Contenu du sommaire : Le lexique : construire l'interprétation, sous la direction de Simone Lecointre et danielle Leeman
Revue |
Langue française ![]() |
Numéro | no 103, septembre 1994 |
Titre du numéro | Le lexique : construire l'interprétation, sous la direction de Simone Lecointre et danielle Leeman |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation - S. Lecointre, D. Leeman p. 3-8
- Contexte, interprétation et mémoire : approche standard vs approche cognitive - G. Kleiber p. 9-22 The aim of this paper is to show how the classic static conception of the context has evolved in a more dynamic one which incorporates crucially the memory. In the first section, we expose the principal ideas of the standard approach and emphasize the main failures of it. The second section presents then the cognitive theory of the context which offers new solutions to the building of the interpretation of an utterance.
- « Intérêt » et ses dérivés au croisement de divers réseaux lexico-sémantiques - J. Picoche p. 23-31 In his article, the author tries to apply the various methods of lexical semantics to a very coherent family of abstract words with a high use frequency. She notably unfolds the methods which she initiated, such as the actantial field and power-signifié. She gives evidences against a homonymie treatment of those items which she thinks of as polysems whose various acceptations can be classified according to a continuum on a single kine- tism, although everyone of them has its pecular outline.
- La dérivation des adjectifs en « -ble » : morphologie ou sémantique ? - J.-C. Anscombre, D. Leeman p. 32-44 Morphologically speaking, an adjective in -able can be derived from any transitive verb. But in the facts, not all these derivatives are acceptable ones. No satisfiying explanation can be given in terms of syntactical properties of the verbs or semantic correspondence either (following the stem model, for instance). Our claim here is that the suffix selects the verbal argument that corresponds to a stereotype, and thus the derived adjective expresses conformity with a given norm.
- Être ou ne pas être un verbe de sentiment - N. Ruwet p. 45-55 Since the beginnings of transformational/generative grammar, there has been a tendency among linguists to mix up true experiencer-verbs with other verb classes that happen to share with them the same syntactic frames and selectional restrictions. Formal tests that might make the distinction clear are hard to come by. A recourse to the phenomenological concept of intentionality (in the sense of Husserl and Heidegger) provides a way out : experiencer-verbs are intentional verbs, those other classes of verbs are not.
- Remarques sur un petit couple rebelle :« an/année » - D. Flament-Boistrancourt p. 56-67 It has been noted by linguists that the pair an/année holds an exceptional position in the paradigm of time noun pairs with and without the suffix -éе (e.g. soir/soirée, matin/matinée, jour/journée) both from a distributional and from a semantic point of view. We propose a study of the pair an/année in the « discursive spaces » framework of J.-C. Anscombre. We defend the following thesis : année refers to a stative or active process which constitutes a « discursive space » in relation to the NP année. This analysis allows us to shed new light on certain difficult problems concerning the distribution of determiners and adjectives with an/année which have classically been considered to be idiosyncratic. allows us to shed new light on certain difficult problems concerning the distribution of determiners and adjectives with an/année which have classically been considered to be idiosyncratic.
- « À la Guadeloupe/ en Guadeloupe » : vers une interprétation cognitive ? - S. Reboul p. 68-79 The à la Guadeloupe/en Guadeloupe change occurs in present-day discourses. Beyong the usual description, whenever the determiner is connected with the preposition used with a toponyme, we discover that à la represents an exception. The prepositional change we study can be explained on account of the speaker : his perception of the referent takes part in the prepositional choice. This value gained through use is peripheral to a prototypical meaning but is involved in the development of a lexical definition.
- L'agent peut-il verbaliser l'acteur ? Actualisation discursive et potentialités linguistiques - F. Cusin-Berche p. 80-90 An analysis of the frequency at which two terms such as agent/acteur appear in lexicograph discourses and in those of the company Electricité de France has proved productive to define the meaning, within the system of the language, of such lexical units and try to make clear which one of them will be used within the discourse of the company. This study attempts to prove that one cannot gain access to the manifolded linguistic potential of a given word except when you take into consideration all its varied uses and inversely, a too specific usage, that would be in contradiction with the language system, is bound to disappear.
- L'énonciateur glosateur de ses mots : explicitation et interprétation - J. Authier-Revuz p. 91-102 This paper deals with the forms by which a speaker accompanies his use of a word reflexively by explicating the meaning of his word : 1) with the variety of the forms that correspond either to an operation of reduction to one meaning (to the meaning p ; not to the meaning q), or to an explicit opening to a plurality of meanings (to the two meanings p and q, to all the meanings) ; 2) with the way these glosses of explication of a meaning themselves require interpretative work.
- Humour, Ironie — signification et usage - S. Lecointre p. 103-112 This essay on pragmatic linguistics takes another look at Wittgenstein's theory of « Real Linguistic Transactions » by analysing concrete applications. Different uses of the contrastive structure « HUMOUR vs IRONY » are demonstrated by varying co- enonciators and discursive situations. Taken within a specific context, each co-enonciator selects its extra-linguistic signs and sets up its own model of referenciation creating new « language games » each time. These « language games » change word « grammar » by changing references, resulting in « intercomprehension ».
- L'interprétation en lexicométrie. Une approche quantitative des données lexicales - P. Fiala p. 113-122 Lexicometry is a set of methods of analysis applied to textual corpora. Interpretation rests on computerized procedures of lexical statistics together with methodological principles such as the reduction of external variables, the choice of the graphic unit, the norm of interpretation which is specific to the corpus. The interpretative stage treats meaning at the global level of the textual corpus, as a differential object reconstructed from quantitative lexical contrasts. It proceeds through matching and reorganizing statistical evidence.
- Abstracts - p. 123-125