Contenu du sommaire : Les petites paysanneries des arrière-pays montagneux et forestiers

Revue Revue de Géographie Alpine Mir@bel
Numéro vol. 107, no 3, 2019
Titre du numéro Les petites paysanneries des arrière-pays montagneux et forestiers
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Les petites paysanneries des arrière-pays montagneux et forestiers. Contextes, contraintes et stratégies - Mohamed Raouf Saïdi accès libre
  • Small Farmers in Mountainous and Forested Hinterlands. Contexts, Constraints and Strategies - Mohamed Raouf Saïdi accès libre
  • Les parcs agroforestiers d'Azilal (Maroc) : une construction paysagère pluri-séculaire et toujours vivante - Aude Nuscia Taïbi, Mustapha El Hannani, Yahia El Khalki, Aziz Ballouche accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
    Le Haut Atlas central marocain dans la région de Beni Mellal-Khenifra (Province d'Azilal) est caractérisé par des paysages fortement anthropisés comme dans toutes les régions de moyenne montagne du Maroc. Il s'agit de parcs arborés construits par la population rurale amazighe dans un contexte d'agriculture vivrière pluviale (bour), associée à l'élevage extensif, principalement ovin et caprin. Les paysages très ouverts sont dominés par des formations pré-forestières d'arbres hors forêt (chênes verts dominants) sélectionnés dans les champs. Des analyses dendrochronologiques sur des chênes verts de la commune d'Agoudi N'Lkhir, montrent qu'un grand nombre est âgé de 200 à 300 ans et leur traitement régulier par recépage à longue rotation (séculaire) fait remonter la structure du parc arboré à au moins 500 à 600 ans. Malgré cet ancrage historique ancien, ces formations fortement anthropisées sont souvent abordées en termes de dégradation tout comme les processus morphogéniques, marqués localement par une forte érosion. Pourtant, les observations de terrain et des analyses diachroniques à partir d'images satellites et photographies aériennes montrent que ces parcs arborés, loin d'être des reliques de paysages passés, sont toujours vivaces et entretenus par les populations rurales, car ils continuent à proposer de multiples fonctions vitales et conservent un rôle social important dans ces contextes montagnards du Haut Atlas central marocain rudes et enclavés.
    The Moroccan Central High Atlas in the Beni Mellal - Khenifra region (Azilal Province) is characterized by highly anthropized landscapes as in all the medium mountain regions of Morocco. These are tree parks built by the rural Amazigh population in a context of rainfed food agriculture (bour), associated with extensive livestock farming, mainly sheep and goats. The very open landscapes are dominated by pre-forest formations of trees outside the forest (dominant holm oaks) selected in the fields. Dendrochronological analyses on holm oaks in the municipality of Agoudi N'Lkhir show that a large number of them are 200 to 300 years old and their regular treatment by long rotation (secular) grape varieties raises the structure of the tree park to at least 500 to 600 years. Despite this ancient historical foundation, these highly anthropized formations are often approached in terms of degradation, as are morphogenic processes, which are locally marked by strong erosion. However, field observations and diachronic analyses based on satellite images and aerial photographs show that these tree-lined parks, far from being relics of past landscapes, are still perennial and maintained by rural populations, as they continue to offer multiple vital functions and retain an important social role in these harsh and isolated mountainous contexts of the Moroccan Central High Atlas.
  • The agroforestry parks of Azilal (Morocco): a centuries-old and still living landscape construction - Aude Nuscia Taïbi, Mustapha El Hannani, Yahia El Khalki, Aziz Ballouche accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The Moroccan Central High Atlas in the Beni Mellal - Khenifra region (Azilal Province) is characterized by highly anthropized landscapes as in all the medium mountain regions of Morocco. These are tree parks built by the rural Amazigh population in a context of rainfed food agriculture (bour), associated with extensive livestock farming, mainly sheep and goats. The very open landscapes are dominated by pre-forest formations of trees outside the forest (dominant holm oaks) selected in the fields. Dendrochronological analyses on holm oaks in the municipality of Agoudi N'Lkhir show that a large number of them are 200 to 300 years old and their regular treatment by long rotation (secular) grape varieties raises the structure of the tree park to at least 500 to 600 years. Despite this ancient historical foundation, these highly anthropized formations are often approached in terms of degradation, as are morphogenic processes, which are locally marked by strong erosion. However, field observations and diachronic analyses based on satellite images and aerial photographs show that these tree-lined parks, far from being relics of past landscapes, are still perennial and maintained by rural populations, as they continue to offer multiple vital functions and retain an important social role in these harsh and isolated mountainous contexts of the Moroccan Central High Atlas.
  • La labellisation, (re)qualification ou disqualification des marges ? Le cas du safran à Taliouine (Anti-Atlas, Maroc) - Mari Oiry Varacca accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
    L'article porte sur l'obtention de labels pour des produits agricoles cultivés dans des régions de montagne marginalisées. Au Maroc, la labellisation est présentée par les pouvoirs publics comme une nouvelle manière de requalifier des espaces laissés pour compte en faisant reconnaître leurs singularités et la qualité des produits certifiés. Pourtant, elle peut renforcer les différences entre espaces, en revaloriser certains et en disqualifier d'autres, exclure des acteurs et attiser les conflits. Est proposée ici une lecture critique de ces processus de labellisation : sont-ils vraiment à même de réduire la marginalité d'un espace et les inégalités sociales ? La réflexion se base sur la labellisation du safran de Taliouine, région du sud du Maroc longtemps délaissée par les pouvoirs publics au point qu'elle reste une terre d'émigration. L'article étudie comment, à travers le processus de labellisation, se négocient des représentations du territoire et des savoirs agricoles différents. Il analyse le point de vue des acteurs ordinaires, autrement dit des petits paysans qui s'estiment exclus du processus. Au-delà des tensions révélées et amplifiées par la labellisation, ce travail montre les arrangements que trouvent ces derniers et les résistances qu'ils mettent en œuvre pour « faire avec » la labellisation et lutter contre la marginalisation, parfois sans le label.
    This article examines how agricultural products from marginalised mountain regions in Morocco manage to get labels. The country's public authorities present labelling as a new way of requalifying areas that have previously been left behind. They do this by recognising the areas' uniqueness and the quality of their certified products. However, this labelling can also exacerbate differences between spaces, revalue some, disqualify others, exclude certain actors and stir up conflicts. A critical reading of these labelling processes is offered here. Are these processes really capable of shrinking not only a particular space's marginality but also social inequality? The discussion focuses on the labelling of saffron from Taliouine, a region in southern Morocco that has long been neglected by the public authorities to such a degree that it is a land of emigration. The article considers how different representations of the territory and agricultural knowledge are negotiated through the labelling process. It analyses the perspectives of ordinary players: small farmers who view themselves as being excluded from the process. Beyond the tensions that are revealed and amplified by the labelling, this work shows the arrangements and ways of resisting that are found in order to “make do with” labelling and fight against marginalisation – sometimes without having a label.
  • Labelling, (re)qualifying and disqualifying marginal spaces. The case of saffron in Taliouine (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) - Mari Oiry Varacca accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article examines how agricultural products from marginalised mountain regions in Morocco manage to get labels. The country's public authorities present labelling as a new way of requalifying areas that have previously been left behind. They do this by recognising the areas' uniqueness and the quality of their certified products. However, this labelling can also exacerbate differences between spaces, revalue some, disqualify others, exclude certain actors and stir up conflicts. A critical reading of these labelling processes is offered here. Are these processes really capable of shrinking not only a particular space's marginality but also social inequality? The discussion focuses on the labelling of saffron from Taliouine, a region in southern Morocco that has long been neglected by the public authorities to such a degree that it is a land of emigration. The article considers how different representations of the territory and agricultural knowledge are negotiated through the labelling process. It analyses the perspectives of ordinary players: small farmers who view themselves as being excluded from the process. Beyond the tensions that are revealed and amplified by the labelling, this work shows the arrangements and ways of resisting that are found in order to “make do with” labelling and fight against marginalisation – sometimes without having a label.
  • Dynamiques rurales et conservation forestière dans le Nord de la Tunisie - Amor Mokhtar Gammar accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
    Cet article examinera d'abord les causes de la crise forestière en Tunisie, héritée du protectorat français et associée aux politiques agricoles et forestières suivies par l'État. Les réglementations forestières strictes n'ont pas réussi à contenir la pression démographique accrue sur les terres forestières. Ceci est principalement dû à la crise de l'agriculture traditionnelle qui a été minée par l'expansion de l'exploitation moderne et productiviste dans les grands bassins de production, favorisée par les politiques agricoles de l'État et soutenue par un encadrement urbain puissant. Ensuite, cet article montrera comment, au cours des dernières décennies, la multiplicité des dynamiques rurales originales tend à donner de nouvelles caractéristiques bien spécifiques aux populations rurales et à leurs territoires dans les forêts de montagne. Il se concentre en particulier sur des questions telles que le remodelage des densités rurales, la diversification des revenus dans les campagnes et le développement des filières à vocation paysanne. Ces transformations allègent la pression de la population sur les terres forestières, et elles modifient surtout les relations homme-végétation, allant vers une réconciliation entre les paysans et les forêts. Elles appellent donc à repenser les politiques forestières afin d'intégrer clairement les paysans riverains dans les bases de la gestion et l'aménagement forestiers. paysannerie, forêt méditerranéenne, Tunisie, politiques forestières, conservation forestière
    This paper will first examine the causes of the ongoing forest crisis that was inherited from the French protectorate and that is associated with the agricultural and forest policies followed by the Tunisian government. Strict forest regulations have failed to contain increased population pressure on forest lands. This is mainly due to the crisis of traditional agriculture that has been undermined by large and modern production-driven exploitation of large basins, which is promoted by the agricultural policies of the state and supported by a powerful urban framework. Then, this article will show how, in recent decades, the multiplicity of original rural dynamics tends to give new clear-cut characteristics to the rural populations and their territories in the mountain forests. In particular, it focuses on issues like the reshaping of rural communities, diversification of peasants' income generation activities, and the dynamism of certain peasant economy. These sufficiently advanced changes are lightening the pressure of the population on the forest lands, and they especially modify Man-vegetation relationships, towards the reconciliation between the peasants and the forests. They therefore call for a re-thinking of forest policies to clearly integrate resident peasants into forest management and development.
  • Rural Dynamics and Forest Conservation in Northern Tunisia - Amor Mokhtar Gammar accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This paper will first examine the causes of the ongoing forest crisis that was inherited from the French protectorate and that is associated with the agricultural and forest policies followed by the Tunisian government. Strict forest regulations have failed to contain increased population pressure on forest lands. This is mainly due to the crisis of traditional agriculture that has been undermined by large and modern production-driven exploitation of large basins, which is promoted by the agricultural policies of the state and supported by a powerful urban framework. Then, this article will show how, in recent decades, the multiplicity of original rural dynamics tends to give new clear-cut characteristics to the rural populations and their territories in the mountain forests. In particular, it focuses on issues like the reshaping of rural communities, diversification of peasants' income generation activities, and the dynamism of certain peasant economy. These sufficiently advanced changes are lightening the pressure of the population on the forest lands, and they especially modify Man-vegetation relationships, towards the reconciliation between the peasants and the forests. They therefore call for a re-thinking of forest policies to clearly integrate resident peasants into forest management and development.
  • Essor du maraîchage à visée uniquement locale dans le Pharak, région touristique de l'Everest, Népal - Abadia Céline, Aubriot Olivia, Smadja Joëlle, Vaillant Michel, Oswald Marc accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
    Le Pharak, traversé par le chemin de trekking de l'Everest, voit défiler chaque année des milliers de randonneurs venus découvrir les paysages de haute montagne du Khumbu. Autrefois terre d'élevage, cette région est le théâtre d'importants changements socio-économiques depuis le début des années 1970. La population, essentiellement Sherpa, y délaisse peu à peu les activités agro-pastorales pour s'impliquer dans les métiers du tourisme. En générant des retombées économiques, en créant de la demande et en captant une partie de la main-d'œuvre, le tourisme engendre des modifications de l'agriculture de la région. Les échanges marchands se multiplient et l'on assiste à une reconfiguration du paysage agraire en fonction des opportunités de marché. Le maraîchage, notamment, prend de l'ampleur et fait l'objet d'un nouveau commerce local. Cet article a pour objectif de mettre en évidence le caractère original de ce mode d'exploitation du milieu qui s'est développé de pair avec l'essor du tourisme, mais indépendamment de la croissance des villes et de la construction des routes.
    Pharak region, traversed by the Everest trekking route, sees thousands of hikers every year who come to discover the Khumbu high-mountain landscapes. Formerly a land of pasture, this region has been the scene of significant socio-economic changes since the early 1970s. The population, mainly Sherpa, is gradually abandoning agro-pastoral activities to become more involved in the tourism industry. By generating economic benefits, creating demand and capturing a portion of the labour force, tourism is engendering important transformations in agriculture in the region. Trade exchanges are on the increase and we are witnessing a reconfiguration of the agrarian landscape according to market opportunities. Market gardening, in particular, is gaining momentum and is the subject of a new local business. Based on this example, this article aims to highlight the originality of this way of exploiting the environment, which has developed along with the growth of tourism, yet independently of urban growth and road construction.
  • Growth of market gardening for local sales in the Mount Everest tourist region of Pharak, Nepal - Abadia Céline, Aubriot Olivia, Smadja Joëlle, Vaillant Michel, Oswald Marc accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Pharak region, traversed by the Everest trekking route, sees thousands of hikers come through each year to discover the Khumbu high-mountain landscapes. Formerly a region devoted to livestock farming, Pharak has experienced significant socio-economic changes since the early 1970s. The predominantly Sherpa population is gradually abandoning agro-pastoral activities in favour of greater participation in the tourism industry. By generating economic benefits, creating demand and capturing part of the labour force, tourism is engendering important transformations in the region's agriculture. Trade is on the increase and market opportunities are reconfiguring the agrarian landscape. Market gardening, in particular, is gaining momentum and has become a new local business. This article highlights the originality of this mode of farming, which has developed in tandem with the growth of tourism but independently of the growth of cities and the construction of roads.
  • Les arrière-pays montagneux et forestiers comme ligne de front. Petites paysanneries et petites gens dans l'œuvre de Pierre Deffontaines - Antoine Huerta accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
    Cet article se propose d'analyser les travaux de Pierre Deffontaines sur la montagne et la forêt faisant la part belle aux petites paysanneries méditerranéennes, les présentant sous un jour nouveau. Géographe de terrain, il eut l'occasion de parcourir longuement les montagnes méditerranéennes et d'en étudier les populations rurales. Outre ce goût personnel, cette petite paysannerie a une place importante dans sa conception de la géographie, elle forme le front de la colonisation et permet d'éclairer un concept clé de sa géographie : les petites gens. Cet article traite cet aspect parfois méconnu des productions de Deffontaines où l'étude de ces populations et des formes agropastorales qui leur sont liées est d'une grande importance. Ceci questionne à la fois la façon dont Deffontaines pense la petite paysannerie dans une perspective historique, géographique et ethnographique. Mais aussi la place accordée à cet auteur dans le cadre de la géographie française de l'époque classique dans une logique d'étude historique et épistémologique. Pierre Deffontaines en 1948 développe une géographie de la transparence laissant peu de place aux problématiques. L'exemple méditerranéen est particulièrement marquant dans son œuvre du fait qu'il soutient la thèse d'une fonction pionnière des Méditerranées dans le peuplement et la prise de contrôle de la terre par les humains. L'origine du monde est alors à ses yeux en partie dans les arrière-pays montagneux et forestiers méditerranéens.
    This article aims to analyse Pierre Deffontaines' work on mountains and forests, focusing on small Mediterranean farmers, presenting them in a new light. As a field geographer, he had the opportunity to travel extensively through the Mediterranean mountains and study their rural populations. In addition to this personal taste, this small peasantry has an important place in his conception of geography, it forms the front of colonization ; it makes it possible to clarify a key concept of his geography : the small people (petites gens). This article deals with some unknown aspect of Deffontaines' productions where the study of these populations and the agropastoral forms associated with them is of great importance. This questions both the way Deffontaines thinks small farmers from a historical, geographical and ethnographic perspective. But also the place given to this author in the context of French geography of the classical period in a logic of historical and epistemological study. Pierre Deffontaines in 1948 developed a geography of transparency that left little room for problems. The Mediterranean example is particularly striking in his work because it supports the thesis of a pioneering function of the Mediterranean in the settlement and control of the land by humans. In his opinion, the origin of the world is then partly in the mountainous hinterlands and Mediterranean woodlands.
  • Mountainous and forested hinterlands as a front line.Small peasants and petite gens in the work of Pierre Deffontaines - Antoine Huerta accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article aims to analyse Pierre Deffontaines' work on mountains and forests, focusing on small Mediterranean farmers, presenting them in a new light. As a field geographer, he had the opportunity to travel extensively through the Mediterranean mountains and study their rural populations. In addition to this personal taste, this small peasantry has an important place in his conception of geography, it forms the front of colonization ; it makes it possible to clarify a key concept of his geography : the small people (petites gens). This article deals with some unknown aspect of Deffontaines' productions where the study of these populations and the agropastoral forms associated with them is of great importance. This questions both the way Deffontaines thinks small farmers from a historical, geographical and ethnographic perspective. But also the place given to this author in the context of French geography of the classical period in a logic of historical and epistemological study. Pierre Deffontaines in 1948 developed a geography of transparency that left little room for problems. The Mediterranean example is particularly striking in his work because it supports the thesis of a pioneering function of the Mediterranean in the settlement and control of the land by humans. In his opinion, the origin of the world is then partly in the mountainous hinterlands and Mediterranean woodlands.