Contenu du sommaire : La transition en action

Revue Le journal de l'école de Paris du management Mir@bel
Numéro no 169, octonbre 2024
Titre du numéro La transition en action
Texte intégral en ligne Accès réservé
  • La transition en action - Thomas Paris p. 3 accès libre
  • Prochaines séances de l'École de Paris du management - p. 4 accès libre
  • Attraper un oiseau avec des grains de sel - Élisabeth Bourguinat p. 5 accès libre
  • Rencontres

    • Mettre des équipements du quotidien en libre-service - Yann Lemoine, Pascal Lefebvre p. 6-13 accès réservé avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
      Pour lutter contre la surconsommation, Les Biens en Commun propose des casiers connectés contenant des équipements en libre-service. Consciente que les contraintes de la mutualisation découragent les usagers, l'entreprise a développé un système présentant les avantages de la propriété et du partage.
      Self-service bicycles have made it possible to share them on a massive scale. Couldn't we do the same with everyday equipment? What's the point of each of us having a hoover, a screwdriver, a raclette machine, etc. that we don't use much? All the more so as this over-consumption has an impact on the community and the planet. Sharing makes sense, but sharing with neighbours and renting in shops doesn't work very well, because these alternatives are restrictive: proximity, 24-hour availability, autonomy in use, etc. Yann Lemoine and Les Biens en Commun offer a rental system that combines the advantages of ownership and sharing. His French company installs connected lockers that contain equipment that can be booked via an app for 1 euro an hour and picked up with a code. ‘Nice idea, but it won't work', was he told. However, student residences, Decathlon, Leroy Merlin and SEB all backed the idea and the company took off.
    • Legrand relève le défi du recours aux plastiques recyclés - Olivier Gabut, Élisabeth Bourguinat p. 14-20 accès réservé avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
      Recycler les plastiques devenant urgent, Legrand s'engage à utiliser le plus possible de plastiques recyclés, malgré les nombreux défis à relever : coûts plus élevés que ceux de la matière première vierge, approvisionnement complexe et propriétés techniques et esthétiques limitées.
      We all know that plastic waste is polluting the oceans, and this struggle by NGOs is attracting a growing audience. With China refusing to deal with the world's waste since 2017, plastic recycling is becoming a matter of urgency. Nevertheless, the challenge is formidable. Recycled plastic is more expensive than petrochemical plastic, due to the costs of collection, sorting and processing. It also raises safety concerns, a key issue for an electrical manufacturer like the French Compagny Legrand. In addition, it is incompatible with bright colours, which disturbs designers. Furthermore, instead of sourcing from large suppliers, manufacturers must deal with a fragile and heterogeneous supply chain, combining social economy structures, craftsmen and businesses. That's a lot of problems to solve and a lot of stakeholders to reassure. Yet Legrand has committed itself to this approach through an ambitious CSR policy and has set itself the target of using at least 15% recycled plastics by the end of 2024.
    • S'il vous plaît… dessine-moi un aéroport durable ! - Amélie Lummaux, Élisabeth Bourguinat p. 21-27 accès réservé avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
      Comment transformer les aéroports en plateformes de connectivité responsables, intégrées dans leur territoire et influençant positivement les acteurs engagés en faveur de la biodiversité ? Amélie Lummaux témoigne des premières actions d'une transformation à bas bruit au sein du Groupe ADP.
      Like hypermarkets, airports are a concept so closely associated with the explosion of the mass consumption model of the 1970s that it takes a great deal of imagination to conceive of the future of an airport that would be integrated into its territory, would have a positive and powerful influence on an ecosystem of players committed to biodiversity, and whose economic model would be completely rethought as a platform for responsible connectivity. It also requires a remarkable amount of determination to follow a demanding roadmap despite countless difficulties, and of situational intelligence to remain open to the unknown and to opportunities. Amélie Lummaux reports on the first steps of a quiet transformation that offers a glimpse of the reinvention of large companies and their place in the economy and society.
    • Les réseaux électriques, clé méconnue de la transition énergétique - Alfredo Parres, Yann Verdo p. 28-35 accès réservé avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
      La transition énergétique se traduit par des défis considérables pour la gestion des réseaux électriques. Ces défis donnent lieu à des innovations et à des modélisations peu médiatisées, et pourtant essentielles pour la réussite de cette transition.
      The energy transition means considerable challenges for the management of electricity networks. Instead of distributing electricity from a centralised system that is finely controlled according to changes in demand and supply, we will have to manage decentralised networks with more or less predictable supply availability, and develop demand management for end users (industry, transport, tertiary sector). We will also need to find more economical and flexible ways of transporting electricity, given the sometimes-vast distances between places of production and places of consumption, and also the complexity of integrating renewable production. These major but little covered issues are giving rise to innovations and modelling that Hitachi Energy has been experimenting with, and the importance of which the company will outline from the point of view of a solutions provider for the world's leading energy companies.
    • L'innovation, mais pour quoi faire ? - Franck Aggeri, Erik Unger p. 36-43 accès réservé avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
      À l'heure de l'anthropocène, il n'est plus possible de continuer à innover comme nous le faisons. Franck Aggeri révèle la face cachée, les effets pervers et la doxa de l'innovation, et discute deux voies pour innover autrement.
      With the publication in March 2023 of his book L'Innovation, mais pour quoi faire ? (innovation, but what for?), Franck Aggeri reminds us of the foundations of what he calls a culture of innovation, but also reveals the hidden face, the perverse effects and the doxa of innovation. In the era of the Anthropocene, we can no longer continue to innovate as we have been so far. So how can we innovate differently? Franck Aggeri proposes and discusses two approaches. The first is to change the criteria used to assess innovation and to agree on new legal definitions of responsibility in order to commit innovators and those who govern them to the long-term consequences of their projects. The second issue is that of low-impact innovation: the fight against obsolescence, social innovation, development of uses, repair, circularity, frugal use of resources, etc.
  • Accumuler les marchés de niche : à la recherche de l'alliage parfait - Michel Berry p. 44-47 accès réservé avec résumé en anglais
    Lebronze alloys, a French company, does not manage 1, but 150 niche markets! Its chairman, Michel Dumont, is passionate about ways of managing customer relations and has found an unexpected terrain in which to realise his dreams as a consultant. In doing so, he has applied, and rationalised to a very high degree, an approach used by other small and medium-sized businesses, called the search for economies of scope.
  • Contrôler ou inciter : quel chemin pour le financement de la transition des pays en développement ? - Wessim Jouini p. 48-50 accès réservé avec résumé en anglais
    While calls to increase external funding for climate action in developing countries are multiplying, one question remains: what path should be taken to maximise the impact of these scarce resources, between direct project funding and financial incentives for results?
  • Nouvelles parutions - p. 51-52 accès réservé