Contenu du sommaire : Micro-économie appliquée

Revue Economie et prévision Mir@bel
Numéro no 102-103, 1992/1-2
Titre du numéro Micro-économie appliquée
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Micro-économie appliquée

    • Présentation générale - Michel Sollogoub, Pierre Mohnen, David Encaoua p. 1-7 accès libre
    • Pièges et limitations de l'analyse micro-économétrique - Marcel G. Dagenais p. 1-9 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Pitfalls and Limitations in Micro-Econometric Analyses, by Marcel G. Dagenais. Econometric analyses of micro-econometric data can have serious pitfalls and limitations. For certain widely used models, the asymptotic properties of the consistency of estimators may not be verified even for samples of several thousand observations. Another problem is that the validity of the analyses can be limited significantly by errors in the variables or by omitting important non-economic variables.
    • Incertitude, concurrence entre grandes et petites firmes et altération de la relation structure-performance - Sophie Lecostey p. 11-25 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Uncertainty and Competition between Small and Large Firms and Alteration of the Structure-Performance Relationship, by Sophie Lecostey. With uncertainty in demand, large firms competing with smaller, more flexible firms may be led to adopt new strategies. The framework for analyses is a market with dominant firms, the strategic variable being the "degree of competition between dominant firms", actually a reflection of the degree of competition of collusive large firms with their small rivals. The empirical tests from French data suggest that the deterioration in the structure-performance relationship observed is due to industries where the level of demand uncertainty is high.
    • Choix technologiques et stratégies de dissuasion d'entrée - David Encaoua, Bruno Crépon, William James Adams p. 27-36 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Technological Decisions and Entry Dissuasion Strategies, by William James Adams, Bruno Crépon, David Encaoua. A firm may opt for the technology most suitable for maintaining its market power from a number of innovations. It is argued here that market structure is the result of a technological decision. The model is based on the relationship between a firm which is already set up and another one planning on coming in. By determining the minimum unit cost level and efficient size, the existing firm can, under certain conditions, prevent its competitor from moving in on its territory.
    • L'automatisation des petites et moyennes entreprises : étude économétrique - Olivier Gaussens, Bernard Franck p. 37-54 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Electronic-Based Automation in Small- and Medium-sized Firms: An Econometric Study, by Bernard Franck, Olivier Gaussens. This paper deals with the distribution of electronic-based automation of the production facilities in small and medium firms in the Basse Normandie Region. The size and specific dynamism of firms have a positive effect on distribution between firms. Small and medium-sized firms have difficulties in becoming acquainted with the latest technology, partially overcoming this handicap with their vitality. The analysis of intra-f irm distribution shows what the role played by production characteristics is.
    • Commerce international et différenciation des produits : un arbitrage entre exportation et investissement direct - Corinne Barlet p. 55-65 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      International Trade and Product Differentiation: an Arbitration between Export and Direct Investment, by Corinne Barlet. A firm planning to make a breakthrough on foreign market does so either by exporting or directly setting up shop in the foreign country, the choice of the one alternative over the other depending on strategic considerations. Direct investment can thus be preferred over export, even if it turns out to be a more costly operation. The strategic value of direct investment lies in its ability to prevent the entry of a potential competitor on the market, thanks to the suitable choices of the manufactured article.
    • Le rôle de la délégation dans une relation d'agence - J. David Pérez-Castrillo, Inès Macho-Stadler p. 67-77 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The Role of Representation in an Agency Model, by Inès Macho-Stadler, J. David Pérez-Castrillo. This paper analyses two power of agency models in which a principal appoints an agent for a non-observable, productive effort. The difficulty is that the principal also must accomplish an effort which cannot be checked up on either in the area of checking or production, where the agent's interest is at stake. It is profitable for the principal to delegate this task to another agent, thereby separating his objectives from the incentives to his own effort. Our conclusions concern the most appropriate hierarchical structure in an organization on the basis of the characteristics on which our model focuses.
    • Investissement, efficacité et coordination dans l'entreprise - Jacques Thépot, Philippe Michel, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira p. 79-87 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Corporate Investment, Efficiency and Co-ordination, by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Philippe Michel, Jacques Thépot. On the basis of a corporate investment model, a comparison is made between two different types of behaviour, the one being irrational and the other rational. They are set up on the basis of a relationship between the firm's planning and forecasting departments: in the first instance, there is a Nash equilibrium, in the second a Stackelberg one. Irrational behaviour, because of its optimistic and pessimistic expectations, can lead a firm to follow either of two ineffective paths, unproductive over-investment or drastic under-investment.
    • Rachats d'entreprise avec endettement (LBO et MBO) : motivations micro-économiques, effets sur l'efficacité des entreprises et risques macro-économiques - Francois Lecointe, Philippe Ducos, Patrick Artus p. 89-104 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Purchasing Firms with borrowed funds (Leveraged Buyouts and Management Buyouts): Micro-Economic Reasons, Effects on the Efficiency of the Firms and Macro-economic Risks, by Patrick Artus, Philippe Ducos, François Lecointe. After having summarized the main features of the LBO/MBO movement in the United States, we analyzed the microeconomic reasons behind such operations, comparing them to those involving the choice of the leverage of a high debt level and those of mergers and acquisitions, similar to the former in many respects. The typical LBO model is based on asymmetry in information and conflicts between managers and shareholders and the resulting loss of efficiency, in particular, as far as the choice of an investment programme is concerned. The microeconomic benefit of LBOs can however be offset by the increase in bankruptcy risk resulting from the increase in the debt level. It is not sure that, on the whole and at the macroeconomic level, LBOs have favourable effects. Lastly this point is examined from an empirical point of view using macroeconomic data for the United States.
    • Substituabilité partielle des facteurs et efficacité-coût : l'exemple des transports urbain et vicinal belges - Bernard Thiry, Sergio Perelman, Bernard Delhausse p. 105-115 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Partial Substitutability Factors and Efficiency-Cost: the Example of Belgian Urban and Road Transport, by Bernard Delhausse, Sergio Perelman, Bernard Thiry. The purpose of this paper is to measure the efficiency level of urban and inter-city passenger transport firms. The theoretical model allows us to combine both complementary and substitutable inputs. It is obvious that the complementarity between some of the inputs is very strong. The efficiency levels which have been computed bring us to the conclusion that over time, there has been improvement in the firms involved.
    • Croissance de la productivité, rattrapage et innovation : une analyse des secteurs manufacturiers de l'Ocde - Fabienne Fecher p. 117-127 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Growth in Productivity, Catching-up and Innovation: An Analysis of OECD Manufacturing Sectors, by Fabienne Fecher. The purpose of this paper is to test a catching-up model for OECD manufacturing sectors over the 1970-1986 period. This model analyses the effect of both the catching-up process and innovative activity on total factor productivity growth. Total productivity is measured at two levels, that of technological progress and that of technical efficiency. The findings show that the reason for the increase in productivity is twofold: both the catching-up process and innovative activity are involved. It appears that R & D is an important contributor to technological progress while the catching-up process is a significant determinant of efficiency change.
    • Appariement et rotation de la main-d'oeuvre : une analyse théorique et économétrique sur données de panel - Yves Zénou, Gérard Ballot p. 129-142 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Job-Matching and Turnover: A Theoretical and Econometric Analysis on Panel Data, by Gérard Ballot, Yves Zénou. A model which is likely to indicate the determinants of quits and dismissals, showing that, for a given salary, both decrease with seniority, was presented and tested on a panel of French firms. A rigid personal salary and gradually observed characteristics of wage-earners and jobs were examined. The determinants of the two flows are different. Seniority does have the effect it was expected to have but the salary does not always bear the expected sign.
    • Les déterminants individuels de la durée de chômage : de l'intérêt de distinguer les emplois stables des emplois précaires - Patrick Werquin, Xavier Joutard p. 143-156 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Individual Determinants of Unemployment Periods: On the Importance of Distinguishing between Stable Jobs and Unstable Ones, by Xavier Joutard, Patrick Werquin. On the basis of a regional survey for following up the unemployed in an area in the Southeast of France, some unemployment period models, adapted to the semi-Markovian mobility process reveal the determinants of job-finding. The findings show the difference involved in both individual factors and professional experience, based on whether the job that was found is a stable one or a temporary job arrangement.
    • Mobilité et précarisation sur le marché français du travail : une analyse longitudinale pour les années 1986 à 1988 - Thierry Kamionka, Denis Fougère p. 157-178 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Mobility and Short-Term Job Arrangements on the French Job Market: A Longitudinal Analysis for the 1986 to 1988 Period, by Denis Fougère, Thierry Kamionka. This paper deals with estimates based on a "mover-stayer" model using the panelized French Labour Force Survey for 1986 to 1988. Its purpose is to quantify the proportion of workers for a given age bracket who are permanently faced with unemployment situations, unstable job arrangements, or a combination of the two. The findings show that the frequent comings and goings between the two situations, most common among young people, is basically the result of the process of introduction onto the labour market.
    • Quelle importance accordons-nous à la distribution des revenus ? Estimation d'un modèle structurel de redistribution à l'aide de l'Etude luxembourgeoise sur le revenu - Gilles Saint-Paul p. 179-187 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      How important is Income Distribution to Us? Estimate for a Structural Distribution Model using the Luxembourg Study on Income, by Gilles Saint-Paul. A model of political decision-makers' preferences enables us to provide an estimate for the parameters of the aversion to inequality peculiar to each different country, suitable for making international comparisons. The procedure used makes it possible to assess the cost of public transfers and the marginal value of government expenditures.
    • La mobilité hiérarchique des salaires en France de 1967 à 1982 - Alain Bigard, Yves Guillotin p. 189-204 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Hierarchical Mobility of Wages in France from 1967 to 1982, by Yves Guillotin, Alain Bigard. A panel of 42,000 wage-earners was followed from 1967 to 1982. Tables were drawn up tracing their mobility with regard to wage hierarchy. A battery of indices compares data from the tables either on an overall basis or twentile by twentile. The relationships between these indices are examined, as are their variation on the basis of the period under observation. The immobility points are identified.
    • L'évolution de l'inégalité des salaires due aux différences de qualification : une étude d'entreprises françaises, de 1976 à 1987 - Chantal Lugand, Alain Trannoy p. 205-220 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Changes in Wage Inequality Due to Qualification Levels: A Study on French Firms from 1976 to 1987, by Alain Trannoy, Chantai Lugand. This paper analyses the data from a survey on the wages to be found in 161 establishments. This scale is based on the qualification grid for the Metal and Mine Industries Union. Developments in the inequality situation are the result of the changes in the wage grid scale and the changes in staff structure by qualification step. Lack of clarity with regard to structure is the reason why the smaller-step salary scale did not help in reducing inequality in the vast majority of the firms in the sample.
    • Changements structurels : le cas des consommations alimentaires en France de 1949 à 1988 - Pierre Combris p. 221-245 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Structural Changes: The Case of Food Consumption in France from 1949 to 1988, by Pierre Combris. Analyzing changes in food consumption over a long period of time poses the problem of accounting for behavioural change. This paper analyses the stability of household demand functions estimated on an annual time series, using the French National Accounts data from 1949 to 1988. Particular attention is paid to food consumption, and to the existence of structural change in meat consumption, about which a debate is developing in North America and Australia. There is clear evidence that tastes have changed according to the findings of this report.
    • Une confrontation de trois modèles de mariage à partir de l'analyse des transferts ordonnés lors du divorce - Michel Sollogoub, Catherine Sofer p. 247-261 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      A Comparison of Three Marriage Models on the Basis of Property Transfers in Divorce Proceedings, by Catherine Sofer, Michel Sollogoub. What determines the amounts to be transferred decreed by judges when couples get a divorce? The relationship existing between the characteristics of couples filing for a divorce, the conditions involved therein, and the amounts to be transferred, pursuant to the decree of divorce, give us an idea of what judges, and through them, the whole of society, think about marriage. The paper analyzes this relationship on the basis of data on 1681 divorces decreed in 1986 in six French courts, and three marriage models, the consequences of which in terms of divorce transfers are enumerated.
  • Résumés - Summaries - Zusammenfassungen - Resúmenes - p. 264-275 accès libre