Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Economie et prévision |
Numéro | no 145, 2000/4 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- L'inefficacité d'une chaîne de monopoles : une étude expérimentale en situation de négociation répétée - Bernard Ruffieux, Stéphane Robin, Michel Hollard, Alexis Garapin p. 1-18 The inefficiency of a chain of monopolies: an experimental study in a repeated-negotiation situation by Alexis Garapin, Michel Hollard, Stéphane Robin and Bernard Ruffieux Theory (bilateral monopoly, dual marginalisation) shows that a chain of monopolies is less efficient than an integrated monopoly. This result is valid both the joint profits of the bilateral monopolies and in terms of collective surplus. The goal of the present paper is to test the relevance of these theoretical conclusions in an experimental framework. The experimental results only partially confirm the theoretical conclusions. While the merger increases the welfare efficiency of the structure, it does not always increase the joint profit of the monopolies.
- La régulation macro-économique et sectorielle de la démographie d'entreprises - Patricia Renou-Maissant, Jean Bonnet p. 19-40 Macroeconomic and sectoral regulation of the demography of firms by Jean Bonnet and Patricia Renou-Maissant The purpose of this article is to study the renewal of the productive system in France along two dimensions: a macroeconomic dimension supplemented by a branch analysis. The determinants of the demography of firms at macroeconomic level, captured with a vector autoregressive model, show mat, in the long run, an increase in the unemployment rate and an increase in industrial consumption have a positive effect on the formation of new firms whereas an increase in the volume of allocated credits has a negative effect on the formation of new firms and a positive effect on the number of failures. Regulation at branch level of firms' and plants' entries and exits, analysed with a pooling data model, shows a distinction between concentrated sectors and competitive sectors for which activity and profit are determining variables.
- L'influence de la diffusion et de la différenciation des produits sur la dynamique des parts de marché : une application au marché français des semences de maïs - Stéphane Lemarié p. 41-51 The influence of product diffusion and product differentiation on the dynamics of market share: an application to the French market for seed maize by Stéphane Lemarié Empirical analysis of differentiated markets has been the subject of growing interest in the past ten years. Using a simple reduced-form model, the author brings out various significant factors that had not previously been highlighted: the impact of the age of the product during the first stages of diffusion, the impact of a technical accident, the impact of the scale of the firm offering the product. The model is applied to the French seed maize market for the whole of the period 1976-1994.
- Fonction de demande et surplus : une estimation sur des données de panel pour les transports urbains français - Yves Croissant p. 53-66 Demand and surplus functions: estimates based on panel data for French urban transport by Yves Croissant In this article, we present the estimation of a demand function for urban transportation. This is a translog demand function which takes into account income redistribution and which is estimated using panel data for France. Price and income elasticities obtained here are consistent with previous results. Using a flexible functional demand function enables us to construct a surplus function obtained by integration of the demand function.
- Un ré-examen de la relation entre variété et échelle de production à partir de l'industrie automobile - Yannick Lung, Bruno Jetin p. 67-82 A re-examination, based on the automobile industry, of the relationship between variety and scale of production by Bruno Jetin and Yannick Lung Based on specific statistical time-series of product variety and production volume of passenger cars for the main car makers during the period 1950-73 (Europe, USA, Japan), the paper discusses the relationships between and scale of production. It demonstrates that there is no incompatibility between the search for scale economies - associated with mass production - and growth in variety of supply. These results are deduced from an econometric analysis (panel data). A dynamic model of the relation between scale and variety - based on a learning process - is then proposed.
- Contrat avec aversion pour le risque et partage des risques : une application à l'industrie spatiale - Françoise Bastié p. 83-96 Contract with risk-aversion and risk-sharing: an application to the space industry by Françoise Fouquet-Bastié In the French space industry, annexes to the initial contracts provide for risk-sharing between the French space agency and industrial firms. This article examines the sharing of risk in this type of contract. In the model, the principal (the space agency), which is risk-neutral, proposes a contract comprising two prices to an agent (the industrialist) who is risk-averse. Depending on the price chosen by the latter, the principal will or will not audit the industrialist's costs. As a consequence, the audit is in the control of the agent. On this assumption, the risk can either be entirely borne by one of the two parties to the contract or shared between them. The result depends on the agent's degree of risk-aversion and the cost of the effort made. This theoretical analysis is followed by an econometric study aimed at estimating the risk-sharing parameter in contracts between the space agency and industrial firms.
Économie Publique Appliquée
- Présentation générale - Lise Rochaix-Ranson, Denis Phan p. 97-105
- Information et économie publique - Jean-Jacques Laffont p. 107-115 Information and public economics by Jean- Jacques Laffont Taking into account operators' strategic behaviour in response to their private information and the inefficiencies in public decision-making due to the operations of interest groups leads to a more realistic vision of State intervention. Taking four examples - the regulation of natural monopolies, public purchasing policies, the production of public goods and the economics of the environment, the author illustrates the main stages of this new methodology in the field of public economics.
- Diversité exogène des entreprises et justification économique d'une politique d'incitation à la coopération en R&D - Mireille Matt p. 117-130 Exogenous corporate diversity and economic justification for an incentive policy in favour of R&D co-operation by Mireille Matt The main aim of this article is to put forward, using a strategic investment model, an economic justification for the introduction of an incentive policy for co-operation in Research and Development (R&D), of the type implemented by the European Community. This economic justification is based mainly on the introduction of a "spillover parameter" that is different for each of the duopolists, thus making it possible to consider firms to be heterogeneous both in terms of the nature of the research they carry out and in terms of their absorptive capacity. On this assumption of heterogeneity, firms do not spontaneously co-operate in all "spillover" configurations and we show that a policy of incentive to co-operation becomes relevant. Our formalisation makes it possible, in particular, to maintain that it is socially desirable to provide incentives for cooperation between firms that are complementary from a technological point of view, a conclusion which corresponds, in particular, to the aims of the European R&D programmes.
- Modes de négociation dans le secteur agro-alimentaire : efficacité des réformes réglementaires. Une application au cas des légumes transformés - Gaëlle Garnier p. 131-143 Negotiation modes in the agri-food sector: efficiency of regulatory reforms by Gaëlle Garnier France, several forms of organisation of relations between industrialists and fanners have been declared unlawful by the of Justice of the European Communities. This paper attempts to assess the justification for European Community in the processed vegetables sector. The article shows that, in welfare terms, the form of negotiation imposed by the Communities is preferable to that introduced by French regulation at the beginning of the 1960s. It turns out that a form of negotiation applied to prices and functioning at the level of the region of production is, overall, more than a centralised form of negotiation at national level, of the inter-professional type. However, it also shows that negotiation is not sufficient and that providing subsidies to agricultural production would make it possible to the first-order optimum.
- Choix de mécanismes incitatifs dans les contrats agri-environnementaux - Michel Trommetter, Alban Richard p. 145-155 The choice of incentive mechanisms in agri-environmental contracts by Alban Richard and Michel Trommetter In the light of economic and environmental objectives, agri-environmental measures seek the incentive mechanism best suited to reduce the level of negative externalities or to generate positive externalities in farms. The objective of this paper is to build a model of the interaction between public authorities and farmers. This model of the sequential-behaviour type (possibility of revising some decisions), indispensable for tackling dynamic interactions between governmental decisions and farmers, by making allowance for unforeseen events and for a learning process in the course of the contract. The simulations show the respective influence of the variables, in the model, on the optimal level of incentive for heterogeneous farmers.
- Les pays d'Europe peuvent-ils reproduire la réforme électrique de l'Angleterre ? Une analyse institutionnelle comparative - Jean-Michel Glachant p. 157-168 Can continental European countries replicate the English electricity reform? A comparative institutional analysis by Jean-Michel Glachant The new English electricity system launched in April 1990 was not reproduced by other European reforming countries. Institutions have played a major role, since reforms in the electricity industry involve two particular sets of institution: institutions internal to the industry and others in the national institutional environment. A comparative study of England, Germany and Norway shows that the English institutional regime for electricity reform is too specific to be a model for all European countries and for the European Union authorities.
- Coûts de transaction et choix contractuels : un test économétrique sur une entreprise publique - Stéphane Saussier p. 169-180 Transactions costs and contractual choice: an econometric test taking a public-sector enterprise by Stéphane Saussier This paper examines the form taken by inter-firm contracts in the light of transactions-costs theory. We maintain that agents' contractual choice is explained by a desire to reduce transactions costs. In order to test the conclusions deduced from the theory, we built up a database of contracts representing the totality of the contractual relationships between Electricité de France and its coal transporters over the period 1977-1997. In a first stage, we explore the factors that may explain the form of contracts in the framework of transactions-cost theory (first part). Refutable propositions are put forward and tested (second part), together with a description of the contractual relations between EDF and its suppliers (third part). The conclusions derived from transactions-cost theory are confirmed by our study.
- Résumés - Summaries - p. 181-185