Contenu du sommaire : Lexicologie contrastive espagnol-français, sous la direction de Xavier Blanco

Revue Langages Mir@bel
Numéro no 143, septembre 2001
Titre du numéro Lexicologie contrastive espagnol-français, sous la direction de Xavier Blanco
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Présentation - Xavier Blanco p. 3-4 accès libre
  • Construction d'une base de données des collocations bilingue français-espagnol - Margarita Alonso Ramos p. 5-27 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Our object of study is the description of collocations in French-Spanish dictionaries. We distinguish collocations from other idioms following Mel'čuk's (1995) approach. After examining the treatment of collocations in some traditional bilingual dictionaries, we propose a new model of bilingual dictionary limited to collocations.
  • À propos des mécanismes sémantiques de formation de certains noms d'agent en français et en espagnol - Jean-Claude Anscombre p. 28-48 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The main goal of this study is to account for the morphological, syntactical and semantic characteristics of French suffixation in -eur and its Spanish equivalent -or to derive agent nouns, as well as some divergences between these two languages. An explanation of a large variety of phenomena will be provided within the framework of the Semantics of Stereotypes, mainly based on some salient properties of generic sentences on one side, and on the existence of two basic stems, namely nominal and verbal, with aspectual differences.
  • Dictionnaires électroniques et traduction automatique espagnol-français - Xavier Blanco p. 49-70 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    We present an electronic dictionary designed for Spanish-French machine- translation softwares. The paper is structured in three parts: macrostructure of the dictionary, microstructure (includes semantic information) and translation module.
  • Noms d'animaux et expressions en français et en espagnol - Ariane Desporte, Françoise Martin-Berthet p. 71-90 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Taking into account some déficiences in the key-words and thematic classifications of locutions and proverbs, this paper proposes a description that enables to dispose of detailed syntactic and semantic information for the caracterisation of these units. This process is illustrated with a French-Spanish corpus of frozen expressions containing animal names which is useful for translation.
  • La préposition en français et en espagnol : une question de grammaticalisation ? - Béatrice Lamiroy p. 91-105 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The aim of the paper is to compare prepositional phrases in French and Spanish which correspond either to an infinitival complement or to an oblique complement clause. The central empirical observation is that French basically uses two prepositions to introduce this type of complement, viz. à and de, whereas Spanish has a larger scale of prepositions that fulfill the same function, viz. a, de, рог, con, en. The claim is that grammaticalization theory, usually put forward to deal with historical data, can also account for comparative data as those discussed here, since French prepositions display several signs of a grammaticalization process, which their Spanish correspondants lack.
  • La traduction en espagnol de quelques connecteurs de juxtaposition - Mercedes Tricàs Preckler p. 106-119 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The aim of this paper is to analyse certain interpretative mechanisms used by Spanish translators when translating some French juxtaposition markers. We have tried to point out the general tendencies shown in the translation into Spanish of some French connectors whose function is merely to add a simple nuance of intensity between the two propositions linked thereby. According to our results there is a clear tendency in Spanish translations to reinforce the function of this connection. The main consequence is a modification of the general coherence of the text. Other pragmatic consequences may be an alteration of the speaker's point of view and also a different distribution of the thematic and rhematic elements involved in this juxtapositional relationship.
  • Quelques remarques sur les classes d'objets bilingues - Robert Vives p. 120-126 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This paper presents some remarks about the way in which bilingual object classes are constructed. The main point we intend drawing attention to is the fact that object classes constitute semantic organizations of simple sentences strictly based on syntax. The examples concern French, Corean, Malagasy and Spanish.
  • Abstracts - p. 127-128 accès libre