Contenu du sommaire : Pourquoi étudier ?
Revue |
Agora débats/jeunesse ![]() |
Numéro | no 6, 1996/4 |
Titre du numéro | Pourquoi étudier ? |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Vers un nouveau discours sur les animateurs - Olivier Douard p. 4-6
- Vers un nouveau discours sur les animateurs - Olivier Douard p. 4-6
Dossier "Les débats" : Pourquoi étudier?
- Pourquoi étudier ? - Chantal De Linares p. 7-10
- Paroles d'étudiants. Table ronde - p. 11-15
- Etudier aujourd'hui - Jacky Beillerot p. 16-20
- Poursuivre des études : une norme de génération - Olivier Galland p. 21-30 Given the queries about the value and use of qualifications, data on the professional inclusion of students is really quite reassuring. Nevertheless, a non-negligible proportion of students have little confidence in the value of the training they have received. It is true that students are not necessarily well-inf ormes, and that their situations vary considerably. « Utilitarian » motivation however, does not appear to be the prime reason for their choice of studies. Moreover, the undeniable attraction of « student life » as such is often a sufficient motive for prolonging studies.
- Les écoles d'art : du libre usage du propre - Patrick Talbot p. 31-40 Art colleges, higher education establishments of the Ministry of Culture have undergone very subsaantial changes over the past twenty years. Contrary to other colleges, they give greater importance to a more determinant educational and affective relation than to the relationship with knowledge. Nowadays, these colleges have become places of theoretical and practical learning covering a broad cultural spectrum of disciplines. Since these colleges have no obvious professional finality, their main purpose is to train adultes capable of confronting the complexity of on ever-changing world rather than produce true specialists.
- « On ne naît pas Homme, on le devient... ». Entretien avec Jean-Pierre Obin, inspecteur général de l'Éducation nationale - Jean-Pierre Obin p. 41-44
- À travers les journaux lycéens. Pourquoi et comment étudier au lycée ? - Jacques Gonnet p. 45-50 Reading school magazines is a good way of finding out what young people think of studies. Not only do they call the « institution » as such into question, but also reveal a rather « sweet and sour » appraisal of an uncertain future. The question which occurs most frequently concerns the choice of studies and advice that young people give to one onather. The interest of these magazines is that they present a voice which is quite apart from any commercial circuit. Ans so one can find out about those fears and joys which are rarely espressed in the same way in classical surveys on young people. The problème is that they only represent a minority of young people. It has been estimated that more than three thousand pagazines of this kind are produced in France each year.
- Un rêve a pris corps - Myriam Ziri p. 51-56 The attachment of students to their studies is so strong that they consider them as a necessary stage in their existence despite all the associated hardships. A psy- chanalyst looks at how the aspiration of parents become the choice of the child. For beyond the obligation and sheer pleasure of studying they have found a way of making it both accessible and attractive ; they have harded on a project. This current investment in learning might not last. Therefore it should be seen as an opportunity for society as a whole.
- Des raisons d'étudier - François Dubet p. 57-68 The reasons for studying are never the same. Firstly there is the anticipation of the social "benefits" linked to qualifications. Then there are students who study to achieve a « vacation ». Finally, there are those who simply study so as to participate in student social life. Nowadays, each of these reasons takes on different forms ans it is up to each student to link them together. This makes it possible to define the university hierarchies as university functions. Student mobilisation can hence be understood as the collective expression of these various reasons for studying.
- Pourquoi étudier ? - Chantal De Linares p. 7-10
Dossier "Points de vue"
- Révéler les situations de stigmatisation : un enjeu de citoyenneté - Olivier Noël p. 69-82 This article is the result of four years of observation as « Youth Project Manager » at the Observatory for Professional and Social Inclusion in Languedoc/Roussi I Ion ; It looks at the professional practices and strategies of middle officers (trainers, training and guidancers, counsellors, officials in Job Centres, etc.) in the interface between non-indigenous young people and companies where increasing incidents of stigmatization are brought to light in the course of the hunt for employment or training. It is our moral duty to disclose to both young people and to public opinion the undeniable fact that being of foreign origin constitutes yet a further hurdle to employment for some young people already faced with an uncertain future.
- Aspects conflictuels de la socialisation - Myriam Klinger p. 83-90 The classical approaches to socialization by identifying the actors in the system no longer suffices to understand the passage to adulthood. For although acquiring autonomy merely requires an adjustment of position, a more a less conflictual experience, this process increases in complexity because of the proliferation of references and values, the difficulties families and schools have in finding their bearings and conveying information. The construction of this period of identication and experimentation assumes performance skills which transform the socialization process into a precarious tight rope walk. Analysis suggests that if positions and vales are no longer defined from the outset, adults themselves also become involved in a perspective where experience and fragility are the focal point.
- Femmes : une identité familiale ou professionnelle ? - Bertrand Dubreuil p. 91-100 François de Singly pointed out that non-qualified women tend to commit themselves to a conjugal rather than professional career1. This is the case amongst non-qualified women from a disadvantaged background. Some of them are highly distressed by this single status as child-bearer and mother. The notion of the construction of an identify through professional status seems especially to have caught on in the most disaffected areas. However, the maternal image portrayed through advertising implies a certain standard of living and hence a level of resources unattainable to unemployed young women, even more so given the circumstances of single parenthood which they frequently experience after the birth of a first infant.
- Face aux « mauvais malades » : entre défiance et respect - Goucem Redjimi p. 101-110 In the light of the increased Aids epidemic amongst drug users, new strategies are required with regards to medical and social care. Professionals and politicians alike must measure the gravity of the problem and seek to address it, bearing in mind the psychological difficulties and social isolation of its victims. In the face of such an acute public health issue, the same therapeutic and preventive measures should be made available to all those stricken with the disease, without discrimini- nation. It is one of the principals of human respect and support, a major challenge in the current social and political debate.
- Les mouvements de jeunesse et la formation des élites kurdes - Salih Akin p. 111-122 This article looks at the contribution of youth movements to the training of the Kurdish executives and elite. The emergence of youth organisations is contex- tualized. The organisation of intellectuals and students round legal publications and the search for new forms of combat resulted in 1969 in the foundind of legal voluntary organisation, the DDKO (Revolutionary Cultural Clubs of the East). A close look at activities helps bring to the forefront the methods of political socialization of these militants and training of the executives and elite, further encouraged by the exercising of responsabilité within these clubs.
- Révéler les situations de stigmatisation : un enjeu de citoyenneté - Olivier Noël p. 69-82
Lire, Faire lire
- D'Iribarne (Philippe). Vous serez tous des maîtres. La grande illusion des temps modernes. Paris : Le Seuil, 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 123-124
- Chobeaux (François). Les nomades du vide. Des jeunes en errance, de squats en Festivals, de qares en lieux d'accueil. Arles : Actes Sud, 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 124-125
- Chauvière (Michel), Lenoël (Pierre) et al. (dir.). Protéger 1'enfant. Raison juridique et pratiques socio- judiciaires XIXe-XXe siècles. Rennes : les PUR, 1996 - Vilbrod Alain p. 126
- Bailleau (Francis). Les jeunes face à la justice pénale. Analyse critique de l'application de l'ordonnance de 1945. Paris : SYROS, 1996 - Leomant Christian p. 127
- Gauchet (Marcel) et Padis (Marc Olivier) (dir.). La Genèse de la démocratie. Paris : Michalon , 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 128-129
- Poujol (Geneviève). Des élites de société pour demain. Saint-Agne : Eres, 1996 - Cheroutre Marie-Thérèse p. 129-130
- Hassanain (Abdel-llah). Les Fondements de l'identité culturelle des jeunes d'origine marocaine en France. Casablanca (Maroc) : Imprimerie de l'Entente, 1995 - Douard Olivier p. 130
- FFMJC. 1944. La République des jeunes. Colloque à l'Assemblée Nationale (17-18 Dec. 1994), 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 131
- Arnaud (Pierre). Une histoire des sports. Paris : La Documentation Française, 1995 - Augustin Jean-Pierre p. 131-132
- Dubet (François), et Martuccelli (Danilo). À l'école : sociologie de l'expérience scolaire. Paris : Le Seuil 1996 - De Linares Chantal p. 132-133
- Leziart (Jean). Le métier de lycéen et d'étudiant. Rapport aux savoirs et réussite scolaire. Paris : L'Harmattan, 1996 - p. 134
- Ministère du Travail et des affaires sociales/DARES/DIIJ. Les jeunes et l'emploi. Recherches pluridisciplinaires. Paris : La Documentation Française, 1996 - p. 134
- CEDIAS. Etablissements sanitaires pour adultes. Paris : Cédias-Musée social, 1996 - p. 134
- Grignon (Claude), Gruel (Louis) et Bensoussan (Bernard). Les conditions de vie des étudiants. Paris : La Documentation Française, 1996 - p. 135
- D'Iribarne (Philippe). Vous serez tous des maîtres. La grande illusion des temps modernes. Paris : Le Seuil, 1996 - Bier Bernard p. 123-124
Carnet de champs
- L'invention de la société. De l'élucidation à l'action XVe congrès de l'AISLF, au Portugal, du 8 au 12 juillet 1996 - Roudet Bernard p. 137-138
- Coopération et citoyenneté aujourd'hui pour le monde de demain. Rencontres de l'ICEM-Pédagogie Freinet les 28 et 29 octobre 1996 à Rennes - p. 138
- Dynamique(s) interculturelle(s) : Diversité des espaces/ Spécificités des pratiques Vie congrès de l'ARIC, les 20-25 mai 1996 Université du Québec à Montréal - p. 139
- Travail social, Changement social, Economie solidaire Journées nationales de Formation et de rencontres, Les 9 et 10 octobre 1996 à Pantin - p. 140
- Apprendre et Faire Société Quand des citoyens échangent leurs savoirs MRERS Les 8, 9 et 10 novembre 1996, Évry - p. 140
- Les stages de réalisation ou la culture en actions. Compte rendu du colloque à Avignon, MJS, du 19 au 21 juillet 1996 - Barriolade Denise p. 141
- Aux associations, citoyens ! Assises nationales de Lyon, Les 22 et 23 novembre 1996 - p. 142-143
- Quelle place pour les associations dans la co-élaboration et revaluation dans les contrats de plan État-régions ? CNAJEP/FIAP Jean Monnet, Paris 3 juin 1996 - p. 143
- Crises, le sujet à l'épreuve du social Compte rendu du 14e Forum proPessionnel des Psychologues, du 19 au 22 juin 1996, Montpellier - Weiss Danielle p. 144-145
- Appel d'intention 4e Assises des Activités physiques de pleine nature du 22 au 25 octobre 1997, à l'Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse - p. 145
- Associations d'éducation et pouvoirs publics Université d'été UFCV, Nice, les 30 et 31 août 1996 - p. 145-146
- L'invention de la société. De l'élucidation à l'action XVe congrès de l'AISLF, au Portugal, du 8 au 12 juillet 1996 - Roudet Bernard p. 137-138
Veille informative
- Le Service volontaire européen pour les jeunes - p. 149
- Enquête des clubs UNESCO sur la Famille - p. 150
- Skater la ville. Exposition à TEcomusée de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines octobre 1996 à janvier 1997 - p. 151
- Élevés étrangers ou issus de l'immigration - p. 151
- 50e anniversaire de la création de la FNFR - p. 152
- L'Association Française des Volontaires du progrès (AFVP) - Baccala Gilles p. 152-153
- Groupe d'étude et de recherche sur les mouvements étudiants et les Cahiers du GERME n°1 - p. 154
- Le Service volontaire européen pour les jeunes - p. 149