Contenu du sommaire : La Bulgarie : du communisme à l'Union européenne Langue, littérature, médias sous la direction de Jack FEUILLET et Marie VRINAT-NIKOLOV

Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves Mir@bel
Numéro Vol. 81, no 2-3, 2010
Titre du numéro La Bulgarie : du communisme à l'Union européenne Langue, littérature, médias sous la direction de Jack FEUILLET et Marie VRINAT-NIKOLOV
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • La Bulgarie : du communisme à l'Union européenne. Langue, littérature, médias

    • Avant-propos - La langue et la littérature bulgares de 1989 à 2009 : Libération, expérimentation, transgression - Jack Feuillet, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov p. 185-188 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Language and Literature in Bułgaria from 1989 to 2009. Liberation, Experimentation and Disobedience. Although many observers used to believe that the communist government would last forever, in spite of its visible fading away, twenty years have already passed since its collapse, once deprived of the support of its soviet 'elder brother'. As a resuit of the changes, a new Bułgaria is born after forty- five years of 'lethargy', a metaphor created by the Monk Paisij of Hilendar in 1762 in his History ofSlavs and Bulgarians. The country now goes through a long and hard period of 'transition' which is another long-lasting image in Bułgaria. Once released from censorship and self- censorship, from ideology and the strangle- hold of the communist party on cultural life, both language and literature disclosed in Bułgaria a dynamie and changing picture, not always easy to understand. Twenty years, however, represent a long enough period to be able to give a first review and to detect a periodization of change, thanks to articles written by Bulgarian and French scholars : Plamen Dojnov ( «Bulgarian literature after 1989 : orientation of the debates, biased debates»), Violeta Deceva («Fragmentation of the self : the new Bulgarian drama after 1989») and Marie Vrinat-Nikolov («Remem- brance of 1989 and post-communist literature : how to drown out the deafening silences of History») concerning literary process ; Nadege Ragara («Bułgaria 's State Security files : Unfolding socialism's multiple tempo- ralities») concerning the files ; Vladko Murdarov («How the literary norms were ruined in 20 years (twenty examples)», Snejana Gadjeva («Turkisms in the « liberat- ed» Bulgarian language : a source of neo- logy»), Gueorgui Armianov («Slang and linguistic transformations in Bułgaria after 1989») and Krasimir Stojanov («The linguistic challenges of the discourse of Bulgarian masš media after the changes of 1989») about the changes that occurred in Bulgarian language.
    • La Bulgarie- 1989-2009 : chronologie - p. 189-192 accès libre
    • Articles
      • Mémoire de 1989 et littérature postcommuniste. Couvrir les silences fracassants de l'histoire - Marie Vrinat-Nikolov p. 193-202 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Remembrance of 1989 and Post- Communist Literature How to Drown out the Deafening Silences of History. Until about 2005, it was hard to find any publication about literature during the com- munist era or any important work concerning this period. Since then, this astonishing silence has given way to the publication in Bułgaria of several novels and hybrid writ- ings. In the meantime occured not only liter- ary, but also political and social events which changed the issue : isn't the real problem in Bułgaria today no longer the institutional, generational, historiographical or literary silence, but the dilemna between the collective or individual responsability ? То соре with these problems, the author takes into account both the works of Paul Ricoeur concerning the excess ofmemory and the excess of oblivion, the blocked memory, manipu- lated memory, abusively controlled or obli- gated memory, and two emblematic books concerning the communist past as seen in the State Security files : The Watched Man by Vesko Branev, and Surveillance and Condi- tioning : the literary prose of the State security by Zerminal Civikov.
      • Les dossiers de la Sûreté d'État bulgare : le communisme dans les pliures du temps - Nadège Ragaru p. 203-225 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Bulgaria's State Security Files Unfolding Socialism's Multiple Temporalities In December 2006, a socialist-led majority passed a law to open the files of the former State Security on the eve of Bulgaria's EU integration. The aim of the present article is to explore the social and political mobiliza- tions that led to this apparently paradoxical outcome. The purpose is also to examine precisely the various social constructions of the issues at stake about declassifying information concerning the deeds of the former State Security apparatus. In so doing, the paper brings into relief the two following arguments : although the wish to expose the crimes of the communist regime has consti- tuted the key objective for several social actors who had been working for a long time for the declassification, this particular under- standing of the problem has been combined with a search for greater transparency in a young democracy or for a more efficient struggle against organized crime. In fact, over the past twenty years, dominant read- ings of the question of the State Security files have moved from an assessment of the communist past to a wish to reveal the evils of the post-communist transition - i.e. state capture. This slow move is the key to explain how a concensus on the opening of the files was finally reached. As a result, and this is our second point, when we consider the ways in which the past is narrated through the issue of the communist archives, we need to take into account several temporalities : the pre-communist and communist pasts, the recent transition period and present-day developments. The question of the archives has led to a rethinking not only of the communist experience but more broadly of Bulgaria's political history.
      • Comment nous avons détruit les normes standard en vingt ans (vingt exemples) - Vladko Murdarov, Elena Jeliaskova p. 227-237 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        How the Literary Norms Were Ruined in 20 Years (20 examples). Since 1989 the norms and rules of the literary language have been considerably destroyed. The processes at play have affected spelling, orthoepy, grammar and lexis. At present, linguists are concentrating on codifying the most appropriate norms with respect to the current state of the language system, so that the literary language could continue to be the representative form of the national language and the most effective means of verbal communication.
      • L'argot et les changements linguistiques en Bulgarie après 1989 - Gueorgui Armianov, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov p. 239-250 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Slang and Linguistic Transformations in Bułgaria after 1989. This article examines the transformations which affected Bulgarian language during the last twenty years, the changes that took place after the fall of the communist regime, and the process of democratization of ail linguistic domains. The focal point is set on social dialects - corporative slang, profes- sional jargons, and criminal argot - which also went through significant renewal. The corporative slang of students and school pupils left its position of a second-class, corrupted linguistic phenomenon assigned to it by the communist ideologues, and took its natural place in the media, cinema, literature, and even in political debates. Professional jargons were significantly transformed and democratized too and new types of criminal argot appeared. Great transformations occurred within ail sociolects : their vocabulary and grammar were largely modernized, many words and phrases linked to the old regime were replaced, new ones emerged, forgotten ones revitalized, grammatical models and raies created. However, this specifie linguistic renaissance not only liberated and emancipated the social dialects but led to their excessive use and mis interpretation and raised questions about their stylistic fonction and use, their educational role and about the culture of speech. Answers to these questions often provoked passionate debates.
      • Les turcismes dans la langue bulgare « libérée » : une source de néologie - Snejana Gadjeva p. 251-267 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Turkisms in the 'Liberated Bulgarian Language : A Source of Neology. This study examines the neological ability of the Turkisms, which represent one part of the Bulgarian lexicon, in the context of the 'liberation' of the language. It provides an analysis of the productivity of Turkisms over the past twenty years, from the point of view of the formation of new lexical items and the adoption of new meanings. It also discusses the emergence of new usages in which these lexical items specialize.
      • Les défis linguistiques du discours des médias bulgares après les changements de 1989 - Krasimir Stojanov, Elena Gueorguieva p. 269-285 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        The Linguistic Challenges of the Discourse of Bulgarian Mass Media after the Changes of 1989. At the end of 1989, one could feel in the Bulgarian public space a very uncommon and new tension. At the beginning of the changes, in the 1990s, Bulgarians were aware of the huge power of the media in their everyday life. In a totalitarian State, what was written in the newspapers or broadeast on radio or television programmes, had a larger impact than what really happened in everyday life in Bułgaria. Appeared in the country powerful national movements bring- ing a sharp public expression, wishing to denounce the situation and sometimes flill of hatred, and expressed in the form of slogans heard during public demonstrations in large cities, but also of stylistic figures found in the written press which covered these public demonstrations.
      • La littérature bulgare après 1989. Tendances des débats, débats tendancieux - Plamen Dojnov, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov p. 287-305 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Bulgarian Literature after 1989 Orientation of the Debates, Biased Debates. The aim of this article is to put into perspective the main characteristics of Bulgarian literature o f the post- 1989 period and to emphasize the most recent leanings in order to be able to observe the similarities and differences between, on the one hand, the cohesion of the post-communist period (we call it 'the Second Republic' and on the other hand, the three sub-periods that we can detect within this large period : the end of an old era (from 1990 to 2000), the transition era (from 2000 to 2003/2004) and the dawn of a new era (after 2004). The author reflects both on poetry as a specific field of study and on literature as a whole after 1989. In the 1990s, poetry was the main genre, but progressively its importances fades away during the 'end of era' period and is more and more marginalized at the beginning of the 21st century, in favor of prose and particularly fiction.
      • Fragmentation du sujet. Le nouveau drame bulgare après 1989 - Violeta Dečeva, Elena Gueorguieva p. 307-319 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Fragmentation of the Self. The New Bulgarian Drama after 1989. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the changes that occurred in our post-industrial societies, the economie and cultural globalization, the invasion of new media and means of communication, the changes in the social system and the media, ail these events considerably influenced Bulgarian dramatic art and its process. The cost of freedom has been much higher than expected. Dramatic art has also been 'dramatically' affected : post-modernism has reached its limits, new and unexpected issues hâve corne to light as well as new research on aesthetics. What is interesting in our new societies is precisely this new process, invisible, hard to perceive and to characterize, confused. The purpose of this study is clearly to présent the new Bulgarian drama in the light of the important changes that occurred after 1989, to show the logical parrallel between the changes and the cultural continuum of the Bulgarian dramaturgy and to analýze the innovations in the Bulgarian society due to the revolutionary changes during the transition period from communism to democracy. The relationship between Man and society, so important in the field of théâtre is our starting point for the study of subjects, authors and important plays. We want to show in this study that the most important point for the new Bulgarian drama after 1989 is the fragmentation o f the self.
    • In Memoriam
    • Thèses récentes en études bulgares
      • Les turcismes dans la langue bulgare contemporaine - Snejana Gadjeva p. 327-328 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Turcisms in the Contemporary Bulgarian Language. In this thesis we study the lexical borrowings from Turkish to Bulgarian, commonly refer- red to as turcisms. The study aims at investigating about the existence of new uses of turcisms. For this purpose, it is based on a corpus selected from contemporary Bulgarian literary works, and supplemented by examples from contemporary newspapers. We also refer to other available lists of turcisms made in the past in order to identify possible changes in the use of these loan- words. The work consists of five chapters. The first raises the issue of defining the concept of linguistic borrowing and determining the criteria for its analysis. The second chapter is devoted to the elucidation of the social context in which the language contact oc- curs, its particularities and its impact on the nature of the loanwords. The third chapter sets turcisms in the context of other changes of the Bulgarian language caused by its contact with Turkish. It provides an inven- tory of turcisms and comments on their classification. The fourth chapter is devoted to the phonetic, graphie, morphosyntactic, semantic and functional changes of the turcisms in Bulgarian. It also analyses the ability of turcisms to serve as a basis of lexical neologisms in Bulgarian. The final chapter offers a reflection on the question of the sense of foreignness expressed by the users towards turcisms.
      • Approche monographique de la traduction littéraire : Proust en bulgare - Anna Vateva p. 329-332 accès libre
      • Les dialectes sociaux européens et les relations « Est - Ouest » dans la linguistique - Gueorgui Armianov p. 333-338 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        European Social Dialects and the Linguistic Contacts 'East-West. This dissertation examines the evolution of European social dialects since their first appearance in the ancient times until now- adays. It analyses the languages/slangs of France, Great Britain, Bułgaria, Russia and Serbia, as well as, to a smaller degree, of some other Slavic countries such as Croatia, the Czech Republic and Poland. The appearance of the first social dialects (slang, jargons and argots), their evolution and internai transformations are described in detail. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic, social and psychological nature of these linguistic formations. The major part of the thesis is dedicated to semantic methods and techniques (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, enantio- semy) and to grammatical processes (suffixation, ellipse, word games) used by speakers for the creation of new words, expressions and meanings in ail types of sociolectes - corporate, professional or secret. Is also examined in details the role of the context as well as different linguistic influences exer- cised on some social dialects in Eastern Europe. The final part of the work is dedicated to the slang lexicographie tradition in Europe. Positive points as well as errors and weak- nesses, problems and their solutions are presented in order to lay a solid basis for the elaboration of a lexicographie model in the field of European sociolectes. The bibliography comprises nearly 300 titles in French, English, Bulgarian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, Slovak, German, Turkish and Spanish. At the end of the study, one сап find several indexes and appendices - of authors, terms and examples used in the study, front pages of books on slang and the surveys used to collect linguistic data.
    • Ouvrages récents en études bulgares
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  • Summaries / Résumés - p. 401-408 accès libre