Contenu du sommaire : La communication publique
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 58, 1991/2 |
Titre du numéro | La communication publique |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n°58 - p. 4 pages
La communication publique
- La communication publique à l'ordre du jour - Marceau Long p. 2 pages
- La communication publique : le pari de l'authenticité - Pierre Zémor p. 13 pages Public Communication What is the special character of communication within the public service, in its relations with its citizen-users, in the type of messages it puts forward and the identity of those communicators ? During this time of renewal, what are the priorities to be set for public communication, and what role for its communicators ?
L'État annonceur
- Les campagnes de communication publique d'intérêt général. De l'usage paradoxal de la communication publicitaire - Josèphe Bal, Stefano Rolando p. 10 pages Government Communication Campaigns in the Public Interest The leading French advertiser, the government, undertakes some thirty campaigns annually. What is their legitimacy and scientific basis ? Do they correspond to the needs ? Who defines them and how ? What share is granted to the media and what role do they play ?
- Vers la banalisation des procédures ? - Jacques Bille p. 6 pages The Government as Advertiser : Procedural Developments A long-time beneficiary of privileged conditions, outside of common law, public communication is becoming commonplace. Its procedures acquiesce to the rules of the market, even if its objectives remain specific. In a democracy, isn't this the price to be paid for legitimacy ?
- Les campagnes de communication publique d'intérêt général. De l'usage paradoxal de la communication publicitaire - Josèphe Bal, Stefano Rolando p. 10 pages
Quelle stratégie de communication pour le service public ?
Les choix d'organisation d'un service de communication
- L'exemple du ministère de l'économie, des finances et du budget - Bernard Candiard p. 7 pages Selecting a Communication Service Organization : the Ministry of Finance Determining what type of organization to select is a very central question for a communication service and the success of its activities. Based on an initial assessment, what communication strategy should be adopted, which type of organization should be selected, how can central and decentralized structures be connected ?
- L'organisation du service de l'information et de la communication du ministère des affaires sociales et de l'intégration - Jean-Marc Benoit p. 2 pages
- L'exemple du ministère de l'économie, des finances et du budget - Bernard Candiard p. 7 pages
- La communication, levier du changement social ? L'exemple de la réforme des PTT - Michel Wiener p. 8 pages Communication, a Lever for Social Change ? The French postal service (PTT) reform, which went into effect on January 1, 1991, is the culmination of a wide-ranging debate. This process relied upon on a very strong desire for communication, which enabled all those wishing it, outside and within the PTT, to participate directly. Praised by all the observers, original forms of communication, using the most modem techniques, thus made it possible to involve all participants in a dynamic which resulted in this reform, despite rather unfavorable social conditions.
- La Documentation française. Identité, image et communication - Jean Jenger p. 7 pages Identity and Image of a Public Enterprise : La Documentation française The image of La Documentation française, complex and with extremely diversified objectives, is particularly difficult to control. Several efforts are currently underway to comprehend it better : by bringing together the public service and functions of an industrial and commercial nature ; by modernizing its context and work tools ; in decompartmentalizing and remotivating its services ; by providing it with useful instruments for external relations and internal communication.
- Les exigences de service public dans la communication d'une entreprise publique - Michel Merlay, Gilbert Veyret, Gentiane Weil p. 5 pages Public Service Requirements in Public Enterprise Communication A Round Table Discussion The heads of communication of three large public enterprises exchange their views on the importance of internal communication within public enterprises, internal and outside communication on the values of the public service and adaptation to user needs, the necessity for reconciling the need for transparency and the imperatives of competition, and, more generally, the need to express the combination of public ethics and managerial efficiency specific to public enterprise.
La communication territoriale : nouvelle ressource ou alibi pour la démocratie ?
- La communication publique en province - Henri-Michel Comet p. 4 pages Public Communication in the Provinces The state, the communes, and county and regional councils are the participants in regional public communication. Beyond asserting the identity of each of these institutions, two objectives emerge : improving the way in which they define their messages, and the effective assumption of civic duty. This implies a certain degree of cooperation which, while leaving room for political debate, requires reinforcement.
- La communication déconcentrée au ministère des finances - Pierre Mouterde p. 9 pages Decentralized Communication at the Ministry of Finance With a view to decentralization, the regional information centers have formed an original regional communication tool whose objective has been to make contact with citizens in the field. How have these developed from 1977 to 1988 ? With what problems and difficulties have they been confronted ? An assessment of 11 years of decentralized communication at the Ministry of Finance.
- La communication des villes : une nouvelle ressource - Michel Giraud p. 4 pages Communication in the Cities Communication is a strategic aspect of city policies and forms part of the activities of municipal administration. It is a real economic investment for all local organizations. A part of life in a democracy, communication strategies make intelligible the balance between performance and community of interests, and are responsible for developing social cohesion.
- La communication municipale au Québec - Richard Thériault p. 4 pages The Communication System in City Affairs in Quebec At the dawn of a redefinition of city council powers, public communication in Quebec has been given new impetus. The responsibilities and the expectations, experienced by both elected representatives and citizens, have given it a new dimension today. Adequate communication structures have been set up and a very clear distinction between the political and administrative aspects of communication has been made.
- De la participation à la communication - Catherine Grémion p. 4 pages From Participation to Communication With decentralization, local French public life has moved from a system of participation to a new situation based on communication. Far from facilitating the involvement of the citizenry in public action, this development has, above all, permitted local collectivities to adopt communication policies aimed at improving their image with the economic and social participants.
- La communication publique en province - Henri-Michel Comet p. 4 pages
Communication publique, médias, citoyens
- Communication publique et médias - Jean-Pierre Farkas p. 3 pages Public Communication and the Media A joint effort is required to improve the relations between the press and the administration and, thus, the administrations' communication with the citizenry. This should make it possible to identify and overcome the inhibitions of each in order to reach a common goal : to involve the public.
- Table ronde : Quels espaces médiatiques pour la vie de la cité ? - Michèle Cotta, Marc Danzon, Jean-Michel Gaillard, Jean-François Kahn, Michel Le Net, Pierre Soubie, Pierre Zémor p. 7 pages What is the Role of the Media in Politics ? A Round Table Discussion Journalists, heads of communication in the public sector and higher civil servants exchange views on the role played by politics in the media, on whether propaganda for social and civil causes is needed, on the respective roles of television and the print media in public communication, and on the search for local communication.
- Impact et sens. L'évaluation de la communication publique - Arnaud de Champris p. 9 pages Impact and Meaning : Development of and Research into Public Communication Assessment Methods Over the last ten years, European sensitivities and mentalities have evolved. In light of these changes, are the tools for measuring, controlling, and assessing, and thus, for formulating public communication still as performant ? Wouldn't it be advisable to re-evaluate the reliability and validity of the system, qualitatively and quantitatively ? On the other hand, it is necessary to implement means of evaluating the real impact of communication not directly endorsed by the market. A new question arises : that of interpretation and meaning.
- Communication publique et médias - Jean-Pierre Farkas p. 3 pages
- La communication publique à l'ordre du jour - Marceau Long p. 2 pages
- La transformation de l'administration de la RDA : de l'État socialiste unitaire à la démocratie fédérale et municipale - Christoph Hauschild p. 11 pages Transformation of the East German Administration : From a Unitary Socialist State Towards Federal and Municipal Democracy The transformation of the administration of ‘actually existing socialism' in the DDR into a classic European-type administration is a complex process. The Union Treaty of August 1990 sets in a very pragmatic manner the principles governing the harmonization of the judicial systems, the introduction of a career public service, and the reorganization of administrative services. However, the establishment of efficient administrations at the level of the five new Länder, as well as in the administrative districts and municipalities has been hampered by the particularly severe financial crisis.
- La transformation de l'administration de la RDA : de l'État socialiste unitaire à la démocratie fédérale et municipale - Christoph Hauschild p. 11 pages
Chronique de l'administration française
- Au jour le jour (16 octobre 1990-15 avril 1991) - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 14 pages
- Le point sur : la recherche d'une meilleure solidarité financière entre les communes - Yves Jegouzo p. 5 pages
- Au jour le jour (16 octobre 1990-15 avril 1991) - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 14 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Revues - p. 2 pages
- Abstracts - p. 4 pages
- La transformation de l'administration de la R.D.A. - Hauschild C. p. 297-307