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Revue des Etudes Slaves ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 82, no 2, 2011 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Перевод, парафраз и метр в древних славянских кондаках, I : Метрика древней церковнославян- ской поэзии в исследованиях XIX–XXI вв. [Translation, Paraphrase and Metrics in Old Church Slavonic Kontakia, I. Metrics of Old Church Slavonic Poetry : A Critical Survey of Studies of the 19th-21st Centuries] - Roman Nikolaevič Krivko p. 169-202 Traduction, paraphrase et métrique dans les kontakia slavons I. La métrique de la poésie slavonne dans les travaux des XIXe, XXe et XXIe siècles L'article décrit deux orientations fondamentales apparues dans l'étude de la métrique de la poésie slavonne liturgique et paraliturgique. La première prend forme dans les travaux d'Aleksej Ivanovič Sobolevskij, qui examina la métrique «des anciennes poésies religieuses » en les confrontant à leurs modèles byzantins. La seconde fut fondée par Roman Jakobson, qui voyait dans la métrique de l'hymnographie religieuse slavonne des liens avec la poésie folkorique. C'est cette seconde orientation qui s'est développée pendant de nombreuses années, ce qui eut pour effet l'«isolement philologique » de la question, de part et d'autre du rideau de fer, au cours du troisième quart du XXe siècle. Cet «isolement » donna lieu en particulier à des représentations erronées du «vers du kondak, ou vers liturgique » , selon lesquelles celui-ci n'aurait rien de commun avec la métrique du kontakon byzantin. La solution philologique correcte de cette question consiste à mettre au jour les lois d'adaptation de la métrique byzantine en terrain slave en relation avec l'interprétation musicale des hymnes liturgiques, et en replaçant cette étude dans le cadre de l'histoire de la traduction vers le slavon. L'article présente un aperçu des études récentes qui apportent une solution correcte à l'histoire de la première métrique slavonne. Il fournit également la liste des textes hymnographiques et paraliturgiques qui reproduisent la métrique de leurs modèles byzantins.Translation, Paraphrase and Metrics in Old Church Slavonic Kontakia. I. Metrics of Old Church Slavonic Poetry A Critical Survey of Studies of the 19th-21st Centuries The main goal of the paper is to describe two main trends concerning the metrics of Old Church Slavonic liturgical and paraliturgical poetry. The first trend was established by Aleksej Ivanovič Sobolevskij at the beginning of the 20th century, who studied the metrics of ‘ Old Church Slavonic poems', comparing them with Byzantine models and counterparts. The second one has been represented by numerous articles by Roman Jacobson and his disciples and followers, who considered Old Church Slavonic hymnography to be influenced by folk poetry and inspired by the independent and original spirit of Slavonic writers. This led scholars in the middle and third quarter of the 20th century upon both sides of the ‘ Iron Curtain', to a so-called ‘ philological estrangement' from the main question, and also contributed to introduce the theory of the socalled ‘ kontakarian, or prayer, verse' in Church Slavonic literature, which has nothing to do with the metrics of Byzantine hymnography. In order to correctly study the metrics of Old Church Slavonic hymnography, one should first establish the rules and laws of adaptation of Byzantine metric models on Slavonic ground regarding musical performance of liturgical hymns and the different translation techniques applied by early Slavonic writers and ‘ bookmen'. Recent studies in which the problem of Old Church Slavonic metrics is methodologically and correctly solved are analyzed in the present paper. The metric hymnographic and paraliturgical compositions have comprehensively been observed.
- La Vie de Jean de Novgorod : genèse du texte et fonction hagiographique [The Vita of Ioann from Novgorod : Genesis of the Text and Hagiographic Function] - Francesca Romoli p. 203-216 The Vita of Ioann from Novgorod Genesis of the Text and Hagiographic Function The article focuses on the Vita of Ioann from Novgorod (Žitie Ioanna Novgorodskogo), a document composed in Novgorod at the end of the 15th century. The author considers the text within the historical context of its genesis and analyzes its literary form and function. In the middle of the 15th century Archbishop Ioann (1165-1186) became the symbol of Novgorod independence in the face of the centralizing policy of the Muscovite State. Evfimij II (1428 [ 1434]-1458) founded the local cult and ordered Paxomij the Serb to compose a liturgical office in celebration of the Ioann's memory. The gathering and literary (re-) elaboration of some ancient, pre-existing tales about Ioann began then, and these materials were included in the Vita. The Vita of Ioann (in its main redaction) is composed of three different parts : the Story about the sign of the Mother of God (Skazanie o Znamenii Bogorodicy), the Narration of Ioann's journey from Novgorod riding the devil (Povest ´ o putešestvii Ioanna Novgorodskogo na bese), and the Sermon on the discovery of the relics of the Saint (Slovo o projavlenii moščej svjatogo). Their inclusion in the biography created an apparently anomalous vita. Textual analysis shows the repetition and the unifying role of some topics (i. e. miracles) and the lack of others. Above all, however, the analysis of the Vita of Ioann establishes its substantial regularity, accurate elaboration, and conformity to the paradigms of traditional hagiography. In the 16th century the Vita of Ioann was included in metropolitan Makarij's Velikie minei chetii.
- V. K. Trediakovskij et les théories françaises du bon usage aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles [V. K. Trediakovskij and the French Theories About the ‘Good Usage' During the 17th and 18th Centuries] - Sergueï Vlassov p. 217-251 V. K. Trediakovskij and the French Theories About the ‘ Good Usage' During the 17th and 18th Centuries This article questions a rather widespread interpretation of the ‘ Good Usage' as seen by the early Trediakovskij. According to this interpretation, which is curiously based on a statement of the late Trediakovskij, the ideas of the young Russian scholar were dependent on Vaugelas and Buffier's theories concerning ‘ Good Usage'. Several elements from Trediakovskij's biography and his conception of rational purism speak more in favour of a direct influence on the late, but also on the early Trediakovskij, of the linguistic theories of the supporters of Port-Royal. Our study also brings into relief the different sources of Trediakovskij's Discourse on Eloquence (1745) and the hidden controversy between the Russian philologist and Bernard Lamy's ideas on the origin of the diversity of individual styles.
- Une Europe pleine de ploucs ? Les Nouvelles- Abdères en Europe centrale ou la Concession à la trivialité [A Europe Full of Dunces : The Neo-Abderas in Central Europe or the Concession to Triviality] - Xavier Galmiche p. 253-274 European context. One of its exemplifications originates from German Aufklärung writer Christoph Martin Wieland, author of The Abderites (1774), which argument was to be adapted in the first decades of the 19th century in other modern national contexts and languages : these ‘ Neo-Abderas' are the German Krähwinkel, Hungarian Peleske, Czech Kocourkov, Polish Ciemnogród, and so forth. This article scrutinizes the constellation of these acclimatizations and variations in Vormärz Central Europe. It aims at delineating a corpus of texts, especially in the field of the farce (in German, of course, from Kotzebue to Nestroy, but also in the cases of the Slovak writer Ján Chalúpka and Serb Jovan Sterija Popović), and of the humorous writings from heroicomic poems to the proses to be found in the nascent satirical press, mainly in Hungarian (József Gvadányi and József Gaál), Polish (Ignacy Krasicki), Czech (Josef Jaroslav Langer and Josef Kajetán Tyl but also František Jaromír Rubeš). Modes and processes of caricatural representations are analyzed in connection with the Neo-Abderas, a significant step of the satirical tradition, which has been so far unfairly neglected by critics. They will be apprehended in two linked dimensions : as a socio-political ‘ anti-myth', since the neoabderitan comic can be seen as the systemic counterpart to a ‘ serious' discourse on national identities, but also as an aesthetical temptation : the triviality they carry compels writers to kick into their own romantic pathos, anticipating the taste for kitsch and plebeian style in literary practices.
- Les « Allemands imaginaires » d'Osip Senkovskij et Vladimir Odoevskij : un exemple d'imitation romantique [The ‘Imaginary Germans' of Osip Senkovskij and Vladimir Odoevskij : A Case Study of Romantic Imitation] - Victoire Feuillebois p. 275-293 The ‘ Imaginary Germans' of Osip Senkovsky and Vladimir Odoevskij A Case Study of Romantic Imitation This paper explores the question of the influence of German literature and thought on two prose writers of the romantic period in Russia, Osip Senkovskij and Vladimir Odoevskij. Besides the strong intellectual influence of Germany which, as it has been often argued, constitutes the core of Russian romanticism, the article investigates the importance of being germanophile or germanophobiac in the modes of representation of the literary society during the 1820' s to the 1840' s. The point is to insist on the significance of the German reference not only as a sign of intimate knowledge of a foreign culture from the part of the educated society, but also as a way of expressing literary moods and transcending them. This shift in conception allows us to stress that German allusions also take the form of non serious, mundane imitations, which is used both as an instrument of distinction and as a common ground for dialogue.
- Le circonstant est-il un terme facultatif de la phrase russe ? [Is the Circumstantial Phrase a Facultative Element in a Russian Sentence?] - Christine Bracquenier p. 295-309 Is the Circumstantial Phrase a Facultative Element in a Russian Sentence ? Since the grammatical circumstance concept has been introduced, it has been considered as a facultative part of the sentence. In fact, it is frequently so if to do a strictly syntactic analysis, but when information and discourse coherence are concerned, the speaker nearly always has to express the circumstances if he wants the addressee to understand properly what the matter is. In this article we consider the cases when a circumstance expression is necessary on the syntactic level, too. The circumstantial phrase can be the Rheme of the utterance, and if the expression of place, time or reason is deleted, there is no utterance at all. But when the addressee already knows the circumstances, we wonder why the speaker considers it necessary to repeat the already known information. However, he does it when he thinks that the addressee might forget about these circumstances, when he wants to define a time and space framework in which the utterance will be correct ; when the sentence is built on a binary opposition, a circumstance expression is compulsory on the syntactic level. So, we can say the circumstantial phrase is not as facultative as it is usually said. And it may be compulsory in some situations.
- Перевод, парафраз и метр в древних славянских кондаках, I : Метрика древней церковнославян- ской поэзии в исследованиях XIX–XXI вв. [Translation, Paraphrase and Metrics in Old Church Slavonic Kontakia, I. Metrics of Old Church Slavonic Poetry : A Critical Survey of Studies of the 19th-21st Centuries] - Roman Nikolaevič Krivko p. 169-202
À propos de …
- Smoljarova Tat´jana, Зримая лирика : Державин, Мoskva, 2011 - Joachim Klein p. 311-317
- Alekseeva E. V., Диффузия европейских инноваций в России (ХVIII – начало ХХ в.) [Diffusion des innovations européennes en Russie (XVIIIe – début du XXe siècle), Moskva, 2007] - François-Xavier Coquin p. 318-323
- Paperno Irina, Stories of the Soviet experience : memoirs, diaries, dreams, Ithaca – London, 2009 - Françoise Lesourd p. 324-328
- Smoljarova Tat´jana, Зримая лирика : Державин, Мoskva, 2011 - Joachim Klein p. 311-317
Comptes rendus
- Лицeвoй лeтoпиcный cвoд XVI вeкa, édition V. V. MOROZOV, E. V. UXANOVA, L. P. MUSTAFINA [ et al.], Moskva, AKTEON, 2009-2010, 41 volumes [ Comprend : Руccкaя лeтoпиcнaя иcтoрия, t. 1-23 : 1114-1567, t. 24 : Coпрoвoдитeльный тoм ; Библeйcкaя иcтoрия, t. 1-4, t. 5 : Coпрoвoдитeльный тoм ; Вceмирнaя иcтoрия, t. 1-10, t. 11 : Coпрoвoдитeльный тoм ; Житиe, жизнь и вce брaнныe пoдвиги Aлeкcaндрa, цaря Maкeдoнcкoгo] - Pierre Gonneau p. 329-331
- The New Muscovite cultural history : a collection in honor of Daniel B. Rowland, édition V. Kivelson, K. Petrone, N. Shields Kollmann, M. S. Flier - Pierre Gonneau p. 331-332
- Belissa Marc, La Russie mise en Lumières : représentations et débats autour de la Russie dans la France du XVIIIe siècle - Jean Breuillard p. 333-336
- Конструкты национальной идентичности в русской культуре XVIII-XIX веков : материалы конференции, апрель 2008 г., Тверь, édition R. Noxejl ´ , F. Karl, È. Šore [ É. Cheauré - Jean Breuillard, Évelyne Enderlein p. 336-340
- Французы в научной и интеллектуальной жизни России XVIII-XX вв., Sous La Direction De A. O. Čubar ´ Jan, Fr.-D. Liechtenhan, Coordination O. V. Okuneva - Jean Breuillard p. 340-344
- La Russie et les modèles étrangers, études rassemblées par Serge Rolet - Cédric Pernette p. 344-346
- Meyer Priscilla, How the Russians read the French : Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - Laetitia Decourt p. 347-349
- Bogomolov Nikolaj Alekseevič, Вокруг «серебряного века » : статьи и материалы - Catherine Depretto p. 349-352
- Поэтика и фоностилистика : Бриковский сборник, fascicule 1 : Материалы международной научной конференции «I-е Бриков-ские чтения : Поэтика и фоностилистика » (Московский государственный университет печати, Москва, 10– 12 февраля 2010 года), sous la direction de G. V. Vekšin - Catherine Depretto p. 352-354
- Weinstein Marc, Mandelstam : jouer – combattre - Jean-Claude Lanne p. 354-356
- Shapiro Gavriel, The Sublime Artist's Studio : Nabokov and painting - Svetlana Garziano p. 356-358
- Naiman Eric, Nabokov, perversely - p. 359-360
- Brzozowski Stanislas, Histoire d'une intelligence, Journal 1910-1911, traduction du polonais, présentation et annotation par Wojciech Kolecki, postface de Marta Wyka - Xavier Galmiche p. 360-362
- Krivochéine Basile, Mémoire des deux mondes : de la Révolution à l'Église captive, édition et traduction N. Krivochéine, S. Model, L. Obolensky - Pierre Gonneau p. 362-364
- История сталинского Гулага, конец 1920-х – первая половина 1950-х годов : собрание документов в 7-ми томах - Jean-Paul Depretto p. 364-368
- Kostyrčenko Genadij, Сталин против «космополитов » : власть и еврейская интеллигенция в СССР - Boris Czerny p. 368-371
- Histoire de la Lituanie – un millénaire, sous la direction d'Yves Plasseraud - Bruno Drweski p. 371-372
- Русская деревня в рассказах еë жителей, sous la direction de L. L. Kasatkin - Jean Breuillard p. 372-375
- Mikaelian Irina, la Possession en russe moderne : éléments pour la construction d'une catégorie sémantico-syntaxique - Thierry Ruchot p. 375-376
- Лицeвoй лeтoпиcный cвoд XVI вeкa, édition V. V. MOROZOV, E. V. UXANOVA, L. P. MUSTAFINA [ et al.], Moskva, AKTEON, 2009-2010, 41 volumes [ Comprend : Руccкaя лeтoпиcнaя иcтoрия, t. 1-23 : 1114-1567, t. 24 : Coпрoвoдитeльный тoм ; Библeйcкaя иcтoрия, t. 1-4, t. 5 : Coпрoвoдитeльный тoм ; Вceмирнaя иcтoрия, t. 1-10, t. 11 : Coпрoвoдитeльный тoм ; Житиe, жизнь и вce брaнныe пoдвиги Aлeкcaндрa, цaря Maкeдoнcкoгo] - Pierre Gonneau p. 329-331
- Summaries / Résumés - p. 377-381
- Erratum - p. 382