Contenu du sommaire : Les rapports entre générations en Europe.
Revue |
Agora débats/jeunesse ![]() |
Numéro | no 5, 1996/3 |
Titre du numéro | Les rapports entre générations en Europe. |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Les jeunes et les jobs d'Été - Olivier Douard p. 4-6
- Les jeunes et les jobs d'Été - Olivier Douard p. 4-6
Dossier "Les débats" : Les rapports entre générations : un enjeu pour l'Europe sociale
- Les rapports entre générations : un enjeu pour l'Europe sociale - Francine Labadie p. 7-10
- La jeunesse en Europe : de la compétence à la performance - Hervé Le Bras p. 11-22 When youth is examined from the angle of the social differences arising from gender, the diversity of European youth becomes easier to understand. During the time lapse stretching from puberty to the conception of a first child, women and, by association, men, play out a decisive game. Their goal is to attain true equality which will henceforth define them as adults, before assuming their respective sexual roles : "one is the other" before "XY" to use the terms adopted by E Badinter. The duration of their studies, their sexuality, access to the work market, establishment of a couple and the decision to conceive all pivot around this goal while taking on very different configurations from one country to another, especially in terms of East to West and North to South, as demonstrated by statistical observations.
- Jeunes et dispositifs d'insertion dans six pays européens - Florence Lefresne p. 23-36 The high level of unemployment of young people and the clangers associated to it in the European Union has certainly helped to conceal a strong heterogeneousness between countries. The analysis of young peoples' circumstances, actively employed, unemployed or inactive show that different configurations exist as a clear expression of intergenerational arbitration in terms of employment. Silhouetted against the layers of statistics are the various institutional dynamics linked to the nature of the training schemes to the employment markets and policies. By comparing the measures of inclusion in 6 European countries it emerges that the greater or lesser extent to which social actors cooperate has a perceptible affect on the conditions of transition.
- Nouveaux modèles de transition et d'exclusion sociale de la jeunesse au Royaume-Uni - Robert Mac Donald p. 37-48 Studies of the economic restructuring of the UK and other Western societies suggest that post-Fordist economies will be typified by increases in the numbers of workers unemployed or sub-employed in casual, informal, peripheral, non-standard jobs. Clearly the future working lives of many young people will be radically different from those of their parent generation, as full emploment in regular, relatively permanent jobs give way to more insecure and risky working lives. Some of the social problems that have accompanied the facturing of previous youth transitions are reviewed and the idea that such problems are indicative of the emergence of a deviant, anti-social, anti-work underclass introduced. The focus is upon Teeside in the North-east of England : a locality which reveals these broad social and economic transformations in the most dramatic way. Four themes which might inform future research on marginal youth transitions and social exclusion in the UK are outlined and, in conclusion, some of the implications of these changes for intergenerational relations are discussed.
- Changement de statut de la jeunesse : les débats politiques aux Pays-Bas - Hans Van Ewifk p. 49-55 In this article, it is argued that in Dutch youth policy of the 80's, there was a noticeable change of approach to young people. Before this period, policy concerning young people was based on the concept of optimal fulfillment, a psychosocial enhancement of the human. In the 80s, the psychological and educational point of view is supplanted by an economic approach of offer and demand. Young people need to be better equipped for the employment market. For that they must be cheaper, better trained and adapted. This swing signifies that the image of universal identity and of mankind has been abandonned. The differences between humans and the necessity for a différenciation between work levels and contents require a harmonization between the individual and society. Stress is no longer placed on man by means of psychosocial categories but on man through the procuring a job and of training.
- Réponses publiques au chômage des jeunes en Finlande. Nouveaux défis, nouveaux conflits - Lasse Siurala p. 57-64 The recession in the 90s had spectacular effects on the situation of young people. Among them, we can cite the problems of insertion in the working world, unemployment and marginalisation, the causes of which are little understood. This article looks at the targetted early intervention strategy, taking Helsinki as an example, and analyses the impact of the conceptions of adult society on youth. Young people awill also have to cope with the unpaid bills their elders will leave them. «Generation accounting» is a new subject in terms of youth policy.
- Jeunes générations : de l'ère industrielle à la post-modernité ! - Jean-Charles Lagrée p. 65-80 Periodically, but with an undeniable constancy, societies re-stage the eternal debate on the question of generations. Inheritance, property transfers, relations, but also cultural transmission and the reproduction of social order or as is frequently the case nowadays, generation as a force of change, the word conceals numerous approaches. This paper addresses the question of generations with regard to the transformations of the system of values of modern societies. According to R.lnglehart, post-materialistic values are progressively winning over from materialistic values. At the heart of this process which is taking place with implacable force : the renewal of generations. But isn't there a risk of confusing cohort and generation when scorning the «social differences» which profoundly divide and differentiate those who have nothing more in common than being born during the same period.
- Générations et changement social dans le Mezzogiorno italien - Carmen Leccardi p. 81-90 The article pays particular attention to inter-generational relations in a disadvantaged region of the Mezzogiorno of Italy, Calabria. Within this social context, modernized and yet still characterised by a weak economy, contrasting cultural worlds, both traditional and modern, co-inhabit. Being young and growing up here means learning to combine the uncertainties of the present day with the historic assurances of the past. An essential point of reference for young people with relation to this is the sheer vitality of the family institution as well as its great capacity to remember.
- Entretien avec Mme Hawlicek, député européen - p. 91-94
- Les rapports entre générations : un enjeu pour l'Europe sociale - Francine Labadie p. 7-10
Dossier "Points de vue"
- Problèmes de discipline professionnelle - Hervé Drouard p. 97-101
- Jules Vallès et les droits de l'Enfant - Roger Bellet p. 103-111 Jules Vallès (1832-1885) originally from Haute-Loire, came to Paris to study and write and produced, after several attempts at stones prior to 1870, his most well- known book, The Child (L'Enfant) 1879, during his London exile ; it depicts a typical childhood, his own, which he considered unhappy but not cruel. He brought out this book in defense and as an illustration of «Childrens' Rights», to be declared after Human Rights. But he continued, as previously, to differentiate between unhappy children, physically or morally, and the misery of child martyrs, sometimes beaten to death by their parents ; this was his lifelong battle both as a journalist and a novelist.
- Les médiateurs du Livre dans les quartiers - Jacques Scheer p. 113-122 An experimental training action was carried out by the Ministry of Culture and Francophonia in 1992-93 entitled "book mediators in districts", in collaboration with the association A TD Quart Monde. This initiative has now been extended. This professionnal training programme for street library militants, all from underprivileged backgrounds, run by a social work training organisation and by the Association of French Librarians (Association des Bibliothécaires Français), confers a qualification on the trainees involved. The conception of cultural mediation at work here would appear to stem from the ideology of cultural populism. Does it really further the renewal of the traditional activities of municipal libraries in its conquest of new public ?
- Éducation populaire et associations : l'exemple de "Peuple et Culture" de Haute-Savoie - Philippe Callé p. 123-132 Beyond the widey accepted consensus on the «democratic» value or the egalitarian model that the associative model represents, researchers in the field of the sociology of associations have highlighted the importance of the selection of elites and of institutionalisation as the outcome of a social dynamic in action and as highly significant social functions. The study of the movement «Peuple et Culture» de Haute-Savoie immediately after the war forces us to reflect on whether these two elements were not, in a paradoxical fashion, the start of the popular education movement at this crucial period in French history, providing us with an unusual social and cultural intervention model.
- Problèmes de discipline professionnelle - Hervé Drouard p. 97-101
Lire, faire lire
- Payet (Jean-Paul). Collèges de banlieue. Ethnographie d'un monde scolaire. Paris : Méridiens Klincksieck, 1995 - Roudet Bernard p. 133-134
- Muxel (Anne). Les jeunes et la politique. Paris : Hachette, 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 134-135
- Rapport de l'Inspection générale de l'Education nationale. La violence à l'école. État de la situation en 1994. Analyse et recommandations. Paris : ministère de l'Education nationale, 1995 - Bier Bernard p. 136-137
- Gillet (Jean-Claude). Animation et animateurs. Le sens de l'action. Paris : L'Harmattan, 1995 - Ion Jacques p. 137-138
- Laville (Jean-Louis), Roustang (Guy) et al. Vers un nouveau contrat social. Paris : Desclée de Brouwer, 1996 - De Linares Chantal p. 139-140
- Garnier (Pascale). Ce dont les enfants sont capables, marcher XVIIIe, travailler XIXème, nager XXe. Paris : Métailié, 1995 - Bessin Marc p. 140-141
- Pociello (Christian). Les cultures sportives. Paris : PUF, 1995 - Duret Pascal p. 142-143
- Bachmann (Christian) et Leguennec (Nicole). Violences urbaines. (Ascension et chute des classes moyennes à travers 50 ans de politique de la ville). Paris : Albin Michel, 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 143-144
- Barthelemy (Martine). Les associations dans ta société Française : un état des lieux. Les cahiers du CEVIPOF/FNSP-CNRS, juin 1994 - Bruneau Chantal p. 145-146
- Fitoussi (Jean-Paul) et Rosanvallon (Pierre). Le nouvel âge des inégalités. Paris : Seuil, 1996 - Labadie Francine p. 146
- Masotta (Paul) (dir.). Le non-droit des jeunes. Paris : Syros, 1995 - Bier Bernard p. 147-148
- Baudy (Pierre) et Gerber (Thierry). Singulière jeunesse plurielle. Les jeunes des années 1980 et leurs mobilisations. Paris : Publisud, 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 148
- Augustin (Jean-Pierre) et Gillet (Jean-Claude). Quartiers fragiles,développement urbain et animation. Talence : Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 1996 - D.-J. A. p. 149
- Bazalgette (Cary), Bevort (Evelyne) et al. L'éducation aux médias dans le monde : nouvelles orientations. Paris : CLEMI/BFI/UNESCO, 1995 - p. 150
- Donnat (Olivier). Les amateurs. Enquête sur les activités artistiques des Français. Paris : ministère de la Culture/DEP, Février 1996 - p. 150
- Guy (Jean-Michel) (dir.). Les jeunes et les sorties culturelles. Fréquentation et image des lieux de spectacles et de patrimoine dans la population Française âqée de 12 à 25 ans. Paris : ministère de la Culture/DEP, décembre 1995 - p. 150-151
- "Parlez-moi d'amour". Montreuil : Fondation 93, 1995 - p. 151
- Panoramiques. Les jeunes en difficulté. n8 26, 1996 - p. 151
- Commission européenne. Les politiques de la jeunesse dans l'Union européenne. Structures et Formation. Études n° 7, 1995 - p. 151
- Aumont (Bernadette), Beillerot (Jacky), Best (Francine) et al. Les chemins de l'apprentissage : l'actualité des méthodes d'éducation nouvelle. Paris : Retz, 1996 - p. 152
- Prévenir. Inégalités - Santé - Exclusions. Marseille : Prévenir/CVM, 1995. - N ° 28 - p. 152
- Hommes & Migrations. Jeunesse et citoyenneté. N° 1196, mars 1996 - p. 152
- Gotovicht (Louise). Makarenko. - Paris : PUF, 1996 - p. 153
- Rochex (Jean-Yves). Le sens de l'expérience scolaire. Entre activité et subjectivité. Paris : PUF l'Éducateur, 1996 - p. 153
- Rosenczveig (Jean-Pierre). Le dispositif français de protection de l'enfance. Paris : Jeunesse et droit, 1996 - p. 153
- Payet (Jean-Paul). Collèges de banlieue. Ethnographie d'un monde scolaire. Paris : Méridiens Klincksieck, 1995 - Roudet Bernard p. 133-134
Carnet de champs
- Recherche sur la jeunesse britannique. Séminaire international, université de Glasgow du 26 au 28 janvier 1996 - Chisholm Lynne p. 155
- "Grandir entre le centre et la périphérie". Congrès international de la Fondation de Gulbenkian, Lisbonne, du 2 au 4 mai 1996 - Chisholm Lynne p. 155-156
- "Assises du travail social" Lien social les 5, 6 et 7 juin 1996, Toulouse - p. 156
- Mission en Chine du 6 au 14 avril 1996 - Belmas Marie-Paule p. 157-159
- "L'enfant et la violence" Actes du XIe congrès FNAREN, juin 1995, Perpignan - p. 159
- «Dynamique des repères temporels» Séminaire de recherche mensuel à l'IRESCO/CNRS - p. 160
- Colloque "les stages de réalisation ou la culture en actions" MJS, les 19, 20 et 21 juillet 1996 à Avignon - p. 161
- "Rapport au savoir, rapport à l'école dans les banlieues". Les Rencontres de l'INJEP, 9 avril 1996, Marly-Le-Roi - Charlot Bernard p. 162
- "Jeunes, médias, demain, quelles problématiques ? quelles perspectives ?" Forum international de chercheurs 21-25 avril 1997 Paris, UNESCO - p. 163
- "Sports, jeunesses et logiques d'insertion". Colloque ADSSEA, le 30 mai 1996, à Chambéry - p. 164
- "Construire ensemble une place active pour tous les jeunes" Colloque UNIOPSS, le 14 mai 1996, au CEDIAS à Paris - p. 164
- Séminaire "La nouvelle donne de l'Action associative" les 24, 25 et 26 juin 1996. Les Rencontres d'Affaires, Paris - p. 165
- Université internationale d'Été du GFEN du 8 au 11 juillet 1996, à Marsei1le-Luminy - p. 165
- Recherche sur la jeunesse britannique. Séminaire international, université de Glasgow du 26 au 28 janvier 1996 - Chisholm Lynne p. 155
Veille informative
- Pépinières européennes de jeunes artistes - p. 167
- Prix de la jeunesse 1996 - p. 168
- Le CLEMI "Le journal junior européen télécopié". "La semaine de la presse dans l'école" - p. 169-170
- Le Centre européen de la Jeunesse. Le Fonds européen pour la Jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe - p. 170
- Le Centre international d'Etudes pédagogiques - p. 171
- "Une enquête sociologique sur les jeunes et la solidarité". La JOC - Secours catholique - COFREMCA - p. 172
- Programme d'étude des médiations 1996-1998. Médiations-infos Le programme d'étude des médiations 1996-1998 - p. 173
- Stage pour la création et la gestion d'un centre de documentation sur les questions de jeunesse du 17 au 20 sept. 1996 à l'INJEP - p. 173
- Les Campus européens du patrimoine APARE, 1996 - p. 174
- Le guide des vidéocassettes disponibles pour l'utilisation publique non commerciale EMEREC - p. 174
- Pépinières européennes de jeunes artistes - p. 167