation par les numéraux en bosniaque, croate, monténégrin, serbe (BCMS) = Approximation by Numerals in BCMS (Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrn-Serbian) Language - Stefanovic A. p. 203-221 The paper deals with numerals and numeric expressions indicating approximation in BCMS. Indeed, concerning that issue language textbooks contain very little information and for approximate quantification they very often mention the only nominal numerals in -ak (desetak, dvadesetak etc.). Particular attention is paid to the so-called pleonastic approximate numeric expressions such as: approximate word + approximate number (oko desetak, jedno dvadesetak etc.), which are very present in language usage and whose function could be more accurately characterized as ‘enhanced expression of approximation'. Specific discursive situations, in which the approximate meaning of the nominal numerals in -ak (or in -ina) is reduced or even lost, are also observed.
- La construction idéologique slave orientale : langues, races et nations dans la Russie du XIXe siècle = The Eastern Slavic Ideological Building : Languages, Races and Nations in the Nineteenth Century Russia - Symaniec V. p. 223-233 Throughout the 19th century, the notion of language has been used by European scholars to create and to expand the notion of ‘Russian race', which was divided into three ‘ethnical entities': Great Russians, Little Russians and White Russians. The invention of these entities was based on an opposition between two concepts: russkost´ had to be against ruszczyzna, as well as Russia and Poland were opposed after the partition of Poland (1772, 1793 and 1795) and the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815). This paper tries to explain several oppositions and differences between a linked terminology: rossijskij jazyk against russkij jazyk, russkost´ against ruszczyzna, obrusenie, obrusit´ against rusifikacija, rusificirovat´, showing their importance not only for the birth of a modern Russian history, but also for the invention of a modern history of Belarus and Ukraine, in an imperial environment of speeches where the language was exactly related to the ‘race' to define the ‘nation'.
- Pour une grammaire commune du BCMS (bosniaque - croate - monténégrin - serbe) = For a Common BCMS (Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian) Grammar - Thomas P.L. p. 235-251
- Revisiter l'histoire et le canon littéraires bulgares : quelle histoire littéraire de la Bulgarie ? = The Task of Reconsidering Bulgarian History and Literary Model : What Kind of Bulgarian Literary History? - Vrinat-Nikolov M. p. 253-264 Since the beginning of the structuralist period, literary history has had to face a crisis, which in Bulgaria is combined with another crisis concerning literary criticism after 1989. Researchers and scholars have of course started to question some aspects of the literary model, of the acknowledged periodisation and the national myths and to conceptualize it in its entirety. But there is still no Bulgarian literary history, which could dynamically mix reception (sociology) and conditions of production of the works, debates (ideological, translative and so on), anthropology, history, literary history, broad cultural and artistic context. The aim in this paper is to outline the main aspects of a new Bulgarian literary history, anxious to reconsider the Bulgarian model, to bring into question notions and dichotomies accepted without discussion, to propose a dynamic construction, to examine concepts which are not frequent but nevertheless functional, to reveal the tensions which go through the Bulgarian literary field.
- Inédits. Lettres d'André Mazon aux savants russes (1910-1919) : des recherches sur Ivan Goncarov à la prison : publication, commentaires et notes - Niqueux M. p. 265-285
- Inédits. A.M. Remizov i L.I. Shestov : Iz perepiski pisatelja i filosofa (1933-1938) [= A. Remizov et L. Shestov : correspondance de l'écrivain et du philosophe (1933-1938) : publication, commentaires et notes] - Ruzhinskaite K. p. 287-300
- Les motifs du chant populaire le "Dîner du prince" dans la pièce de Ljubomir Simovic "la Bataille de Kosovo" = The Motifs of the Folk Song The Prince's Dinner in "Ljubomir Simovic's Play" The Battle of Kosovo - Andjelkovic S. p. 9-24